Essendine Behaviour Policy 2015Page 1 of 8
At Essendine Primary we believe that high-quality teaching promotes effective learning and good behaviour. Our emphasis is on recognising and celebrating effort and success, so that all pupils feel valued. We teach pupils to take responsibility for their own actions and to accept the consequences of their choices. We strive to create an environment where pupils may work purposefully, feel secure, happy and confident and where relationships between staff, parents, pupils and between the pupils themselves are based on mutual respect and tolerance.
To achieve this we expect children to show:
- A positive attitude to all aspects of their work;
- A high standard of behaviour during and outside of lessons;
- Respect for other people and the environment;
- Responsibility for their actions.
The school recognises that these aims and expectations cannot be fully realised without the support and involvement of all stakeholders.
In addition to the general aims we firmly believe that Essendine should be a safe and secure place for all our children. We endeavour to build up relationships based on valuing individual worth, honesty and mutual trust.
At Essendine we have adopted The Four B’s to maintain and promote excellent standards of behaviour
The Four Bs
Be Safe
- Walk don't run.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Think about others around you.
- Line up and walk sensibly on the stairs.
Be Respectful
- Do as you are asked straight away.
- Be kind and don't call other people names.
- Think about other peoples’ feelings.
- Treat people how you would like to be treated.
Be Responsible
- Always do your homework and reading.
- Look after your classroom equipment.
- Help to tidy up even if it’s not your mess.
- Take care of the playground equipment.
- Look after each other.
Be Resilient
- Never give up.
- Always try your best.
- Achieve your goals.
Behaviour Procedures
On enrolment all parents/carers and children sign a home school agreement, which contains the school rules.
Every class from Year1 to Year 6, follows our Assertive Discipline Policy. The 5 steps are explained to the class, new teachers and supply staff and all staff follow these. This was created by the School Council.
Every classroom has the steps displayed in a central area. This ensures the children are taking responsibility for their own actions and when a new teacher or supply teacher takes the class, the behaviour policy is followed consistently.
All classes from years 1-6 follow these steps:
Assertive Discipline Code
1)Verbal / eye contact reminder.
2) Name on the tracker.
3) Name ticked and time out to reflect.
4) Accompanied to the phase leader, if sent to phase leader more than twice in two weeks then the phase leader will arrange a meeting with parents.
5) Serious incidents,straight to the DHT/Head teacher
Behaviour that disrupts the good order of the school, or disadvantages others, will lead to disciplinary action. This may take the form of being spoken to by the adult in charge at the time, involvement of parents or a weekly behaviour log.
In the event of either persistent or extreme misbehaviour by a pupil the parents are asked to come to school to meet with the head teacher to discuss strategies to improve their child’s behaviour.
For extreme unacceptable behaviour, i.e. fighting, bullying, Religious intolerance (see Anti-bullying policy 2015) an internal exclusion can be given.
If extreme behaviour persists a two day fixed exclusion will be issued. After that, permanent exclusion will be considered. This would be formally agreed by the Governors.
In the event of this happening the head teacher would inform the governing body
Playground assertive Discipline code (see appendix ?
- A verbal warning/ reminder is given to the child.
- A yellow card will be given and five minutes time out.
- A second yellow card will be given if behaviour doesn’t improve.
- A red card will be given and the child will be taken to the hub for the rest of the session.
- If behaviour is extreme, eg fighting, racial/religious intolerance a red card will be given straight away and the child will be taken to a senior leader.They will also miss the next day’s playtime.
All behaviour incidents are recorded on SIMs and the Phase leader is informed.
Teachers are responsible for recording behaviour issues on to SIMs. This ensures effective tracking of children and a more consistent approach of behaviour management by teachers and closer monitoring by Phase Leaders.
Individual behaviour reports can be accessed by Phase Leaders for meetings with parents and relevant outside agencies.
Behaviour code:
If a child displays inappropriate behaviour the following steps are taken:
1. Talk to the child in a calm voice explaining why the behaviour is wrong and model the right behaviour.
2. If poor behaviour continues the adult will reiterate and explain the appropriate behaviour
3. If poor behaviour continues, the child is taken for ‘time out’, again the adult must explain in a calm voice why the behaviour is unacceptable. The child is asked to think about their actions, after time out he/she talks to the adult about the consequences of their behaviour.
4. If poor behaviour continues and is very inappropriate e.g. hitting, kicking, fighting, swearing, the Phase Leader will call the child’s parents into school to discuss these issues.
Two Year Old Unit
Behaviour code:
1. Talk to the child in a calm voice explaining why the behaviour is wrong.
2. If poor behaviour continues, raise voice slightly and explain why the behaviour is not acceptable
3. If poor behaviour continues and is very inappropriate e.g. hitting, kicking, fighting, swearing, the unit manager will call the child’s parents in to discuss these issues.
We value all our pupils and every pupil has the opportunity to gain House points or rewards.
Stars of the Week ,Each week a child from each class is chosen as ‘Superstar’, and awarded a certificate. The stars stand on the stage in in celebration assembly. The Phase Leader will then choose the overall Superstar for that phase, and the child is awarded a trophy, which is kept until the following week. The child may take the trophy home for the week.
Twice a term children who consistently behave well and always do the right thing, have their names put forward to to go to a tea party. One child from each class is selected and they can wear party clothes for the day and attend the party on Friday afternoon.
House points
All children at Essendine are assigned houses:
House points are awarded for excellent behaviour, producing good work, being helpful and polite etc. These are recorded in house point booklets and are rewarded as follows:
-25 house points- a certificate
-50 house points- grab bag dip
-100 house points- £5.00 Argos voucher
At Friday celebration assembly the class with the best attendance is awarded an attendance trophy and extra playtime is given to a class with 100% attendance.
Excellent work produced in class, is recognised by the child being sent to the Head teacher. The name of the child is recorded in the ‘Golden Book’. Children work through Bronze, Silver,
At Essendine any form of bullying is not tolerated.
Further guidelines can be found in Essendine’s Anti- bullying Policy 2015.
Bullying may take place over the internet, for example abusive comments and messages through school on-line chat rooms.
If a child has received such messages there is a ‘whistle blowing’ symbol which the child can activate. Monitoring of DB Primary by the teacher and ICT co-ordinator will bring to their attention any incidents of cyber bullying, which will then be dealt with accordingly. E-Safety issues are covered in our Safeguarding Policy 2015.
Incidents of racist behaviour are not tolerated at Essendine. Where a child has shown racist behaviour this is recorded by the teacher/ Phase Leader or appropriate adult on a Racist Behaviour Incident form. (Appendix 1)
Incidents include:
-Racist/religious insults or verbal abuse
-Non co-operation with ethnic groups
-Physical violence/assault
-Distributing racist/religious literature.
Sanctions against the child may include:
-Parents asked to come into school to speak to the Phase Leader/Deputy Head teacher or Head Teacher
-Exclusion from school during lunchtimes
-Exclusion from school, depending on the perceived severity of the incident(s).
These sanctions must be decided by the Head teacher
At Essendine good behaviour for learning is actively promoted by teaching staff. Children are encouraged to develop the following behaviours towards all aspects of their work:
- Focus
- Application
- Productivity
- Presentation
- Risk taking
- Problem solving and reasoning
Appendix 1
Essendine Primary School:
Racist /ReligiousintoleranceIncident form
Date and time of incident:Name of perpetrator:
Date of birth of perpetrator:
Ethnicity of perpetrator:
Name of victim:
Date of birth of victim:
Name of witness/ es:
Date of birth of witness/es:
Ethnicity of witness/es:
Type of Racist Incident (please tick):
Racist insults or verbal abuse
‘Racist comment
Racist joke or ridicule
Racist graffiti
Religious intolerance
Physical violence or assault
Distributing racist literature
Please specify:
Type of action taken (please tick):Discussion with perpetrator and victim
Perpetrator apologises
Perpetrator excluded
Perpetrator and parents/carer involved
Phone call to both parentsCounselling for victim
Victim escorted from premises
Police informed
Training / staff development
If 'Other' type of action taken, please specify:
Essendine Behaviour Policy 2015Page 1 of 8