Health and Safety:Model Induction Checklist. For Permanent Employees.

Name of Employee:Date:

Name of person(s) carrying out induction:

*to be carried out before commencing duties with the remainder of items carried out as soon as possible after employment

Topic / Information given /  or initial Indicate if written information given / Notes
*Briefing Statement / Local H&S Policy Summary
Provide/access part III Policy / Explain County Council Safety Policy Parts I,II and III
Detail local establishment / settings aims and ethos.
Link to: H&S Intranet
*Key Personnel /
  • Head of Establishment / Setting
  • Health & Safety Manager
  • Head of Department
  • Leadership Team
  • First Aider (s)
  • Fire Warden(s)
  • Site Manager
  • Union Safety Representatives
  • Support Colleagues
  • Other(s)
/ Give names of essential, key personnel.
Governor’s Role / Explain local arrangements
*Dealing with Emergencies
*Fire /
  • Fire Exits
  • Alarm Call points
  • Alarm Testing
  • Gas isolation / flammables stores
  • Extinguishers
  • Evacuation procedure
  • Assembly points
  • Checking procedure
  • Who calls the fire service
/ Give Site Plan and information.
Walk route(s)
Link to: Fire Safety Procedure
*First Aid /
  • Employee arrangements
  • Arrangements for students/others
  • Employees with special needs
/ Give details of arrangements.
Link to: First Aid Procedure
*Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs / School Policy
Medication / Link to: Supporting Students with Medical Needs
*Accident / Incident Reporting inc Physical and Verbal Abuse /
  • AR1 for accidents / incidents
  • PVA for Physical / Verbal Abuse of Employees
/ Give details of forms and where they are available from.
*Hazard / Defect / Concerns Reporting / What to do
Who to inform / Explain local arrangements
*Bomb Threat / What to do
Who to inform / Explain local arrangements.
*Health & Safety Guidance and Advice – Policies and Procedures / Internal – General / Specialist
County Council Intranet
Help desk
Union – Safety Reps / Give local information
Link to H&S Intranet site*
01865 816464
Give local information
*Risk Assessment / Key risk assessment information made available and discussed / Explain what risk assessments apply and where they are. Give copies if relevant.
*Behaviour Management Policy / Key Personnel:
Pupils with Special Needs: / Supply details.
Appraisal/Performance Management / Line Manager / Should include H&S issues
Health & Safety Training / Training Needs Analysis
What is required and when?
What is available? / Link to: H&S Training Intranet Site
*Welfare Facilities / Give details / Show area and nearest employee toilet/rest room facilities
Stress Policy / Local Arrangements/support
Occupational Health – counselling
Teacher Line 0800 0562561 / OCC Stress Policy
Dignity at Work Policy / Bullying/Harassment / OCC Dignity at Work Policy
*Site Security / Visitors on site / Badge system
Local guidance / Explain local arrangements.
Off-site Visits / Out & About with Oxfordshire 3
Educational Visits Co-ordinator / Explain local arrangements and identify EVC
Contractors on site / School Policy/ Local Arrangements
Who is responsible? / Explain local arrangements
Chemical Safety / School Policy/Local Arrangements
Relevant COSHH assessments / Link to: Chemical Safety Procedure
Electrical Safety / School Policy/ Local Arrangements
PAT testing arrangements / Link to: Electrical Safety Procedure
Working at Height / School Policy/Local Arrangements
Risk Assessments / Link to: Working Safely at Height Procedure
Personal Safety/Lone Working / School Policy
Local Arrangements/Risk Assessments / Link to: Personal Safety Procedure
Child Protection Policy / Local Guideline
Child Protection Officer
Manual Handling / Local Arrangements
Risk Assessments / Link to: Manual Handling Procedure
Display Screen Equipment / Local Arrangements
Risk Assessments / Link to: Display Screen Equipment Procedure
Personal Protective Equipment / Local Arrangements
Risk Assessments / Link to: Personal Protective Equipment Procedure
Work Equipment / Local Arrangements – Maintenance, Inspections, Risk Assessments, Suitability / Link to: Work Equipment Procedure

Additional Notes:

Signed [Employee]Date

Signed by inductor [on behalf of the Head of Establishment/setting]Date
