Mrs. Chavez 7th grade science

Welcome to seventh grade science! I am looking forward to a great school year! Studentswill have the opportunity to construct their own understanding of science concepts through a wide variety of explorations and further develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.The grade level expectations orTEKS are covered in a variety of ways through labs, activities, projects, class work, homework, and discussions.

Class Information

Textbook/Tablet-we have a class set of books for use in the classroom.

Students will also have a tablet for class use only! No games, videos, inappropriate material, or things unrelated to Science class. Do not Abuse this privilege it will be taken away. All school property will be treated with respect!

Assignments- Each day assignments are posted on the board andon google classroom. Students are expected to turn their assignments in on the due date.I will not Accept work after 2 days. When absent it is the responsibility of the student to get missed assignments.Students will be allowed a 2 days to make up work. All work assigned prior to the absence, including tests, is expected on the day of return

Binder/Journal-Every student will keep a journal (composition notebook) for notes, foldables, labs and reflective writing. Students do not keep the notebook in class. Students needbringtheir journals to class every day. It is a valuable tool in class and at home. Keep all notebooks as the information learned in 7th grade will be revisited in 8th and 9th grade.

Supplies- You will need acomposition book, paper, pencils, colored pencils, glue, and earbuds

Google Classroom-Parents: We have a really awesome opportunity to use a program called Google Classroom in which the students will be given assignments, notes, power points, etc. in which students can access anytime from any online device. This does not of course replace the interactive notebook in class but it is a big part of the days at Lynn Lucas.

AP Classes- If you are in an AP Science class you will have higher expectations. You are not just required to pass a test or project you are expected to knock it out of the park! Be prepared to put in extra study time, go above and beyond, self-learn, Have discussions, Express Ideas, and create/build some of your own Curriculum. Students in AP should be able to maintain a minimum grade of 85%.

Grading Policy

Daily Grades are worth 40% of the students grades.

1.) Journal: Holds warm ups, notes, vocabulary and labs

2.) In class assignments

3.) Participation

4.) Quizzes

5.) Labs

Major Grades are worth 60% of the students grades.

1.) Some Labs

2.) Cumulative Tests/Unit Tests

3.) Projects


Classroom Guidelines

  • Enter class with needed materials and prepared to do work
  • Be on time
  • Be respectful of yourself and others
  • Stay on Task
  • No Food or Drink in the lab (Bottled water with lid is allowed)
  • No Cell Phone Use

Class Expectations and Policies
Entering Class:
1.) Go to seat and get out Journal and pencils. (A list of needed materials out for the day will be on the daily agenda
2.) Begin working on the daily warm-up.

During Class:
1.) Be respectful of all individuals in our classroom.
2.) Be on task at all times.
3.) Follow directions.

Leaving Class:
1.) Clean up your area.
2.) Put away all supplies.

3.)Bell does not dismiss the class. The teacher dismisses the class

Substitute Teacher-If the occasion should arise that a substitute teacher takes my place, students are expected to follow all normal classroom and school procedures.

7th grade TEKs and Pacing guide

Unit01:ScienceSafetyandProcedures Aug. 22-26

Unit02:FlowofEnergy Aug. 29-Sept. 16

Unit03:ForceandMotion Sept. 19-30

Unit04:FactorsImpactingEarthSystems Oct. 3- Nov. 4

Unit05:LifeinOurSolarSystem Nov. 7-18

Thanksgiving BreakNov. 21-25

Unit 05: Life in Our Solar System(Continued)Nov. 28- Dec. 2

Unit06:OrganismsandtheEnvironment Dec. 5- 16

Winter BreakDec. 19- Jan. 2

Unit 06: Organisms and the Environment(Continued)Jan. 3- 13

Unit07:StructureandFunctionofCells Jan. 17- Feb. 24

Unit08:StructureandFunctionofLiving Feb. 27- Mar. 10

Spring BreakMar. 13- 17

Unit 08: Structure and Function of Living(Continued)Mar. 20- Apr. 7


andEnergyChangesinDigestion Apr. 10-14

State TestingApr. 17-21

Unit10:HomeostasisApr. 24- May 5

Unit11:GeneticsandAdaptations May 8-26

Parent/Teacher Communication

Parents are encouraged to contact me if there are ever any concerns. My e-mail address is . My conference period is 6th period 12:43-1:27pm

Parents can join my remind 101 by text @86299 to the number 81010

Subscribe to my Lynn Lucas Webpage at under Our Staff


Please sign and return for a daily grade of 100 by: August 24, 2016

I ______have read the above information and agree to comply with the classroom procedures.

------Student Signature

I______have read and discussed the above rules and procedures with my child.

------Parent Signature