Membership Renewal Form 2017-2018
To renew your subscription, please complete and return this form to the administrator at the address below. Cheques should be made payable to Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Limited. You can also pay by Internet Banking as follows:
Bank Account name: Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club
Account number: 00078829
Sort code: 30-92-70
Reference: SURNAME/Membership I/D
It is vital that you put your name and Membership I/D against your payment so that it can be allocated and recorded.
I enclose a cheque for £ ______as payment of my/our subscription(s) for this membership year beginning 1st March, made up as follows (please circle appropriate box/es):
I have paid by Internet Banking £ ______as payment of my/our subscription(s) for this membership
year beginning 1st March, made up as follows (please circle appropriate box/es):
Reduced rates apply if you pay your 2017-2018 Subscription Fees by 31st March
FULL / TENNIS / SQUASH / GYMSub / Reduced / Sub / Reduced / Sub / Reduced / Sub / Reduced
Senior / £385 / £346 / £290 / £260 / £235 / £210 / £100
Intermediate/Student (18-22) / £185 / £165 / £135 / £121 / £115 / £103 / £70
Junior1 (7-17) / £110 / £97 / £60
Mini Junior (up to 6) / £52 / £47
Non-playing Gym 2(16+) / £135
Social (18+) / £42 / £37
Don’t forget your family discount – 5% per playing member!
If you have more than one playing family member in your household, multiply the number of playing members only in your household by 5; then take this figure as the percentage discount off your total playing subscription fee, up to a maximum of 25%. There is no family discount on social or gym subscriptions.
Squash members: If you would like to top up your online booking account, please add £ ______
Name(s) ______
Address ______
Phone ______Mobile______
Email ______
1 Membership groups are determined by age as at 1st March each year.
2 Junior members of 16 or 17 years of age may join the gym after completing the DLTSC Gym Induction. Junior members of under 16 years of age may not use or enter the gym at any time.
Dorking Lawn Tennis & Squash Club Limited, Roman Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 3ET
(Car park and main entrance in Ridgeway Road, RH4 3AT) Web:
Club Administrator Janet Sutherland: Tel: 07553 772877