PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME – No members of the public were in attendance.

PRESENT: Cllr. R. Barnfield Cllr. C. Ellaway

Cllr. C. Lewis Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor

Cllr. E. Phillips Cllr. A. Watkins (Vice-Chair)

Cllr. T. Watkins

ABSENT: Cllr. C. Phillips (Chair) Cllr. J. Biggs

Elected Member: C. Cllr. Mrs R. Edwards

In Attendance: Mrs M. Mercer – (Clerk)

Prior to the start of the meeting the Vice Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mrs Melanie Mercer, the new Clerk of the Council.

1.  Apologies: None received.

2.  To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items or business listed below:

None received.

The meeting was attended by P.C. 525 Chris Butt and C.O.103 Selina Hayward who were invited to speak by the Vice-Chair:

P.C. Butt confirmed that he was the new area Ward Manager for Monmouth and is working under Inspector Hicks who is based in Abergavenny. P.C. Joe Facchiano is the Ward Officer for the area.

Crimes mainly take place during cover of the winter evenings / nights are seem to target off road vehicles, from farms. The Police are working alongside Natural Resources Wales and the Forestry Commission to try and target the culprits.

Cllrs were given the opportunity to take leaflets on the new “Eyes and Ears” scheme and other police matters. They also questioned P.C. Butt on local issues including speeding motor vehicles.

The Vice-Chair thanked P.C. Butt and C.O. Hayward for attending the meeting.

P.C. Butt and C.O. Hayward left the meeting at 7.58 p.m.

3.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held 20th September 2016 – full council meeting:

Resolved: The minutes from the full council meeting held on 20th September 2016 were read, approved & signed.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes :

·  It was noted that Mrs Melanie Mercer started the post of Clerk of the Council on the 13th October 2016.

·  The Bench outside St Teilo’s Church has been repaired by Mr Menzies. Members are looking into the history of the original ownership of the bench.

·  The former Clerk has written to Roger Hoggins, M.C.C. to request the monitoring of the B4233 nr Great Cillwch. Mr Hoggins has confirmed that he will arrange for some speed monitoring to take place.

5.  To received reports:

·  Rural Forum:

There is currently no report and Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor and C. Cllr. R. Edwards believe that the

Forum may have ceased.

·  Police:

See above report.

·  Churchyard:

i.  It was noted that the bill for the 2016 strimming of the Churchyard has now been received (£390).

ii.  The footpath, Offa’s Dyke, has been rebuilt, under the church wall, and a fence has been erected with a gate at the end of the churchyard.

iii.  The rubbish bin, just inside the church gate, is not being regularly emptied. It is believed that M.C.C. has always undertaken this rubbish collection, at their expenses but they have now stated that it is the responsibility of the Community Council.

Resolved: The Clerk will liaise with M.C.C. to try and get this put back on their rounds as it is well used by walkers. If M.C.C. will not continue to undertake this collection the Clerk will obtain a cost from M.C.C. for the emptying.

·  Rural Housing:

Mr James has reported to the Clerk that a meeting has been arranged for the end of the month between Monmouthshire Housing and the Church in Wales to agree a timeframe. Mr James will report back after this meeting.

·  James Powell Educational Foundation:

A meeting of the Board of Trustees has taken place and Cllr. C. Ellaway has filled the position previously held by Cllr. C. Lewis. The Board considered 24 applications for funds. It was noted that due to low interest rates funds available were reduced. The Board are looking for a replacement Clerk, meetings are held twice a year.

6.  To receive and consider correspondence:

·  M.C.C. – Tracey Thomas, Enterprise Directorate – “currently exploring to identify potential options available to the local authority, to find ways of reducing costs without service cuts or changes and create sustainability and growth.” – would like to attend a future meeting.

Resolved: Ms Thomas will be invited to attend the January 2017 meeting.

·  BT – consultation on removal of payphones. Councillors confirmed that none are in the Llantilio Wards. Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor is concerned over the poor condition of the Llantilio Crossenny Phone box and it is not known if this box is still operating a phone service.

Resolved: Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor will look into this matter.

·  M.C.C. – Planning Services, Mr Mark Hand has sent planning information and a consultation on no longer receiving paper plans and documents from January 2017.

Resolved: The Clerk will respond to Mr Hand’s consultation, objecting strongly to the proposal to only send electronic plans to the Community Council.

Resolved: The Clerk will write to One Voice Wales to request that they take up this matter with M.C.C.

·  Natural Resources Wales – posters re “incidents they do and don’t deal with”.

·  The Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 26 – available online.

·  One Voice Wales – Consultancy Information

·  M.C.C. – Electoral Role Forms.

·  One Voice Wales – Area Committee – representative & request for what prevents Cllrs. attending the quarterly meetings.

Resolved: The Clerk will liaise with Cllr. J. Biggs.

·  Ian Blomeley, MCC, Rights of Way Officer, re Park Cottage has confirmed that he is liaising with the landowner.

·  2018 review of parliamentary constituencies in Wales – until 5/12/16.

·  Boundary Commission for Wales – letter received announcing publication of proposed changes to parliamentary constituencies in Wales. Representations to be made before 5th December 2016.

7.  To consider matters relating to planning:

·  DC/2016/01025 – Proposed construction of two storey garage and home office – Llantrothy Farmhouse, Llantilio Crossenny, NP7 9TN.

Resolved: Members recommended this application for APPROVAL. Now approved by M.C.C.

·  DC/2016/01052 - Change of use and extension of an existing agricultural stone garn and surrounding curtilage into a residential use class (C3), along with associated construction works necessary for the conversion of the building into a single dwelling house, alteration of existing highway access and the construction of a new independent twin strip stone access track ancillary to the proposed barn conversion – New House Farm, Pant Lane, Penrhos, NP15 2LQ – awaiting response from Penrhos Councillors.

·  DC/2016/00956 – Double storey extension to rear of existing cottage including raising height of main roof – Mineva Cottage, Llanfair Green, NP7 8NY

Resolved: Members recommended this application for APPROVAL. Cllrs noted that this extension sides onto a green lane. This green lane needs to be kept clear for vehicular access both during and after construction and a condition of the application approval should be that adequate parking is provided within the curtilage of the property.

·  DC/2016/01148 – Proposed ancillary building – revision to existing consent DC/2012/0897 and new vehicular access (retrospective) – Cross Elms, Penrhos, NP15 2LF – awaiting response from Penrhos Councillors.

8.  To consider matters relating to Highways:

·  Cllr. C. Lewis reported that the road, off Treadam Road, has been tarmacked for approx. 50 yards but the drains have still not been opened. It was further reported that all the drains in Treadam Village are blocked.

·  Cllr. T. Watkins reported that the green lane to Treadam was being used by vehicles directed by “Sat Nav’s”. The lane requires signage to warn vehicles that it is not suitable for general use.

·  Cllr. T. Watkins also reported that BT have put 6 new poles in a hedge in near Ty Bryn, Grosmont but one pole is sited on the verge and is causing reduced visibility for vehicles.

·  Cllr. C. Ellaway reported that there are pot holes on routes R30.2 & R30.3.

·  Cllr. E. Phillips reported that there is a manhole cover sticking out from the verge at the bottom end of Treadam Lane – this has caused 3 vehicles to have burst tyres. It needs a warning sign.

9.  To consider financial matters:

·  The council reviewed the bank reconciliation for 28/10/16.

Resolved: - The Council approved the Vice - Chairman to sign the October 2016 bank reconciliation and bank statement.

·  To council considered a list of expenditure

Resolved: - The Council approved the expenditure as listed below.

i.  Mrs K Jordan (net salary and expenses 13/9/16 – 12/10/16) £183.28

ii.  Mrs M Mercer (net salary and expenses 13/10/16 – 31/11/16) £296.52

iii.  D & J Carpentry & Joinery (repair of seat at St Teilo’s Church) £200.00

iv.  John Bowen (stimming of St Michael’s Churchyard) £390.00

10.  Any Other Business -

·  Cllr. A. Watkins reported that a hedge trimmer had damaged the noticeboard at Llantilio Crossenny. This noticeboard is currently being repaired by the farmer.

·  The Clerk confirmed that meeting notices are to be sent to Cllr. T. Watkins & Cllr. A. Watkins for putting onto local noticeboards.

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 10th January 2016 Meeting closed 9.07 pm