Islam Fact Hunt
- Followers of Islam are called what?
- The word Islam means ______.
- What is the Arabic word for God?
- What is the core belief of all Muslims?
- Islam is the dominant religion of what regions of the world?
- Where does Islam rank in terms of fastest growing religions?
- The prophet ______was born in the year ______.
- How old was the prophet when God spoke to him?
- God spoke to him through who? When else have we heard of him?
- Matching:
- Jerusalem
- Birthplace of Mohammad
- Mecca
- Where Mohammad is most successful convincing people
- Medina
- Where God reveals his instructions to Mohammad
- What marks the beginning of Islam? And this is called what?
- What is the name of the sanctuary that was once used by polytheistic Arabs to worship their Gods, but is now a holy Islamic site?
- The Islamic community is referred to as what?
- Since the death of Muhammad, what are the leaders of Islam referred to as ______.
- List 3 different views/practices between:
Sunnis / Shi'i
1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.
Teachings & Scriptures
- The Holy Scripture for Muslims is ______.
And in Arabic it means ______.
- Muslims believe there were several prophets before Muhammad who were misinterpreted. Identify who they were and their significance in Islamic faith:
(______) / (Abraham) / 'Isa
- The Quran dictates religious and legal life. Muslim Law is called what?
- What is the difference between the following 2 texts:
Qur'an / Hadith
Rituals & Festivals
Identify the 5 Pillars of Islam. Describe each. Shade the most important with a colored pencil.
- Compare/contrast the following festivals:
Id Al-Adha / Id Al-Fitr
- Explain some of the Islamic customs practiced during the following stages of life:
Birth / Marriage / Death
- Centers of Islamic education and worship are called ______.
- Describe the significance of thefollowing parts of these centers. Indicate which picture identifies each part.
Prayer Hall / Minaret / Mihrab / Qibla / Minbar
- Muslims pray ______times a day. This is called ______.
- How do Muslims pray? (i.e. sitting? standing?)
- What is important to consider when a Muslim is choosing a place to pray? What measures do they take to insure this?
- Rank these 3 cities in the order of their importance to Muslims:
Knowledge & Art
- Why has education always been valued by the Islamic Faith?
- Describe contributions of Muslims in the following areas:
Science & Math
Schools & Libraries
- What is one of the most important art forms in the Islamic world and why?
Modern Movements
- Describe the rights, responsibilities and requirements of WOMEN in Islamic society:
- Identify the following:
- Muslim Brotherhood-
- Nation of Islam-
- Kemal Ataturk-
- Iranian Revolution-
- Religious tensions in the Middle East have existed between what groups? (multiple)