June 21, 2016

Dear parents and caregivers,

It is with mixed feelings of excitement and sadness that I write to inform you that I will be finishing my time at Nords Wharf PS at the end of this term. I have been offered the opportunity to become the Principal of Bonnells Bay PS and have accepted this offer, pending appeal, with a start date of day 1, Term Three.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being the Principal of Nords Wharf PS over the past eight and half years. I have really enjoyed watching your children grow and develop from their first excited day in Kindergarten to when they moved on to new challenges at high school. The students make each day highly rewarding and enjoyable. They really are a very nice group of children and highly supportive of each other.

Thank you for your support throughout my time as Principal. It has been a pleasure to work with all families, particularly those in the P&C as they support the school in many ways and are very generous with their time. Many of the improvements to our school would not have been possible without the support of you, our families, and the P&C.

The staff at Nords Wharf PS have been wonderful to work with. The school has an excellent reputation in the community and this is largely due to the professionalism and hard work of our dedicated teachers. Events such as the Christmas Carols and the biennial Concert are highlights within the community calendar and will continue long after I leave.

I am very proud of the positive changes that have happened at Nords Wharf PS in my time as Principal. These include upgrades to the physical environment such as the new canteen, cover over and surround for the fixed equipment, the new library, upgraded toilets and more recently the new sandpit and play area; enhanced technology including smartboards in every room and a dedicated computer space within the library; a positive and effective student welfare system through the PBL approach; awareness of mental health through Kids Matter; and an ongoing focus on achieving excellence in literacy and numeracy.

Details for how my position will be filled we be in this week’s newsletter.

Once again, thank you for your support throughout my time at Nords Wharf PS. I am going to miss you all. I hope to speak to many of you before the end of term, including at our end of term assembly on the last day, July 1.

Kind regards,

Karin Hird


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