CLHS College Fair
Specifics about the fair:
- The gym will be filled with various college representatives from around the state of Texas and around the nation.
- Fifteen-minute information sessions will take place in the 100 & 200 Halls. These sessions will provide you with information on the specified topic as well as give you the opportunity to ask questions. The following information sessions will take place:
- Texas A&M (Guidance Office) – Information will be provided regarding admissions and benefits of attending Texas A&M. There will not be an A&M table in the gym so you must attend one of these sessions to get information about Texas A&M.
- University of Texas (Room 115) – Information will be provided regarding admissions and benefits of attending the University of Texas. There will not be a UT table in the gym so you must attend one of these sessions to get information about UT.
- Test Prep (Room 110) – A representative from The Woodlands Test Prep will provide information about test preparation opportunities for the SAT and ACT.
- Financial Aid (Room 202) – A financial aid specialist will provide general information regarding the financial aid process.
- How to Prepare for the College Process – Parent Perspective (Room 206) – A Concordia parent, who specializes in college planning, will discuss the college application process and the role of the parent in preparing their student to enter post-secondary education.
- If I Could Do It Again… (Room 107) - A Concordia Alum will provide information for students centered around what a student needs to do, while at Concordia, to prepare for the college application process and for the college campus atmosphere.This session is specifically geared toward freshmen and sophomores.
All repeat sessions will run at the following times:
Junior College Fair Assignment
Things to do before the fair:
- Go to the Guidance Website and print the following
(Go to Academics—Guidance & Counseling—Ready for College?—College Fair):
- College Fair Attendees list
- How to Get the Most out of a College Fair
- 20 Questions to Ask College Representatives
- Scanner Registration Flyerand Instructions
- Top 10 Things to Consider When Choosing a College
- Highlight at least 5 colleges/universities you are interested in learning about.
- Highlight at least 3 colleges you have never heard of before.
- Research the colleges of interest by going to Family Connection and doing a Super Match College Search.
- Prepare your questions in advance. We have provided you some questions below that you are required to ask but plan additional questions on topics that interest you.
- Using the Scanner Registration Flyer as a guide, register and print off your bar code. You must have this at the fair. You will not find Concordia listed as a school option so Sign up for October 9th - 13th TACRAO. You can use this same bar code if you decide to attend the Klein ISD college fair on the evening of October 12th.
- Notice that there is another fair taking place in our area in October. NAAC National College Fair @ Rice University on Tuesday, October 17th from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. If you plan to attend this fair you will need a separate barcode for this event.
During the fair:
- 1:30 p.m. Juniors will go to the gym.
- Bring paper, pencil/pen, bar code, and a bag for materials you collect
- Spend time in the gym
- You should visit a minimum of 4 colleges. Ask each college rep, at minimum, the following 4 questions:
- What is one thing that is unique about your college/university? (ex: traditions, clubs/organizations, etc…)
- What Christian organizations does your college/university offer?
- Do you offer ______major? If so, can you please share a little about it?
- A question of your choice – this question should not be about something easily found in a brochure. Be creative – what do you really want to know?
- Attend 2-3 information sessions. You may select the sessions that you attend but you must attend a minimum of 2. Listen intently and ask questions. You must take note of 5 pieces of information that you find interesting or useful in your college search. You will need this information for your assignment.
Assignment/Homework:DUE October 20th
Prepare a typed report on the information that you learned from the college fair. Be sure to include the following in your report:
- Information about 2 of the colleges that you visited in the gym. In this section of the report you should include the answers to your questions. Also, include your thoughts about how this college would be a good/bad fit for you and why.
- Information that you found interesting/useful from 2 informational sessions. You should include in your report, a minimum of 3 pieces of information from each session.
Submit your report to your theology teacher by October 20th. (Typed in Times New Roman – 12pt. size)
- Spend an ample amount of time with each college/university so you can get the most out of each one. Take the brochures, etc. that they offer you so you can take them home and read.
- Ask the reps questions you know you can’t get from the brochure. Think outside of the box a little. You are going to be in college within two years. What are you looking for in an environment that you can call “home” for 4 years?
- Separate from your friends during this 1 ½ hour time frame!
- Do NOT form groups towards the end and just stand around. Use your time WISELY!