Sentences with important vocabulary and definitions from Reading About George Washington Carver
Unit 5 (Most vocabulary items are not in bold type. Read the sentence and the definition to decide which word is the vocabulary item.)
Chapter 17:
The woods are beautiful before sunrise. / sun coming up in the morningDr. Carver had a sharp understanding of what God meant to him. / very clear
Other folks were still asleep. / people
He made mock chicken from peanuts. / fake, not real
When he was through, he had made more than three hundred things. / finished with something
He made linoleumfrom peanut shells. / shiny floor covering (often in hallways and kitchens)
Dr. Carver was called “The Wizard of Tuskegee.” / magician
Edison was a famous inventor. / person designing, developing, making something new
Dr. Carver wanted his people to get credit for his work. / respect from other people
Black people did not have equal rights. / legal permission to do things
Chapter 18:
How was the universecreated? / everything (all planets, moons, stars, galaxies, space, and everything)Many people wanted help and advicefrom Dr. Carver. / information about how to do things
His bookcaseswere full of books. / shelves for books
He didn’t want people to stareat him. / look for a long time
There was a celebration for Dr. Carver. / party for something or someone special
It was his anniversary. / yearly date for some special thing
Dr. Carver did not like so much fuss. / excitement and attention
He said, “I’m not ready to be amonument. / statue to remember someone or something
He found a way to use peanuts as a cushion in road pavement. / soft materialused to stop things from banging together
He found a way to use peanuts as a cushion in road pavement. / hard material (used to make a roads)
Today scientists use chemistry to makesynthetics. / materials made with chemicals by people
The President of the U.S. gave him amedal. / an award (usually a round piece of metal with your name and a picture)
Chapter 19:
He made paintfrom Alabama clay. / soft material from soil; you can make shapes with clayDr. Carver joined many little pieces of wood together and made a design. / art with many different sizes and shapes
Dr. Carver put the design into a pictureframe. / something to hold a painting and hang it on a wall