VISUAL ART II: Course Overview
Art Instructor--Melinda Dickens

Prerequisite course: Art I. Art II is a course designed to further develop the concepts and skills learned in Art I. Students will use the skills and techniques learned previously to enhance artwork in 2- and 3-dimensional design using a variety of different media. Students will develop the ability to make effective choices concerning media, techniques, subject matter, methods of interpretation, and compositional design. Students are expected to create well-planned and well-executed projects following established parameters.


#2 pencils
1 pack of colored pencils, 24-count of larger (Prang or Crayola are good choices)
Good quality sketchbook, spiral bound, size 8” x 10” or 9” x 12”
3 Sharpies, fine point tip
3 Sharpies, Ultra-fine point tip
Pencil/Supply box
Glue sticks
Small eraser (e.g., Pink Pearl)
Hand-held pencil sharpener.
Please bring these supplies within two weeks.

Note: Based on certain projects, students may be asked to bring in special materials from time to time.


Box of tissues
Baby Wipes
Hand sanitizer
Extra Sharpies
Cap erasers


-All students have the right to learn.
-All teachers have the right to teach.
-All materials have the right to be used with care.
-Everyone has the right to feel safe.
All school rules will be enforced in the art classroom.


Each student is graded on an individual basis. Projects will be graded using the following criteria:
-Following instructions and Adherence to project guidelines.

The total grade will be broken down as follows:
30%--Other assignments and weekly sketchbook check
Students will be required to turn in sketchbooks every Friday. Sketchbook one day late: -25 points. Sketchbooks more than one day late will not be accepted; however, at the next week’s sketchbook check, if the work for the previous week has been completed, the student can earn up to 50% credit. Sketchbooks more than 1 week late will not receive credit. Notes, sketches, and weekly sketchbook assignmentswill be included in sketchbooks. All test questions will come from information on study guides and from skills learned during studio work.


In this class, cell phones may be used for: photographing artwork, researching reference images when directed by the teacher, or listening to music quietly (with earbuds) during independent work time only. Cell phones should never be heard, and should not be visible or on the table while listening to music. You are not allowed to listen to music during presentations, demonstrations, or any time I am talking to the group or to you individually. I will use visual cues to get students’ attention, and at those times you will be required to remove headphones/earbuds from both ears (i.e., I flash the overhead lights, you remove headphones).

In this class, cell phones/devices are NOT for: watching movies/shows/videos, texting, taking selfies, snapchats, social networking, playing games, or making calls.

If devices become a distraction or disruption to learning, they will be taken up after one warning. Failure to obey the cell phone policy will result in suspension of technology privileges.


Be on time. Throw away any food wrappers or drink bottles as you enter the room. There is no eating or drinking during class! Gather your sketchbook, portfolio, supply box, and any bellwork handouts as you come in. Please be in your assigned seat by the bell.
Roll call will be taken every day. I will address the class and introduce lessons/objectives after roll call. Following the lesson, students will gather other supplies that are not located in their work drawer. Class time is to be used wisely, and students are expected to work during the entire class period. If a student completes an assignment early, he/she will work on critique activities, sketchbook assignments, or enrichment projects as directed by the teacher.
Directions and examples will be located on the board or screen for the duration of the project. Upon finishing the project, students will complete a self-critique, paper-clip it to their artwork, and turn in the project in the designated area for their class.
Clean-up: All students are responsible for cleaning their work area and returning supplies prior to the dismissal bell. Students will remain in seats until the teacher dismisses class.


Time frames for projects vary with each class and each project; I will let the class know when deadlines are approaching. Projects are usually due the next day after the final day we work on it in class. Some projects may be taken home or worked on during VIP. Please communicate difficulties/emergencies with me as needs arise. Late work will be evaluated according to handbook policies. If you are absent, you are still responsible for missed work. Due dates will be adjusted according to school absence policy.

I look forward to an exciting year of learning about and creating art!