The Three Appeals
Appeal of the Divine King
In the Kingdom of His Will
Dear and beloved children of Mine,
I come into your midst with my Heart drowned inside my flames of love. I come as Father in the midst of His children, whom I so much love; and my Love is so great that I come to remain with you, that we may live life together, and live with one single Will, with one Love. I come with the cortage of my pains, of my Blood, of my works and of my very death. Look at Me: each drop of my Blood, each pain, all of my works, my steps, compete with one another for they want to give you my Divine Will; even my death wants to give you the new rising of your life in It. In my Humanity I have prepared and impetrated everything for you: graces, aids, light, strength, in order to receive a gift so great. On my part I have done everything; now I await your part.
Who, ungrateful, will not want to receive Me and the gift I am bringing him? Know that my Love is so great that I will put aside your past lives, your very sins, all of your evils. I will bury them inside the sea of my Love, that they may be all burned up, and so we will begin the new life together, all of my Will. Who will have the heart to reject Me and cast Me out without accepting my wholly paternal visit? And if you accept Me I will remain with you as Father in the midst of my children, but we must remain in highest accord and live with one single Will.
Oh, how I yearn, moan and rave, and I reach the point of crying, for I want my dear children to be with Me and live of my own Will! It has been about six thousand years of endless longing and of bitter tears of my Holy Humanity, claiming and wanting my children around Me, to make them happy and holy. I reach the point of calling them while weeping – who knows, they might be moved to compassion for my tears, for my Love that nearly suffocates Me, causing Me spasms of agony. And amid sobs and spasm I keep repeating: “My children, my children, where are you? Why don’t you come to your Father? Why do you go far from Me, wandering, poor, filled with all miseries? Your maladies are wounds to my Heart; I am now tired of waiting for you. And since you do not come, unable to contain an longer my Love that burns Me, I come to look for you, and I bring you the great gift of my Will. Oh please, I beg you, I supplicate you, I beseech you, listen to Me, be moved to compassion for my tears, for my ardent sighs!”
And I come not only as Father, but also as Teacher in the midst of His disciples; but I want to be listened to. I will teach you surprising things, lessons of Heaven, which will bring you light that is never estinguished, love that always burns. My lessons will give you divine strenght, intrepid courage, ever-growing sanctity. They will indicate to you the way at each step, they will lead you to the Celestial Fatherland.
I come as King in the midst of the peoples, but not in order to demand taxes and tributes – no, no. I come because I want your wills, your miseries, your weaknesses, all of your evils. My sovereignty is precisely this: I want all that renders you unhappy, restless, tormented, in order to hide it and burn it all up with my Love; and as the benevolent, pacific, magnanimous King that I am, requite you with my Will, with my most tender Love, with my riches and happinesses, with the purest peace and joy.
If you give Me your will, everything is done – you will make Me happy and you will be happy. I long for no other than for my Will to reign in your midst. Heaven and eart will smile, my Celestial Mama will act as your Mother and Queen. Knowing the great good that the Kingdom of my Will will bring you, in order to quench my ardent desires and stop my crying, loving you as Her true children, She is already going around through the midst of peoples and nations, in order to dispose them and prepare them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of my Will. She is the one who prepared for Me the peoples, that I might descend from Heaven to earth; and to Her, to Her maternal love do I entrust the task of disposing souls for Me, to receive so great a gift.
Therefore, listen to Me; and I pray you, children of Mine, to read with attention these pages that place before you; and you will feel the need to live in my Will. I will be by your side when you read them, I will touch your minds and hearts, that you may comprehend them and be resolved in wanting the gift of my Divine Fiat.
Maternal Appeal of the Queen of Heaven
Dearest child, I feel the irresistible need to descend from Heaven to make you my maternal visits. If you assure Me of your filial love and faithfulness, I will remain always with you in your soul, to be your teacher, model, example and most tender Mother.
I come to invite you to enter into the Kingdom of your Mama – that is, the Kingdom of the Divine Will; and I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to Me. You know? With my own hands I bring you this book as gift; I offer it to you with maternal care, so that, in your turn, in reading it, you may learn to live of Heaven and no longer of earth.
This book is of gold, my child. It will form your spiritual fortune, your happiness, also terrestrial. In it you will find the fount of all goods: if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if you are tempted, you will achieve victory; if you have fallen into sin, you will find the pitying and powerful hand that will lift you up again. If you feel afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the sure means to get warm; if hungry, you will enjoy the delicious food of the Divine Will. With it you will lack nothing; you will no longer be alone, because your Mama will keep you sweet company, and with Her every maternal care She will take on the commitment of making you happy. I, the Celestial Empress, will take care of all your needs, provided that you consent to live united with Me.
If you knew my yearnings, my ardent sighs, and also the tears I shed for my children…! If you knew how I burn with the desire that you listen to my lessons, all of Heaven, and learn to live of Divine Will…!
In this book you will see wonders; you will find a Mama who loves you so much as to sacrifice Her own beloved Son for you, in order to allow you to live of that same life of which She lived upon earth.
O please! do not give Me this sorrow - do not reject Me. Accept this gift of Heaven that I am bringing you; welcome my visit, my lessons. Know that I will go throughout the whole world; I will go to each individual, to all families, to religious communities, to every nation, to all peoples, and, if needed, I will go around for entire centuries until, as Queen, I have formed my people, and, as Mother, my children, who would know the Divine Will and let It reign everywhere.
Here is the purpose of this book explained to you. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and I, with gold characters, will write their names in my maternal Heart.
See, my child, that same infinite love of God which, in Redemption, wanted to use Me in order to make the Eternal Word descend upon earth, is now calling Me into the field once again, entrusting to Me the difficult task, the sublime mandate of forming on earth the children of the Kingdom of His Divine Will. Therefore, with maternal care I set to work, and I prepare for you the way which will lead you to this happy Kingdom. For this purpose I will give you sublime and celestial lessons and, finally, I will teach you special and new prayers, through which you will commit the heavens, the sun, the Creation, my very life and that of my Son, and all the acts of the Saints, so that, in your name, they may impetrate the adorable Kingdom of the Divine Will. These prayers are the most powerful, because they bind the very divine operating. By means of them, God will feel disarmed and conquered by the creature. Confident of this help, you will hasten the coming of His most happy Kingdom, and, with Me, you will obtain that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, according to the desire of the Divine Master.
Courage, my child - make Me content, and I will bless you.
Appeal of Luisa
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
My sweet Jesus, I am here in you arms to ask You for help. Ah, You know the torment of my soul, how my heart bleeds, my great repugnance in letting all that You told me about your Most Holy Will come out! Obedience imposes itself; You want it; and I - should I even remain crushed - I am forced by a supreme force to make the sacrifice. But remember, O my Jesus, that You Yourself have called me the little newborn of your Most Holy Will. A newborn can just barely stammer; therefore, what shall I do? I will just stammer about your Volition; You will do all the rest. Isn’t it true, O my Jesus?
Even more, let me disappear completely, and may your Will be the one that, with divine and indelible characters, dips the pen into that eternal Sun, and with gold characters writes the concepts, the effects, the value, the power of the Supreme Will, and how the soul who lives in It, living as though in Its center, is ennobled, divinized, lays down her natural remains, returns to her origin, and triumphant over all her miseries, reacquires the state of origin – beautiful, pure, all in the order of her Creator, as she came out of His creative hands.
You Yourself, inscribe upon this paper the long story of your Will, your sorrow in seeing Yourself rejected by creatures into the Celestial regions. You, who dwelling on high like Sun, though rejected, dart your rays over all the human generations, You want to descend to come to reign into their midst, and therefore You send the rays of your sighs, of your moans, of your tears, of your intense and eternal sorrow in seeing Yourself exiled, and your Will as though broken up from the will of human creatures. Therefore You long for them to call You into their midst, to receive You as triumphant King and to let You reign on earth as It is in Heaven.
Descend O Supreme Will! I am the one who calls You as the first – come to reign upon earth! You, who created man only so that he would do your Will, which He, ungrateful, rejected by rebelling against You – come to re-bind this human will to You again, so that Heaven and earth and everything may be reordered in You!
Oh how I wish to lay down my life so that your Will may be known! I would like to take flight within Its interminable boundaries, to bring to each creature Its eternal kiss, the knowledge of It, Its goods, Its value, Its unspeakable moans for wanting to come to reign upon earth, so that, by knowing You, they may receive You with love, and making feast for You, they may let You reign.
O Holy Will, with your luminous rays, unleash the arrows of your knowledge; let everyone know that You come to us to make us happy – not of a human happiness, but divine – to give us dominion over ourselves once lost, and that light which makes one recognize true good in order to possess it, and true evil in order to shun it, and which renders us stable and strong, but of a divine fortitude and stability!
Open the current between the Divine Will and the human, and with the brush of your creative hand portray all of the divine features over our souls, which we had lost by withdrawing from It. Your Volition will portray in us that freshness which never ages, that beauty which never fades away, that light which is never darkened, that grace which always grows, that love which always burns and is never extinguished.
O Holy Will, break through, You Yourself, open your way in order to make Yourself known! Manifest to all Who You are and the great good You want to do to all, so that, attracted, captivated by so great a good, they may all render themselves prey to your Will, and You may then reign freely, on earth as You do in Heaven. Therefore I pray that You Yourself write all the knowledges You have manifested to me about It; and may each word, each saying, each effect and knowledge of It be for those who read them darts, arrows, spears which, wounding them, would make them fall to your feet and receive You, arms wide open, to let Your reign in their hearts.
After so many prodigies of you Will, do this one also: that as they come to know You, they would not let You go, no, but would open the doors to receive You and let You reign. This does the little newborn of your Will ask of You. If from me You wanted the sacrifice – and with such insistence – of putting out the secrets You have communicated to me about your Will, I now want another one from You: that as It becomes known, It may make this prodigy of taking Its place of triumph and of reigning in the hearts that know It. This alone do I ask of You, O my Jesus, I ask for nothing else; I want nothing other than the requital of my sacrifice – that your Will be known and reign with Its full dominion.
You know, my Love, how great my sacrifice has been, my interior struggles, to the point of feeling myself dying. But for love of You and in order to obey your representative on earth, I have submitted myself in everything. Therefore great do I want its prodigy to be: that as your words on your Will become known, souls may remain enraptured, enchained, attracted more than by powerful magnet, and they may let that Divine Fiat which You, with so much love, want to reign upon earth.
And if it pleases You, my Life, before these writings come out to daylight and reach the hands of your brothers and sisters and mine, O please! take your little newborn of your Will into the Celestial Fatherland! O please! do not give me this sorrow, that I be the spectator of our secrets becoming known to other creatures! If You asked of me the first one[1], spare me the second; yet, non mea voluntas sed tua fiat.[2]