Please Help #SaveH2B
Pending Amendments Will Harm the Program!
Congress is on recess through Labor Day and shortly after returning to Washington, House lawmakers will take up a fiscal 2018 mini-bus spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal agencies. We need you to continue to urge your lawmakers to encourage House Appropriations Chairman Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) and DHS Subcommittee Chairman Carter (R-TX) to include H-2B cap relief in the manager's amendment to the mini-bus bill, but we also need your help to fight two harmful H-2B amendments that may be considered during the debate over the appropriations bill.
Several potential amendments to the House FY18 mini-bus appropriations bill (HR 3354) have been filed with the House Rules Committee. The House Rules Commitee will meet next week to decide which amendments will be allowed to be offered on the House floor. We hope that members of the House Rules Committee will vote against the two amendments below, preventing them from being considered on the House floor during the debate over the appropriations bill, essentially killing the amendments.
  1. Amendment #10 to DHS Portion of the Bill by Steve King (submitted late) would block any expansion of the H-2B Visa program; and
  2. Amendment #160 to the Labor Portion of the Bill by Mr. Brooks (AL) would strike all provisions in the bill related to the H-2B program and the seafood industry, specifically striking sections 111,112, and 113.
Sec 112 - SEC. 112. The determination of prevailing wage
Sec 113 - SEC. 113. None of the funds in this Act shall be used to enforce the definition of corresponding employment found in 20 CFR 655.5 or the three-fourths guarantee rule definition found in 20 CFR 655.20, or any references thereto. Further, for the purpose of regulating admission of temporary workers under the H–2B program, the definition of temporary need shall be that provided in 8 CFR 214.2(h)(6)(ii)(B).
We need you to do ALL of the following actions below:
• Call and email your Representative and ask him or her to personally reach out to House Appropriations Chairman Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) and DHS Subcommittee Chairman Carter (R-TX) and ask them to include H-2B cap relief in the manager’s amendment to the Fiscal 2018 mini-bus appropriations bill (HR 3354). Also ask him or her to contact House Rules Committee Chairman Sessions (R-TX) and ask him to oppose the King Amendment #10 and Brooks Amendment #160 to the mini-bus appropriations bill because they will harm seasonal employers and their U.S. workers.
• IF AND ONLY IF you are a constituent of Chairman Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) or Subcommittee Chairman Carter (R-TX), please call and email his office directly and urge him to include H-2B cap relief in the manager’s amendment to the DHS portion of the mini-bus appropriations bill.
• IF AND ONLY IF you are a constituent of a member of the House Rules Commitee, call and email your Representative and ask him or her oppose the King Amendment #10 and Brook Amendment #160 to the mini-bus appropriations bill (HR 3354) because they will harm seasonal employers and their U.S. workers. Members of the House Rules Committee are listed below.
• You can reach your representative through the Capitol switchboard at 202-225-3121. Once connected, ask to speak to the staff person that handles H-2B visa issues. You can also ask for that staff person's email address and send a follow up email. (email will generally be )
• Encourage your employees, co-workers, customers and suppliers to also call and email their Representatives.
We will not give up on the fight for H-2B cap relief or to preserve the regulatory relief that has been in force for the past two years. We appreciate you joining us in this fight by reaching out to your elected officials again. The fiscal year ends on October 1, and next week is critical in our flight for H-2B relief.
Hon. Pete SessionsChairman
Hon. Tom Cole
Vice-Chairman, Oklahoma / Hon. Louise McIntosh SlaughterRanking Minority Member, New York
Hon. Rob Woodall
Georgia / Hon. James P. McGovern Massachusetts
Hon. Michael C. Burgess
Texas / Hon. Alcee L. Hastings Florida
Hon. Doug Collins
Georgia / Hon. Jared Polis Colorado
Hon. Bradley Byrne Alabama
Hon. Dan Newhouse
Hon. Ken Buck Colorado
Hon. Liz Cheney Wyoming