Supply List for 6th Grade
Notre Dame Preparatory School
2016 – 2017
General Supplies:
- 5 one inch binders (flexible cover, if possible) – Please use the following color scheme for classroom binders:
- Red for English
- Blue for math
- Green for science
- Purple for social studies
- White for Latin
- 2 packs of loose leaf paper (to be replenished as necessary)
- One package of reinforcements for hole punched papers
- Colored pencils (small box)
- Box of #2 pencils (non-mechanical)
- Erasers
- Packet of blue/black pens
- Red pen
- Highlighters – at least three different colors
- Dry erase markers (blue, black, green, red)
- Glue stick
- Ruler (with inches and centimeters)
- Scissors
- Flash drive with 2GB of memory
- Locker Ladder
- Index cards/note cards
- 2 boxes of tissues (to be stored in advisory)
- 1 large Clorox/Lysol wipes (for advisory)
- One blue plastic two-pocket folder to be labeled “Math Exam Folder”
- One TI-30X II S Calculator
- Contact paper for math workbook
- One plastic (any color) two-pocket folder to be labeled “Science Exam Folder”
- Four dividers for science binder
- One plastic two-pocket folder to be labeled “English Exam Folder”
- Six dividers for English binder
- One spiral bound notebook
- One (any color) two pocket folder labeled with first and last name
Social Studies:
- One pack of 5 dividers, any color
- One (any color) two-pocket, three-prong folder labeled with first and last name
- One plastic two-pocket folder to be labeled “Social Studies Exam Folder.”
- Two packages of 3X5 notecards, any colors or white
- Notecard holder – box or index card binder
- Optional, but recommended:
- Laminated 8.5 x11 maps of the U.S. and the world that are hole punched and fit into binder
- Hammond Student’s Notebook Atlas – includes world maps and flags
- Three dividers with pockets
- Contact paper for Latin books
- Strathmore 400 Series Hardbound Sketchbook – 192 pages, 8-1/2” X 11-1/2 “, 60 lb.
- 2 Craft Smart® Plastic 10-Well Paint Palettes with Lids
Item# 10194225 (Can be found at Michaels: $1.50)
Guidance Class: One two-pocket folder
Physical Education:
- One piece competition style bathing suit
- Bathing cap
- Flip flops or foot protection
- Goggles
- Ballet slippers
- Solid royal blue mesh shorts
- White collared shirt
- Tunic
- Black leotard
- Pink tights
- Pink split-sole ballet shoes
Piano Students Only:
- One 1 inch binder with clear cover and 3 dividers