Revised 7/10

(Please use school letterhead)




RE: (Student’s Name, School)


Recently it has come to our attention that there is some confusion concerning the residency of (student’s name) . Students who are approved participants in the Voluntary Interdistrict Transfer Program must reside within the boundaries of the city of St. Louis. For clarification, we are requiring two proofs of residency that show you are residing in the city of St. Louis. The two proofs of residency should be:

•a contract to lease/rent or

•current real estate tax receipt/mortgage statement

AND one other current proof of residency such as:

•Unpaid utility bill

•Credit card statement

•Employer’s record of address

•Bank statement

•Governmental acknowledgment of address

(i.e., Social Security, welfare, voter registration, etc.)

These documents should contain your name and address and should be presented to the school registrar by (give date that is two weeks from date of letter) . If this information is not received by the above date, Student’s Name will be withdrawn from the ParkwaySchool District on (day after deadline given) .

Missouri’s Safe School Act compels us to comply with the following:

“Any person who knowingly submits false information to satisfy any requirement of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. In addition to any other penalties authorized by law, a district board may file a civil action to recover, from the parent/legal guardian of the pupil, the costs of school attendance for any pupil who was enrolled at a school in the district and whose parent/legal guardian filed false information to satisfy any requirement of this section (RSMO 167.151).”

If student does not reside with custodial parent or court-appointed legal guardian, Mary Theriot (Pupil Personnel) at 314-415-5062 must be contacted. Documents specifying parental responsibility must be on file in the school registrar’s office.

If you have any questions contact my office at (phone number of person sending letter). I look forward to hearing from you in regard to this issue. Thank you for your cooperation.


(name of person requesting letter to be sent)


cc:Charlotte Ijei, Director of Pupil Personnel and Diversity

Michelle Wiley, Parkway VST Office

(Principal involved)