Teacher: Señora Jansen / Title: El arte de la naturaleza
Day & Date: / Time to Complete: 50 minutes
Subject: Spanish / Grade Level: High School Spanish 1
Context / First year Spanish students have already learned how to conjugate and use present tense verbs as well as the progressive tense. Students have a basic vocabulary relating to family, classroom, and everyday life. This unit will focus on the imperfect verb tense and settings relating to nature (La Naturaleza).
The following unit will focus on the preterite and literature settings in urban areas (“La Ciudad”).
Goal / The goal of this lesson is allow students to practice la Naturaleza vocabulary and the imperfect verb tense within the context of the work of Spanish artist, José Beulas, and his paintings that focus on nature.
Objectives /
  • At the end of this lesson, High School Spanish 1 students will be able to correctly write five sentences using the imperfect and Naturaleza vocabulary words to describe a painting they create based on the work of José Beulas.

Corresponding Illinois Standards / 28.B.1a Respond to and ask simple questions with prompts.
28.D.2a Write on familiar topics using appropriate grammar, punctuation and
29.B.1a Identify one or more art forms representative of areas where the target
language is spoken
29.B.1b Demonstrate one or more art forms representative of areas where the
target language is spoken
30.A.1c - Use target language vocabulary to identify simple science terms referring
to weather and nature (e.g., clouds, wind, trees, common animals).
Corresponding 5 C’s / Communication
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Required Materials / 1) Power Point 4) IGA worksheet
2) Google Earth 5) Homework instructions
3) Samples of artwork 6) Sample homework
Paint, brushes, cups of water, plastic, canvases for each students
Opening Routines and Getting Started
(Anticipatory Set) /
  • Display Power Point with slideswith paintings by José Beulas. Ask students what they think about the painting (el cuadro). ¿Es interesante? ¿Es abburido? ¿Les gusta el arte? ¿Qué piensan uds. que el artista usaba como inspiración? ¿Qué ven en el cuadro? ¿Qué palabras de vocabulario podemos ver? Point to words in painting that students identify. List vocabulary words on board. Media #1
  • Tell students that today we will be practicing both the naturaleza vocabulary words and the imperfect by learning about some of the artwork of José Beulas. (5 min)

Major Activities /
  • Give students a brief background of José Beulas. Es un artista que vive ahora en Huesca, España en El Centro de Arte y Naturaleza (CDAN). He is an artist who now lives in Huesca, España near the Center of Art and Nature. Show a picture of the artist and the CDAN. Explain what the CDAN is – un museo, lugar para clases de arte, etc. Beulas donated the land that now makes up the CDAN.
  • ¿Cómo parece la tierra cerca del CDAN? Point to the picture of the building surrounded by grass. Cuando José Beulas era joven, vivía en Huesca. When he was young, he lived in Huesca. ¿Qué piensan uds. que inspiró su arte? ¿La naturaleza? What do you think inspired his art? Nature? (5 min)
  • Pull up Google Earth and use street view to show the CDAN and the surrounding countryside (el paisaje). Ask students to point out what they see using the naturaleza vocabulary they know. Hay muchos. Hay un camino. Hay pocos árboles, etc. Media #2
  • Make a T chart on board will description of Huesca, España on one side and description of the countryside around where the students live on the other side. ¿Es similar o diferente? Is it similar or different? (10 min)
  • Display poster boards with samples of artwork of Beulas on chalkboard, gallery style. Pass out information gap activity worksheet and explain that students will imagine they are in a gallery, viewing the artwork of José Beulas. Students will discuss the artwork among themselves, using the worksheet as a prompt. Remind students that they are in an art gallery or museum and they need to act accordingly (hablen en voz baja, por favor – speak quietly, please) Allow approximately 5 minutes for students to circulate and discuss paintings. (5 min)Media #3, Media #4
  • Discuss IGA questions and answers. Ask students to pass in papers for participation points. (5 min)

Closing Routines and Homework (Closure) /
  • Students will be creating a simple painting based on La Naturaleza. They may use a painting by Beulas as inspiration or create something original. Students may use remaining class time to work on painting. We will also work on the paintings for about 15 minutes the following day.Media #5, Media #6
  • For homework, students will write 5 sentences describing their painting, using the imperfect and the naturaleza vocabulary words they know. Display sample painting and read sample paragraph. Students must bring their completed paragraph to class the following day for a completion grade. They may ask questions or add information the next day before turning it in for a grade. Circulate the room as students work to answer questions and help students generate ideas, etc. (20 min)

Assessment / Formative - The teacher will collect the students’ IGA handouts to verify that they participated in the activity and if they are using the imperfect and the vocabulary words correctly. The teacher will also view the paragraphs the following day to verify completion and answer any vocabulary/grammatical questions. Informal assessment of students’ skills with vocabulary and grammar will be done upon viewing paragraphs and answering questions.
Summative – The teacher will evaluate the students’ paragraphs for vocabulary and grammatical accurateness. The teacher will evaluate the students’ artwork for completion, thoughtfulness, and creativity.
Future Classes / Vocabulary and grammar will be practiced in future culture lessons by studying the rainforest in Costa Rica and the Amazon river.
Sources /
Google Earth