Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton on 27 August 2013 at 7.00pm.
Kelvin Tori
Visitors to the Gallery please note:
Proceedings at Council meetings are controlled by the Chairperson. The Chairperson is empowered to enforce the provision of Council’s Local Law, which includes the following aspects;
- Silence must be maintained by members of the public in the gallery at all times. A visitor to the gallery must not interject or take part in the debate that occurs in the Chamber.
- Members of the public in the gallery must not operate recording equipment at a Council or Special Committee Meeting without the prior written consent of Council.
- Question time is available at every Ordinary Meeting to enable members of the public to address questions to Council. All questions must be received by the Chief Executive Officer or other person nominated for this purpose no later than:
ii)5pm on the day of the Ordinary Meeting if questions are submitted by electronic medium as per Council website directions.
A person must not submit more than two (2) individual questions at a meeting, inclusive of all parts and variants as interpreted by the Chairperson or other person authorised for this purpose by the Chairperson. The person directing the question must be present in the gallery at the time the question is to be dealt with for it to be valid.
- It is an offence for any person, not being a Councillor, who is guilty of any improper or disorderly conduct to not leave the meeting when requested by the Chairperson to do so.
- It is an offence for any person to fail to obey a direction of the Chairperson relating to the conduct of the meeting and the maintenance of order.
A penalty unit for a Local Law made under Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989 is $100 in accordance with s110(2) of the Sentencing Act 1991.
Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
Table of Contents
1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement5
2.Apologies and Leave of Absence5
3.Change to the Order of Business5
5.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor 5
6.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings5
7.Correspondence Inward6
7.1Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters received by the Mayor6
Mr Ian Dobbs, Chief Executive, Public Transport Victoria – Melton Rail Duplication.
8.Petitions and Joint Letters8
9.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting 9
9.1Delegations of Authority exercised - 1 January 2013 to 31 July 20139
To advise Council of Delegations of Authority exercised for the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013.
9.2Annual Accelerated Sealing Program58
To seek Council endorsement for the works proposed in the Annual Accelerated Sealing Program.
9.3Notice of Motion 364 (Cr Majdlik) Local Women's Recognition Award61
9.4Notice of Motion 365 (Cr Majdlik) Sister City Program62
10.Public Question Time63
11.Presentation of Staff Reports64
11.1Authorising of Affixing The Common Seal of Council64
For Council to adopt the schedule of documents (Appendix 1) requiring the Common Seal of Council.
11.2Djerriwarrh Festival Committee Minutes 29 July 201368
Presentation of the unconfirmed minutes of Djerriwarrh Festival Advisory Committee meeting held on Monday 29 July 2013.
11.3Suburb Naming Advisory Committee Minutes 8 August 201372
To inform Council of the minutes of the Suburb Naming Advisory Committee meeting held on 8 August 2013.
11.4Draft Annual Financial Statements, Standard Statements and Performance Statement - 30 June 2013 76
To have Council approve in principle the draft Annual Financial Statements, Standard Statements and Performance Statement for 30 June 2013 prior to them being submitted to Council’s auditor, in accordance with sections 131 (7) and 132 (6) of the Local Government Act 1989.
11.5Community Safety Committee Minutes 27 June 201378
To present the minutes of the Community Safety Committee meeting held on 27 June 2013.
11.6Melton Weir Development Advisory Committee Minutes 3 July 201385
To present to Council the minutes of the Melton Weir Development Advisory Committee meeting held on 3 July 2013.
11.7Early Years Partnership Meeting Minutes 20 June 201391
To present to Council the minutes of the Early Years Partnership meeting held on 20 June 2013.
11.8Planning Application PA2012/3825 - Multi lot staged residential subdivision and removal of native vegetation At 1256 Mount Cottrell Road, Melton South 97
To consider a planning application for a multi lot staged residential subdivision and removal of native vegetation at 1256 Mount Cottrell Road, Melton South.
11.9Planning Application PA 2012/3755 and Development Plan Application DP2012/005 - Construction of two double-storey dwellings at the rear of an existing dwelling At 13 Speargrass Drive, Hillside 112
To consider a Development Plan and Planning Permit Application for the construction of two double storey dwellings at the rear of an existing dwelling at 13 Speargrass Drive, Hillside.
11.10Melton Planning Scheme - Amendment C151 A site specific exclusion and incorporated document to allow the use and development of 1992-2106 Western Highway, Rockbank for a horse riding school 129
To consider a request to amend the Melton Planning Scheme by inserting a new incorporated document into the Schedule to Clause 52.03 (Specific Sites and Exclusions), and the Schedule to Clause 81 – to allow the use and development of the site for a horse riding school to be used by the Riding for the Disabled Association Victoria.
11.11Melton Planning Scheme - Amendment C144 & PA2013/3989 Application for rezoning at 2 - 4, 6 - 8, 24 and 26 Outlook Ride and 2 Gunnawarra Road, Kurunjang and subdivision at 6-8, 24 and 26 Outlook Ride, Kurunjang 147
To consider the preparation and exhibition of a section 96A amendment to the Melton Planning Scheme to rezone land at 2 – 4, 6 – 8, 24 and 26 Outlook Ride and 2 Gunnawarra Road, Kurunjang from Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) to a Residential 1 Zone (R1Z) and the residential subdivision of the land at 6 – 8, 24 and 26 Outlook Ride, Kurunjang.
11.12Melton Planning Scheme Amendment - C141Realignment of the Urban Floodway Zone at 868-898 Melton Highway, Hillside 157
To consider the adoption of Planning Scheme Amendment C141 which realigns the boundary of the Urban Floodway Zone at 868-898 Melton Highway, Hillside.
11.13Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 28 June 2013165
To consider the minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held on 28 June 2013.
11.14Melton Planning Scheme - Amendment C135
683-687 and 761-797 High Street, Melton West171
To consider the adoption of Amendment C135 to the Melton Planning Scheme at 683-687 and 761-797 High Street, Melton West.
11.15Local Government Referendum Update205
To inform Council of a recent decision by the Australian Government to cancel a scheduled referendum considering the constitutional status of local government.
11.16Werribee River Trail Strategy207
To present to Council the final version of the Werribee River Shared Trail Strategy and to request that Council adopt the strategy.
12.Reports from Delegates Appointed by Council to Other Bodies305
13.Councillor Representations and Acknowledgments305
13.1Public Address by each Councillor305
13.2Record of Assembly of Councillors in accordance with Section 80A(1) of the Local Government Act 305
14.Notices of Motion309
15.Councillor’s Questions Without Notice309
16.Motions without Notice309
17.Urgent Business309
18.Confidential Business310
18.1Property Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) Meeting 30311
To consider the minutes of the Property Development Advisory Committee from the 30 July 2013 (meeting number 30).
18.2Awarding of Contract for the construction of the Arnolds Creek Recreation Reserve 321
To advise Council that the tender assessment for the construction of the Arnolds Creek Recreation Reserve has been completed and a recommendation is presented to Council.
19.Close of Business327
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement
The Chairperson will read the opening prayer and reconciliation statement.
“Almighty God we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy blessing upon this Council, direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of Thy glory and the welfare of the people whom we serve – Amen.”
Reconciliation Statement
Melton City Council acknowledges that the land it now occupies has a history that began with the Indigenous occupants, the Kulin Nation. Council pays its respects to the Kulin Nation people and their Elders and descendants past and present.
2.Apologies and Leave of Absence
The Chairperson will call for any apologies received from any Councillors who are unable to attend this meeting.
5.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor
Pursuant to Section 77A, 77B, 78 and 79 of the Local Government Act 1989, any Councillor must declare any direct or indirect interest, and any conflict of interest, in any items contained within the Notice Paper.
6.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Recommendation:That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Councilheld on 23 July 2013be confirmed as a true and correct record.
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
7.Correspondence Inward
7.1Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters received by the Mayor
Mr Ian Dobbs, Chief Executive, Public Transport Victoria – Melton Rail Duplication.Recommendation:
That the Parliamentarian and Departmental letters received by the Mayor be received and noted.
List of Appendices
1. / Correspondence from Public Transport VictoriaPage 1
Ordinary Meeting of CouncilItem 7.1Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters received by the Mayor
Appendix 1Correspondence from Public Transport Victoria / 27 August 2013
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
8.Petitions and Joint Letters
The Chief Executive will table any petitions and/or joint letters received prior to this meeting.
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
9.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting
9.1Delegations of Authority exercised - 1 January 2013 to 31 July 2013
Author: Christie Shields- Governance Officer
Presenter: Ian Stewart- Acting General Manager Corporate Services
Purpose of Report
To advise Council of Delegations of Authority exercised for the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013.Recommendation:
That the report be received for information.
1.Executive Summary
Delegations exercised for the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013are detailed in Appendices 1, 2 and 3.
Council at its meeting held on 25 June 2013 reviewed and updated its Delegations of Authority. Section 98 of the Local Government Act 1989 sets out that:
A Council may by Instrument of Delegation delegate to a member of its staff any power, duty or function of a Council under this Act or any other Act other than -
1.This power of delegation; and
2.The power to declare a rate or charge; and
3.The power to borrow money; and
4.The power to approve any expenditure not contained in a budget approved by the Council; and
5.Any power, duty or function of the Council under Section 223; and
6.Any prescribed power.
The Chief Executive may also delegate any power to a member of Council staff to exercise any of his duties, powers or functions, except for his power to delegate.
Attached as Appendices 1, 2 and 3 are the delegations for the period 1 January 2013 to
30 June 2013. They are set out in three categories, General, Planning and Building.
3.Council Plan Reference and Policy Reference
The Melton City Council 2013-2017 Council Plan references:
2. A Well Governed and Leading Organisation: Operating with innovation, transparency, accountability and sustainability.
2.6 Ensure timely compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
4.Financial Considerations
There are no financial considerations regarding this report.
5.Consultation/Public Submissions
There is no requirement for consultation or public submissions in consideration of this item.
6.Risk Analysis
Reporting to Council significant delegations exercised by Officers provides oversight and limits the risk of inappropriate use of delegated authorities.
There are no options in consideration of this item.
List of Appendices
1. / Various Delegations exercised2. / Planning
3. / Building
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
9.2Annual Accelerated Sealing Program
Author: Les Stokes- Engineering Services Manager
Presenter: Luke Shannon- General Manager Planning and Development
Purpose of Report
To seek Council endorsement for the works proposed in the Annual Accelerated Sealing Program.Recommendation:
That Council endorse the roads for sealing as shown in Appendix 1 under the Accelerated Sealing Program for 2013/14 and beyond.
1.Executive Summary
Council has committed $1 million in the 2013/14 financial year for the continuation of the Accelerated Road Sealing Program. This report seeks Council endorsement of the priority list of roads suitable under this program.
In the 2012/2013 financial year Council commenced an Accelerated Sealing Program in the Exford area. This program has recently seen the sealing of 6.3km of unsealed road on the following roads Murphy's Road, Telephone Road, Staughton Siding Road and Wollombi Road for approximately $1 million.
Accelerated Sealing is the application of a light weight seal to improve the amenity for local residents by eliminating dust from vehicles travelling on gravel road surfaces. It also provides improved ride quality and reduces existing maintenance requirements of Council.
For a road to be fully constructed it requires the application of crushed rock layers of depths typically around 500 mm, with a final seal applied to this surface. This is a costly exercise for Council, in the order of $2 million per kilometre. The Accelerated Sealing program in 2012/13 cost approximately $160,000 kilometre. This significantly cheaper application will not withstand high traffic volumes and will result in a greater maintenance burden to council having to continually patch and repair a failing sealed road. An accelerated seal should withstand traffic volumes in the order of 200 vehicles per day as a maximum.
Council has also recently trialled the application of a recycled asphalt pavement applied at a minimal depth on top of existing gravel road services with a spray seal then applied. This is another form of accelerated sealing and this trial is in Troup’s Road South and to date has withstood traffic volumes in the order of 250 vehicles per day.
Council Officers have analysed Councils road network and identified those roads which would be suitable for Accelerated Sealing. They are shown in Appendix 1 of this report. The total length of road deemed suitable is 50.1 kilometres. The roads shown as unsuitable for accelerated sealing have been omitted from the program either due to the likely significant increase in traffic volume following sealing or the roads are likely to be fully constructed by developers in the near future (i.e. within five years).
Council Officers are aware of significant pressure from the community to construct its gravel roads, particularly those on the fringes of urban development. It is important to note that these roads can and are being maintained in a safe and adequate manner.
3.Council Plan Reference and Policy Reference
The Melton City Council 2013-2017 Council Plan refers to the need to:
1.5 Support a transport system that connects and moves our community
2.2 Provide levels of service balance community needs with organisational capacity
3.7 Ensure our establishing new communities are well connected and supported
4.Financial Considerations
Council has allocated a budget of $1 Million for this financial year to continue the Accelerated Sealing Program. Officers intend to tender the project in coming months subject to Council endorsing the roads within the program for sealing.
5.Consultation/Public Submissions
Officers will consult with residents prior to the commencement of all works on adjoining Roads.
6.Risk Analysis
Should Council endorse the list provided, the risk of road failure and subsequent road safety issues is minimal due to the low traffic volumes on these roads. However the inclusion of roads that officers have deemed inappropriate will result in increased maintenance costs and potential road safety ramifications.
Council has the following options available:
1.Adopt the officer's recommendation in this report
2.Include other roads within the program.
List of Appendices
1. / Map - Accelerated Sealing ProgramPage 1
Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
9.3Notice of Motion 364 (Cr Majdlik) Local Women's Recognition Award
Councillor: Kathy Majdlik
Notice was given at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 25 June 2013 of my intention to move the following motion at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on 23 July 2013.
Motion:That a report be provided to Council to investigate a ‘Local Women’s Recognition Award’, that recognises the great contributions the women of our community make to our great municipality.
1.Officer’s Comments
Creation of a City of Melton Local Women’s Recognition Award may involve the establishment of a community based Committee operating under an adopted Terms of Reference. There are examples of similar initiatives at other Councils such as the International Women’s Roll. This is celebrated annually and could occur on International Women’s Day on 8 March.
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Ordinary Meeting of Council27 August 2013
9.4Notice of Motion 365 (Cr Majdlik) Sister City Program
Councillor: Kathy Majdlik
Notice was given at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 25 June 2013 of my intention to move the following motion at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on 23 July 2013.
Motion:That a report be provided to Council on a potential program for Melton City Council to establish a ‘Sister City Program’, and the potential benefits this will provide to the Melton Community, with a suitable municipality in China or other suitable country.
1.Officer’s Comments
Many Local Governments across Australia have taken on the opportunity to develop Sister City relationships with various cities from across the world. Sister City relationships can be developed for a number of reasons. These can include increasing cultural awareness, economic and industry development, educational exchanges and undertaking research. The sister city relationship can also be used to improve the awareness of a city or region on a global scale. The Sister City movement was formalised in the United States in 1956 with the development of Sister Cities International. Since that time there has been many other groups establish to assist in the development of a Sister City program including Sister Cities Australia Inc which provides advice and guidance in the process.
There are many issues to take into account when considering a Sister City relationship and these issues should be addressed early in a program. Developing the ‘policy context’ for establishing a sister city relationship will assist in understanding the outcomes that Council and the community are seeking by undertaking this program. It will also explore the benefits and pitfalls of a program and any budget implications that may flow from any relationship. The policy will also help describe the need, role and function of a committee to assist with leveraging the benefits of any relationship.