Desmond Guinness Scholarship
The Desmond Guinness Scholarship is awarded annually by the Irish Georgian Society to an applicant or applicants engaged in research on the visual arts of Ireland including the work of Irish architects, artists and craftsmen at home and abroad, 1600-1900. Preference will be given to work based on original documentary research.
The Scholarship is intended primarily for applicants who are not yet established at an advanced professional level in research or publication of the visual arts.
The Scholarship does not have to be awarded in any one year, and the decision of the assessors, appointed by the Irish Georgian Society, is final.
The total value of the scholarship fund available for distribution is in the region of €500.
The award will be made before the end of May 2014.
Applications must be submitted by2pmFriday 25thApril 2014.
Please note the following:
- Applications must be made on the attached form – please complete both pages of the form.
- No additional information or any other accompanying material will be accepted.
- Applications must be clearly written in block capital letters. However, the text for the section ‘Details of project for which support is sought ‘must be typed. If necessary, applicants can paste in text but it must not exceed the space provided.
- All applications must be signed.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- A confidential reference supporting the application must be sent separately by the closing date.
- Completed applications must be sent by post to the address below. Emailed or faxed applications will klnot be accepted.
Emmeline Henderson, Irish Georgian Society, City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2
(indicate for office use)
Desmond Guinness Scholarship 2014
Irish Georgian Society
Application Form
This form (both pages) must be completed by the applicant and submitted by post only. A confidential reference supporting it must arrive separately, before the closing date. Please write clearly in block capitals, or type; no further documentation is to be submitted with this form.
Name ......
Home Address ......
Email Address ......
Date of Birth ...... Tel. No......
Name of Referee ......
(who has already agreed to send a letter supporting your proposal)
Name of Educational Institution where now registered and course being followed
(if applicable)
Degrees/Courses/Research undertaken since leaving school & grades awarded - in chronological order with dates:
Relevant dissertations and articles published or completed:
I declare the above information to be correct and agree to abide by the terms of the Desmond Guinness Scholarship
Signature of Applicant ......
Application form
Details of project for which support is sought, indicating how existing knowledge in the area will be extended by your work (please make clear how your proposal satisfies the terms of the Desmond Guinness Scholarship as described in the covering note):
This section must be typed. If necessary applicants can paste in text but the text must not exceed the space provided.
Estimated Cost of Project ......
Sum sought from Desmond Guinness Scholarship ......
Other sources of support applied for or secured ......