Agricultural Society of Kenya



Tender No: MKT/2015/SP/001





Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) was founded with the central objective of promoting agricultural development, as an institution to establish and maintain an agricultural export commodity economy, with the shows being a very important window for prospective buyers, both local & international.

Agriculture is an integral pillar of Vision 2030 and ASK seeks to enhance its role of economic development in Kenya targeting agriculture which is the main source of rural livelihoods.

Based on rich history and experience, ASK is positioned to spearhead this growth and acknowledges that particularly the Kenyan youth stands to make significant gains from increased agricultural sector activity

ASK as a public organization in the agriculture sector and allied industries exhibitions attracts interest from diverse stakeholders and customers- communities within the 16 show branches , domestic and international exhibitors, NGOs, Govt. agencies, private businesses among other groups

There is need to create and strengthen the ASK brand to win customer confidence and enhance partnership with the stakeholders and customers as recognized in the 2014-19 Strategic Plan.

ASK’s operational environment has strong external influencers eroding on it’s achievements key being competition by private and other exhibition companies offering similar services. This necessitates refocus on effort to determine perception of target market and ASK brand equity to develop a consistent image and brand that readily distinguishes ASK from competition.

2.0 Objectives of the survey

The survey is aimed towards determining the organization’s perception among its’ stakeholders (exhibitors local corporate and international), general population (show goers/visitors, non-show goers), their expectations and the perceived image of ASK as a brand among five priority audiences: Visitors and non-visitors to top ASK shows, Suppliers, investors, stakeholders, exhibitors both local and international:

•What ASK does/mandate?

How is ASK perceived among its customers and stakeholders?

Influencers of the stakeholder/brand perception?

2.1 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this survey will be ;

  • To identify ASK market share within the exhibition industry
  • Ascertain where the ASK brand is pitched in Kenya/region and among other peer organizations operating in the country in order to provide baseline information for the development of short, medium to long term strategies
  • To ascertain current perceptions towards ASK by the targeted population(show goers and other stakeholders)
  • To establish the current sources of information that influences perceptions towards Agricultural Society Kenya
  • To identify practices (business) that drive ASK’s reputation/current perception (positive or negative)
  • To benchmark against other similar institutions in the market
  • Identify measures to sustain/ improve ASK’s current perceptions/reputation
  • Determine customers and stakeholders perception of how well ASK currently meets their expectations and requirements across the product/services portfolio
  • Estimate the current satisfaction levels of the ASK customers and stakeholders.
  • Determine relevance in the market with regards to ASK products and services.
  • Identify critical areas of improvement and recommended appropriate adjustments to ASK’s services/exhibition product system delivery system.

3.0Scope of the Assignment

The survey will seek to get information from the local corporate organizations exhibitors, international exhibitors, general population in the regions (both show goers and non-show goers) The survey will cover all the branches in the country to allow for capturing the unique sensitivities of audiences per region as well as regional indices.

Branch / Region
Nairobi International Trade Fair (NITF) / Nairobi
Mombasa International Show / Mombasa
Nakuru National Show / Nakuru
Eldoret National Show / Uasin Gishu
Kitale National Show / Kitale
Kisumu Regional Show / Kisumu
Central Kenya National Show / Nyeri
Meru National Show / Meru
Mt. Kenya Branch Show / Nanyuki
Southern Kenya Branch Show / Kisii
Western Kenya Branch Show / Kakamega
South Eastern Kenya Branch Show / Machakos
Eastern Kenya Branch Show / Embu
Kabarnet Branch Show / Kabarnet
North Eastern Kenya Branch Show / Garissa
Migori Satellite Show / Migori

4.0 Expertise Required

The lead consultant should be a market research expert with experience in perception and brand surveys and knowledge of mixed methods of research is desirable. The consultant should have at least 3 years’ experience in market research and he/she should have carried out similar assignments in the past 3 years.

5.0 Time frame

The consultant(s) should complete the assignment and submit the final report and presentation to ASK within 8 weeks from the date of commencement of consultancy contract.


Clause Ref: /
  1. General

1.1 / 1.Name of Client: The procuring entity is Agricultural Society of Kenya
2.Recipient: The services shall be delivered to ASK.
3.Method of Selection: Quality of Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
1.2 / The name and reference number of the Invitation to Bid is: Tender No: MKT/2015/SP/001
Thursday8th October
21 days / Clarifications
1.Requests for clarification quoting the tender number and title must be received by 4:00 pm East African time on 6th November, 2015. Clarification requests received after this date and time shall not be responded to. Responses to queries are expected to have been sent out to all bidders by 28th October,2015
2.Clarifications on any aspect of this RFP including the detailed terms of reference must be addressed and submitted to ASK- Marketing and Publicity Department on official letterhead only by registered mail or hand delivered to the address and contacts below.
3.The address and contact for submitting proposals and requesting clarifications is as follows:
Chief Executive Officer
Agricultural Society of Kenya
P O Box 30176 -00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 020 8070808/9 (include mobile numbers)
  1. Preparation of Proposals

2.1 / The currency specified for this proposal is Kenya Shillings.
2.2 / The proposal(s) must remain valid for 90 days from date of submission.
2.3 / The bidder shall submit one (1) original and one (1) copy of its proposal.
  1. Submission of Proposals

3.1 / Proposals must be received and deposited in the tender box before 4.00 pm East African Time (GMT +3) on < 6th November, 2015> at the address indicated in 1.3 above.
3.2 / Bidders must submit the original and a copy of the technical Proposal as well as the original of the Financial Proposal and 1 copy. In both cases the proposals must be printed in indelible ink and neatly bound. The original must be clearly marked “Original” and copy marked clearly as “Copy”.
The Technical and Financial Proposals must be separately sealed in two separate envelopes, clearly marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. The two separate envelopes must be enclosed in a single outer envelope, which shall bear the name and address of the bidder, the proposal title and reference number (as per clause 1.2 above) and labeled “not to be open except in the presence of the Tender Opening Committee.”
3.3 / Submission of proposals by electronic mail or facsimile is not allowed.
3.4 / Opening of technical and financial proposals
1.Opening of the technical proposal shall be undertaken immediately following the proposals submission. Bidders or their authorized representatives are allowed to attend and observe the technical proposal opening if they so choose. The bidders’ or their representatives shall sign a register of attendance.
2.The bidders’ names and the presence or absence of Bidder’s Declaration, Integrity Pact and other such details as the ASK, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening.
3.The opening of financial proposals shall be undertaken only for bidders whose technical proposals meet the minimum technical score as detailed in clause 4.2 below.
4.Bidders who do not meet the minimum technical score shall not proceed to the financial evaluation stage and shall have their unopened financial proposals returned to them.
  1. Evaluation and comparison of Proposals

4.1 / Currency: The currency for evaluation process will be Kenya Shillings
4.2 / Proposal evaluation and criteria and process
In assessing the proposals submitted, the tender committee will carry out a three-stage Quality and cost-Based Selection process as follows:
1.Technical evaluation
a)The technical evaluation will be based on a scoring system marked out of a maximum of 100 marks. Only proposals that score at least 70 marks in this technical evaluation will be deemed to be “technically responsive” and eligible for Stage 2. Marks will be awarded according to the following matrix:
Item / Criterion Total
  1. Company Profile
  1. Ownership- 3 marks
  2. Financial Performance; profitability index and liquidity ratio – 2 marks
/ 5
  1. Understanding & Interpretation of the terms of reference
/ 5
  1. Capacity
  1. Bidding firm’s experience in similar assignments at least five (5) projects – proof of assignment by attachment of contracts or LPO) – 20 marks
  2. Qualification and relevant experience
-Team Leader – 10 marks
-3 other Team Members – 20 marks / 50
  1. Methodology
/ 20
  1. Work plan and schedule
/ 20
Total Technical Score / 100
2.Financial evaluation
The financial evaluation will allocate the least-cost, qualified bidder (i.e. the bidder with the lowest cost quotation among those who attain a score of at least 70 marks in the overall technical evaluation) with a maximum financial score of 30 marks. Other qualifying bidders will then have their financial scores reduced in proportion to their excess over minimum qualifying cost quotation.
The formula;
L p
Pc /  /  30
shall be used where:
P = Price
Pc = Percentage allocated
Lp = Lowest price quoted
3.Total proposal score
A total proposal score will then be ascribed to each qualifying bidder, as the sum of:
-Technical score; and
-Financial score as calculated above
Finally, bidders will be ranked by total proposal score and the highest scoring bidder overall will be selected as the successful bidder. Where, the highest scoring bidder is unable to confirm availability for the work, the next highest combined scoring bidder will be selected as the successful bidder.


5.1Mandatory Documents

Bidders will be required to submit copies of the following:

(1)Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate

(2)Valid Tax compliance Certificate

(3)Audited Accounts for the last two (2) years i.e. 2013 & 2014, OR Certified Bank Statements for the last twelve (12) months prior to the date of tender invitation.