MATH 457 – Nonparametric Statistics Fall 2015

Course Number / Days / Time / Ohare
Math 457 / T / 5:45 PM-9:00 PM / O’Hare Room 204

Office Hours and Phone Numbers of Instructor:

Instructor / Office Location / Office Phone / Email Address / Office Hrs
Dr. Desale Habtzghi / O’Hare 340 / (773) 325-4054 or 3124763634 / or / W 4-6 SAC 509
T 4-6 O’Hare 340 OR by appointment

Course Description: Statistical methods when the functional form of the population is unknown. Emphasis on applications and comparison of methods. One and two sample tests, contingency tables, tolerance limits, confidence intervals for means, tests of significance for some measures of correlation, and K-sample tests.

Prerequisites: Appropriate background is one semester of applied statistics or equivalent.

Course Objectives:

The goal of statistics is to gain understanding from data. This course focuses on critical thinking and active learning. Students will be engaged in statistical problem solving and will develop intuition concerning data analysis, including the use of appropriate technology

Topics covered:

a) Introduction to nonparametric and parametric methods.

b) One sample problems (tests about medians and other quantiles, tests about the mean/median of a symmetric distribution, associated estimates, tests of symmetry.

c) The analysis of matched pairs data (sign test, signed-rank test, normal scores test)

d) The analysis of two independent samples: Two – sample permutation tests. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test. Mann-Whitney Test.

e) K-Sample Nonparametric Methods: K-Sample Permutation Tests; The Kruskal-Wallis Test; Multiple Comparisons.

f) Paired and Blocked Designs: A permutation Test for a Randomized Complete Block (RCB) Design; Permutation F-Test for RCB Designs; Friedman’s Test for a RCB Design

g) Test for Trends, Correlation and Regression

h) Statistics of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov


a) Homework, Quizzes/ Group work and Class projects: Homework will be assigned periodically and graded. Quizzes/Group work will be given in class.

b) Exams: There will a total of 2 exams (one in class midterm exams and a final exam).

Tentative exam dates:

Test Dates :

  • Test 1 Oct 6
  • Final Nov. 24

c) Grading: The course grade will be determined as follows

Course work / Points
Exam1 and Exam 2 ( Midterm exams) / 20%
Final exam / 30%
Homework, quizzes/group work and class projects / 50%

Straight Scale will be used to determine the final grades, unless curving is needed.

Text Book:

W. J. Conover ( 1999). Practical Nonparametric Statistics .Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics


1. Daniel, W.W (2000). Applied Nonparametric Statistics, Duxbury.

2. Sprent, P. (2000). Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Edition, Wiley

3. Lehmann, E. (2006). Nonparametric Statistical Methods Based on Ranks, Springer.

4. Hettmansperger , T. P. (1984). Statistical Inference Based on Ranks. John Wiley & Sons

5. Myles Hollander (1999). Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 2nd Ed, Wiley

6. Tsybakov , A. B (2009). Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation, Springer

Date / Topics
Sep. 15 / Lecture 1
Sep. 22 / Lecture 2
Sep. 29 / Lecture 3
Oct. 6 / Lecture 4 and Exam 1
Oct. 13 / Lecture 5
Oct. 20 / Lecture 6
Oct. 27 / Lecture 7
Nov. 3 / Lecture 8
Nov. 10 / Lecture 9
Nov. 17 / Lecture 10 and Review
Nov. 24 / Final Exam and Evaluation

Important days

Wednesday September 9, 2015 BEGIN AQ2015 ALL CLASSES

Tuesday September 15, 2015 Last day to add/swap classes to AQ2015 schedule

Tuesday September 22, 2015 Last day to drop classes with no penalty

Last day to select pass/fail option

Wednesday September 23, 2015 Grades of “W” assigned for classes dropped on or after this day

Tuesday September 29, 2015Last day to select auditor status

TuesdayOctober 27, 2015 Last day to withdraw from AQ2015 classes
Tuesday November 17, 2015 End AQ2015 Day & Evening Classes

Wednesday November 18, 2015Begin AQ2015 Day & Evening Final Exams

Tuesday November 24, 2015 End AQ2015 Day & Evening Final Exams