Letters of Support Process for Research
Osteoporosis Canada will provide letters of support to osteoporosis researchers to support applications forexternal funding, where the researcher has an established track record in quality research.
Providing letters of support to researchers does not indicate commitment of funds or in-kind servicesunless specifically stated.
Osteoporosis Canadais working towards a future where all Canadians will be knowledgeable about osteoporosis, be empowered to make informed choices about their bone health, have access to the best osteoporosis care and support and benefit from research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.
To this end Osteoporosis Canadawill provide letters of support wheresuch a letter of support is warranted and deserved.
Requests of Osteoporosis Canada’s resources are to be forwarded to the Clinical and Scientific Programs Manager for review by the appropriate advisory committees or senior leadership.
- Any request for a letter of support or reference, regardless of the source, will be approved by theClinical and Scientific Programs Manager and theCEO.
- No request will be considered unless the following documents or reasonable alternatives havebeen provided (email is acceptable):
a)A lay summary of the proposed research.
b)Proof that the research will be conducted at an accredited academic institution.
c)The proposed reference letter the researcher wishes endorsed by Osteoporosis Canada, an indication of the required format (electronic or hard copy), and address/email to which the letter should be sent.
- The request for letter of support and required documentation by non Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) membersmust be submitted at least 1 month prior to the date it is required. Two weeks are required for SAC Members.
- For Osteoporosis Canada to provide letters of support for researchers:
a)The research should be relevant to Osteoporosis Canada’s mission;
b) The researchers should be affiliated with an established organization with credibility in research related to osteoporosis, such as accredited academic institutions;
c)The researchers agree to share the study findings with Osteoporosis Canada, by webinar or other appropriate means
- Upon acceptance of the request for a letter of support, the letter will be provided /endorsed bythe Clinical and Scientific Programs Manager to the researcher. The letter will be sent to the address indicated by the researcher. Any courier costs will be the responsibility of the researcher.
- All letters of support will be finalized and signed by the President and CEO or delegate within one month of receiving request and supporting documents.
- Unless specifically stated, any letter of support endorsed by Osteoporosis Canada will not be interpretedas commitment of financial or in-kind support, or any other form of partnership.
- The researcher will inform Osteoporosis Canada whether they were successful or not at capturing funding.
Letter Of Support – Review Checklist
(ToBe Completed by the Researcher)
Requests, included with a completed checklist, must be received at least 1 month before the letter of support is required.
Contact Name: / Grant Application Deadline:Phone: / Email:
Date Request Made: / Date letter required:
Granting Organization:
Lay Title of Research Proposal:
Institution where the research will be conducted:
A lay summary of the proposed research
Proof that the research will be conducted at an accredited academic institution
Theproposed reference letter the researcher wishes endorsed by Osteoporosis Canada, an indication of the required format (electronic or hard copy) and addresses/email to which the letter should be sent
The research is relevant to Osteoporosis Canada’s mission
The researchers are affiliated with an established organization with credibility in research related to osteoporosis, such as accredited academic institutions
The study organizers agree to share the study findings with Osteoporosis Canadaby webinar or other appropriate means
Kerry Grady, Senior Manager of Clinical and Scientific Programs at Osteoporosis Canada
Submitted by: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
June 2014