Honors Chemistry Assignment

Summer 2015


Laboratory Safety


The purpose of this assignment is for students to familiarize themselves with important laboratory safety rules and procedures. Students must then be able to model their understanding by completing a content specific packet and by creating a safety video.


TEKS 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2I

Task #1 = Safety Information

Located on my webpage under the “Summer Assignment” tab

·  Read over and sign the Flinn Scientific Safety Contract; parent signature also required

·  Complete the Lab Safety Packet

Due Date = Returned to Mrs. Armstreet by Friday, August 28th

Task #2 = Safety Video

·  You can work in groups of up to 4 if desired; or you may choose to work on your own.

·  Use the safety rules from the Flinn Safety Contract to help you choose 10 Safety Rules that you will demonstrate in your safety video.

o  How you demonstrate the rules and which rules you demonstrate is up to you, so be creative!

§  The use of props/costumes is encouraged! Be creative!!!

§  You can find examples of student safety videos on YouTube, but don’t copy, use them only for inspiration!

o  Use the rubric on how the safety video will be graded to help you as you prepare.

Due Date = Email video or link to video to Mrs. Armstreet by Friday, August 14th

·  Video should be in iMovie, YouTube, or some other Mac compatible format


Failure to complete the above mentioned assignments might result in your removal from the Honors Chemistry course.

You will present your Lab Safety Videos to the class upon the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Your presentation of information, as well as your ability to answer questions about your video will count toward your overall grade. Your participation in the assignment will also be evaluated. See the rubrics on the back of this sheet for specifics.

You will also take a test over the Flinn Safety Contract upon your return to school; be prepared.

Safety Video Rubric

Excellent (4 pts.) / Good (3 pts.) / Satisfactory (2 pts.) / Unsatisfactory (1 pt.)
Knowledge / All students showed excellent knowledge of content needing no cues in the video, and showing no hesitation while talking or answering questions / Almost all students showed a vast knowledge of the content, needing very few cues in the video, and showing very few hesitations while talking or answering questions. / Some students showed a lack of knowledge of the content. Some of the students needed cues in the video and hesitated while answering questions or presenting their video. / Most students showed a lack of knowledge of the content. Most students needed cues in the video and had a difficult time presenting their video and answering questions.
Creativity / All students showed expressed creativity in the video. There was a major use of props and costumes. The concept of the video was very original. / Almost all students expressed creativity in the video. The video concept was creative. There were some props and costumes used. / Some students expressed creativity in the video. The video concept was okay, but not innovative. There was a lack of props and costumes. / Most students showed a lack of creativity. The video concept was not unique in any way and may have seemed copied. There were no props or costumes used.
Videography / It was evident many different takes were used, there were a variety of camera angles, there were sound effects used, there was thoughtful and careful editing. / The videography skills were not as extensive as those mentioned as “excellent” but were still above average. / There was a lack of care to the video quality in some areas. Editing could have been more thoroughly executed. / There seemed to be no care about the quality of the video and no attempts at editing the video.
Interest/Purpose / The purpose of the video was clear, the rules demonstrated were clear, and the video held interest. / The purpose of the video was mostly clear, the rules were demonstrated clearly for the most part, and the video held interest for the most part. / The purpose of the video was hazy, the rules were not demonstrated very clearly, and the video lost interest in parts. / The purpose of the video was unclear, the rules were not demonstrated clearly at all, and the video did not hold interest at all.

Participation Rubric:

Excellent (3 pts.) / Good (2 pts.) / Satisfactory (1 pt.) / Unsatisfactory (0 pts.)
(Peer evaluation) / The group member gave 100% effort on all aspects of the assignment. / The group member gave good effort on most parts of the assignment. / The group member gave average effort on some parts of the assignment / The group member did not help much, if at all, on or during the assignment.
(Self evaluation) / The group member gave 100% effort on all aspects of the assignment. / The group member gave good effort on most parts of the assignment. / The group member gave average effort on some parts of the assignment / The group member did not help much, if at all, on or during the assignment.
(Teacher evaluation)
Based on the presentation and student feedback. / The group member gave 100% effort on all aspects of the assignment. / The group member gave good effort on most parts of the assignment. / The group member gave average effort on some parts of the assignment / The group member did not help much, if at all, on or during the assignment.