Langdon Planning Board –Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2016 (unapproved)

7:00PM @ Langdon Municipal Building

Call to order by Chairman @ 7:07PM

Roll call -board members present include chairman - Robert “Chops” Polcari, Pat Breslend, Lu Beam, Marilyn Stuller and alternateHelen Koss.(Helen was asked to stand in as a regular member for this meeting.)Absent: Curt Barnes

Audience: Richard and Dot Frasier

Meeting Minutes- Reviewed meeting minutes of August 16, 2016. Motion to accept as written made by Pat/Helen 2nd, All approved.

Norm & Mike Excavation – Chairman recognized Dick Fraser representing Norm & Mike Excavation. There was a discussion on the status of the “draft” of an excavation permit that was sent to Mr. Fraser, at his request. The board stated that no valid permit exists because: 1) the board never signed the permit; 2) the board had been waiting for the permit fee and letter of credit. The board also had asked Dick Fraser for the status of the permit fee and letter of crediton several occasions in the months that followed.

Mr. Fraser stated both the permit fee and the letter of credit were recently submitted to the select board and that now the applicant wants to go forward with plans to excavate the back part of the existing lot.Mr. Fraser statedthat this excavation was always the original intent of the permit. The board disagrees stating it was mislead because only reclamation was addressed and the back acreage was not part of the plan and was not discussed.Mr. Fraser stated that the permit was primarily for reclamation to the old pit but was also for excavation of the entire property.

The board will need to research before responding as it was our stated intention that the pending permit was for reclamation purposes only. Further, it believes that Mr. Fraser had represented the plan to exclude the back acreage. The board understood that the applicant was only interested in excavating enough to reclaim the old pit for probable future sale. This is what was conveyed during the public hearing. Note: 1) the applicant has subdivided adjacent lots and built one house since the permit application; 2) during the building of this same house, the applicant breached the berm which is a violation of the subject permit conditions. After discussion, Lou suggested we meet with the planning board attorney for guidance.


- Chairman forwarded emailsfrom SWRPC to all members providing updates and news.

Committee Reports

- Selectmen’s news: The plan for the municipal building is to hold hearings to learn what the town wants to do with the building. In addition, the town needs to hear from the school board relative to the future of the buildings.Is there a 3 to 5 year plan? After learning these details, there would be a need to create a committee to look into potential uses for building. This will help the town decide to sell, keep, or rent it. Chops mentioned the importance of the water rights to this municipal land. Lou explained that the town would hold onto the firehouse property and land.

Old Business:

- Small engine repair business proposal by Josh Provencher –Marilyn called applicant and received a call back from Liz Landry who stated that Josh is no longer pursuing his plan for a small engine repair business in Langdon. Liz stated that when they spoke with ZBA chair, Mary Henry, they were told that a special exception is not needed because they do not have more than two employees. The board had previously discussed the need for a special exception due to change in use of the property and the town’s attorney was in agreement.

- Rules of Procedure- the change of the PB meeting night from the 3rd Wednesday of the month to the 3rd Tuesday of the month was acknowledged. Marilyn again stated that changes need to be read and acknowledged in 3 regular meetings before the change is official. All presentcontinue to approve of this change as it enables Chops to continue to serve on the board.

Adjournment- Motion to adjourn made by Marilyn/Helen 2nd, All approved 8:52PM

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Stuller, Secretary

Langdon Planning Board