Professional and Spiritual Development

The school/program provides for continuous professional and spiritual development of all staff.

Continuing Education

As funds allow, BCS will pay tuition and fees for pre-approved continuing education for K-12 Teachers and Administrators. The school will not pay for coursework required to meet state licensing or certification requirements. To qualify for continuing education funding, the Teacher/Administrator must present to the appropriate Principal details of the intended course of study, including an outline of tuition and fees and a course syllabus. If the Principal approves, the same material with a requisition form bearing the Principal’s signature must be submitted to the Head of School. With the Head of School’s approval, the School will pay the college or university directly or reimburse the Employee upon presentation of detailed receipts.

Continuing education funds are credited to the Teacher as an interest-free loan from the school. The school will then discount the loan at the rate of 25% per year for every year of the Teacher’s continued service to BCS. Teachers who transition out of service to BCS must pay the remaining portion of the School’s loan out of their final compensation. If the amount of the loan exceeds remaining compensation, the Teacher will be required to pay the school directly or arrange an installment plan suitable to the Business Manager.

(Employee Handbook – p.23)

BCS – 2011-2012


Teacher’s Name______School Year ______

Evaluator’s Name ______

Directions: Submit this cover sheet with the documentation folder.

Check if present / Item / Evaluator’s Notes
Evidence of using data about student learning to guide planning and instruction
/ Record of extracurricular activities
Record of professional development taken or given
Student Survey Summary (TBA)
Examples of collaboration with peers
Evidence of Parent Communication

Reviewed by:

Administrator’s Signature ______Date ______

Brazosport Professional Development Form

Christian 2012-2013


August 2012

BCS Faculty & Staff:

All instructional and non-instructional staff members at the Brazosport Christian School are expected to be life-long learners and should be involved in activities that contribute to ongoing professional development. As a means of stimulating, supporting, and monitoring professional and spiritual growth initiatives, all staff members are to prepare and present an annual professional development plan to their supervisor before the end of September of each year. This plan includes measurable goals, as outlined on the attached form.

An electronic copy (MSWord) of this form will be e-mailed to all faculty and staff members to facilitate completion and return of the form. Create as much space as is needed to respond to each item. Once the form has been completed, it is to be submitted to your immediate supervisor (Principal or Head of School).

Thank you for investing your time in completing this form.

Mr. Stephen Meier

Head of School

BCS Professional Development Plan

Name ______

Highest level of Studies

Eternity Excellence Community

_____ High School Diploma

_____ Associates Degree

_____ Bachelors Degree

_____ Masters Degree

_____ Masters Degree + 15 Credits

_____ PhD / EdD

Eternity Excellence Community

Teacher Certification Status

_____ ACSI Certification

______Level / Type / Duration of Certification

______Level / Type / Duration of Certification

_____ Other Certification

______Agency / Level / Type / Duration of Certification

______Agency / Level / Type / Duration of Certification

Please complete each of the following:

1.  Long-term measurable professional development goals.

2.  Measurable professional development goals for the current school year.

3.  Spiritual development goals for the current school year.

4.  Conferences and/or seminars to be attended during the year, if any.

5.  Certification Plan and/or certification-related activities for the current year, if any.

6.  Christian Philosophy Of Education-related activities for the current year, if any.

7.  Professional memberships you hold or desire to obtain.

Your direct supervisor (Principal or Head of School) will meet with you during the first quarter of the school year to review and modify the professional development plan. The supervisor (Principal or Head of School) may stipulate additional goals based on performance, any lack of educational qualifications, or identified areas for professional growth. The supervisor (Principal or Head of School) will monitor progress during the year and engage with you regarding the plan, as needed. There should be three meetings each school year. (Beginning, mid, and end of year)

Eternity Excellence Community