National German Shorthaired Pointer Association

National Championships

Preview # 3

Greetings From The NGSPA Board of Trustees (BOT);

The purpose of this preview is to give all of you a quick look at how things are shaping up for the National Championships in 2016 and to encourage all of you to let us know if you have ideas to make the Nationals better.

ONLINE ENTRY:The online entry forms is available on the NGSPA website:

ENTRY DEADLINE: Entries for qualified dogs will close February 10, 2016 to give time for entrant information to be included in the National Championship Catalog. Post closing entries will be accepted for dogs qualifying after February 10th but entry information will not appear in the Catalog.

WHEN: The 2016 NGSPA National Championships will start Saturday February 27, 2016(drawing for running order for the NAC will be Friday evening 02/26/2016) with the 41stNational Amateur Championship, followed by the 58th NGSPA Futurity, the 63rdNational Championship, and will conclude with the 47thNational Shooting Dog Championship.

WHERE: As usual, the National Championships will be held on the Blue Mountain Conservation area just outside Booneville, Arkansas.

JUDGES:41stAmateur National Championship – Dickey Sorrell

Wayne Yamashita

56th Futurity - Colin Kennedy

Jim Michaletz

63rdNational Championship -Colin Kennedy

Jim Michaletz

47thShooting Dog Championship - Bruce Mueller

Cindy Findley

ENTRY FEES: 41st National Amateur Championship - $200.00 (includes a $25.00 Grounds Fee).

63rd National Championship - $225.00 (includes a $25.00 Grounds Fee).

58th NGSPA Futurity - $175.00 (includes a $25.00 Grounds Fee).

47th Shooting Dog Championship - $225.00 (includes a $25.00 Grounds Fee).

Recent Changes Affecting the Running of the 2016 NGSPS National Championships:

In Preview #1, I reviewed the Arkansas Department of Fish and Game’s new guidelines governing the operation of field trials that affect the Blue Mountain Special Use Area (SUA) and discussed some of the issues involved. The full extent of the impact on our National is still to be determined but the following positive developments are welcome.

I am now able to report that Booneville Mayor, Jerry Wilkins, has confirmed that the City of Booneville is going to make a City owned Humvee, with driver, available to pull the dog wagon during our Nationals. I encourage everyone to make our appreciation known when doing business in Booneville this year. Let business owners know you are attending the trials and appreciate their support!

I also got a report from Trustee Pete Peterson that the trial grounds are in pretty good shape with the cover a little higher than normal. He reported that during the Brittany Nationals the bird finding was pretty good. He spent several days cleaning and doing repair work on the bird pen and declares it ready to go. Thank Pete when you see him!

Local Booneville resident, Adrian Loyd, has agreed to help us with the care and feeding of birds and take over the planting duties for 2016. This will be a great help in making up for services formerly provided by the Arkansas Fish and Game. Most of you will recognize Adrian as he used to do that job as a State employee.


NOTE: The Qualifications contain a change from my previous Previews. In Previews 1 & 2, I incorrectly added the wording “…of at least an hour or more” to the sections dealing with NGSPA and American Field Sanctioned trials. That wording was not supposed to be in those sections (lazy cutting and pasting) and I apologize for the confusion. For those of you that caught my error, thank you for giving me a heads up! The following Qualification Standards contain the appropriate corrections and I have included the exact wording of the registration and DNA requirements from the NGSPA Running Rules that were revised at the NGSPA Trustees Meeting in June of this year.


A. Qualification for life: The following qualifies a dog for life:

(a) A win (Champion or R/U Champion) in an NGSPA or American Field Championship of at least an hour in length or more.

(b) A 1st place in a broke dog stake in any NGSPA or American Field sanctioned trial.

B. The current years NGSPA National Futurity Winner qualifies for the next year’s Championships (one year only).

C. The dog must be Amateur handled and Amateur Owned in the National Amateur Championship.


A. Qualification for life: The following qualifies a dog for life:

(a) A win (Champion or R/U Champion) in an NGSPA or American Field Championship of at least an hour in length or more.

(b) A 1st place in a broke dog stake in any NGSPA or American Field sanctioned trial.

B. The current years NGSPA National Futurity Winner qualifies for the next year’s Championships (one year only).


A. Qualification for life: The following qualifies a dog for life:

(a) A win (Champion or R/U Champion) in an NGSPA or American Field Championship of at least an hour in length or more.

(b) A 1st place in a broke dog stake in any NGSPA or American Field sanctioned trial.

B. The current years NGSPA National Futurity Winner qualifies for the next year’s Championships (one year only).


A. Dogs eligible for the NGSPA National Futurity must be properly nominated by the breeder and the owner.

B. The dog must be registered in the American Field Stud Book. The DNA requirements quoted below do not apply to the Futurity.


All dogs entered in any NGSPA Championship must be registered or eligible for registration as a German Shorthaired Pointer in the American Field Dog Stud Book (“FDSB”) and must have an FDSB DNA number. A dog will be allowed to run if it is eligible for registration, but not yet registered with the FDSB, and if an FDSB or other DNA number has been applied for, but no win will be recognized or recorded for that dog until the dog is FDSB registered and an FDSB DNA number has issued for the dog; further, the host club may withhold any prize, trophy, purse money, or other award until an FDSB registration and FDSB DNA number have been provided for that dog to the host club.


Please note that the deadline for ads in the Nationals Catalog is January 30, 2016.

John Lunseth is coordinating the catalog again for 2016 and his flyer is detailed below.

The catalog, in addition to being a great source of information, is an important

revenue source to support the National Championships.

Please give serious consideration to buying an ad. It’s a great way to brag about your dog

oradvertise yourbusiness!

2016 National Championship Catalog Advertising

The Action is in Booneville

Where the Big Dogs Run

The 64th National Championship

The 58th National Futurity
The 41st National Amateur Shooting Dog Championship
The 47th National Shooting Dog Championship

The action starts February 27, 2016 and will run to conclusion (approximately March 9) at the J. Perry Mikles Wildlife Demonstration area near Booneville, Arkansas. You can participate in person or by advertising in the National Championship Catalog. This catalog is published annually and is distributed at the event. This is your opportunity to be represented. You can showcase your products, dogs, services, club activities and events, or you can simply include a congratulatory accolade.

You need to be represented in this historical issue featuring the elite American Field sanctioned one-hour Championships. This catalog is the source of information about the trial. It is also distributed at other NGSPA events and to NGSPA members throughout the nation. This is a historical reference publication with information on previous winners of the Nationals, the Dogs of the Year, as well as information on the dogs that are competing.

Your advertisement will get year-long and beyond exposure. Your message will reach hunting enthusiasts, spectators, breeders, owners and handlers of the fastest growing breed of bird dogs – the GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER.

Advertising rates, as follows:

Full PageMeasures 4 ½” x 7 ½”$100 Breeders, Clubs or Members

Full PageMeasures 4 ½” x 7 ½”$150 Commercial Advertisers

Half PageMeasures 4 ½” x 3 ¾”$ 75 Breeders, Clubs or Members

Half PageMeasures 4 ½” x 3 ¾”$100 Commercial Advertisers

Commercial Color ads are full page only: 2 color (double cost of ad) – Full color - $500/page

Ad Materials Needed: Electronic ad copy is easiest for us to handle. Paper copy is also acceptable.

TIFF, EPS or JPG documents MUST BE HIGH RESOLUTION – at least 300 dpi or higher

AD DEADLINE – January 30, 2016


Name of Organization, etc. ______

Submitted by: ______

Address: ______

Phone # ______Fax ______

Email Address: ______

Mail copy with payment to:
National German Shorthaired Pointer Association
c/o John Lunseth
Briggs & Morgan, P.A.
80 South 8th Street, Suite 2200
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 612-977-8484 (office)
Phone: 612-889-5758 (cell)

Fax: 612-977-8650


Sponsoring the dog wagon for a day and/or an evening of social hour snacks has become a popular, and inexpensive way to help support the Nationals. The cost this year is $75.00/event/day and will get you or your business recognized on the dog wagon or at the social hour. Rick Dodge is coordinating

RAFFLE:Plans are underway for a raffle to help defray costs involved with the National Championships. To date we have several Sportdog and Garmin training collars, a Mud River kennel cover and several bags of Energy Edge. If you have anything that you would like to donate to the cause (equipment, goods, services, hunts, etc.), please let me know


Last year the Stud dog Raffle was a success and is being organized again for 2016. Mike Patrick is coordinating again and advises that he has great dogs lined up. Details will be announced soon. Mike can be contacted at

SUGGESTIONS:The BOT takes the running of the National Championships very seriously and is doing everything they can to make the Championships a success, but, in the end, the Championships belong to the participants. If you have suggestions, we welcome them.


If you did not receive this directly and want to be added to my mailing list, let me know a

On Behalf of the NGSPA Board of Trustees,

Dean Crabbs,


2016 NGSPA National Championships

Cell Phone: 208-739-0644