Special Housing Meeting
14th November 2006, Council Chamber
An Cathaoirleach Councillor Jimmy Cudden presided.
Members Present:
Councillors Joe Bonner, Oliver Brooks, Phillip Cantwell, Anne Dillon Gallagher, John V. Farrelly, Jimmy Fegan, Brian Fitzgerald, Jim Holloway, Tom Kelly, Noel Leonard, Michael Lynch, James Mangan, Liz McCormack, Bryan Reilly, Joe Reilly.
Officials in Attendance:
County Manager Tom Dowling
Directors of Services Brendan McGrath, Tadhg McDonnell, Eugene Cummins, Kevin Stewart
Head of Finance Fiona Lawless
Senior Executive Engineer Pat Dunne
Senior Executive Officer Marie Byrne
Administrative Officer Caroline Power
A/Meetings Administrator, Mary Maguire
Councillors Charles Bobbett, Patrick Boshell, Willie Carey, Shane Cassells, Eugene Cassidy, Jenny D’Arcy, Michael Gallagher, Dominic Hannigan, Peter Higgins, Nick Killian, Seamus Murray, Patsy O’Neill, Tommy Reilly
1. To receive presentation by the Affordable Homes Partnership
The members received a presentation from Mr John O Connor, Affordable Homes Partnership. The focus of the presentation was on the following:
Mission : to co-ordinate and promote the delivery of affordable homes in the Greater Dublin Area
National Role in marketing affordable housing and Part V
o Coordinate and drive delivery of affordable housing
o Promote a common approach to Part V
o Procurement and development of state lands
o Infrastructural development
Impact of Towards 2016:
Target delivery of 17,000 affordable homes 2007/2009
o Assistance with rollout of communications campaigns and common approach to Part V
Call for land 2005: advertisements yielded 35 responses, 12 suitable
o Part V resource pack produced,
o Seminars arranged,
o common application form and information booklet developed
o revamped website
Affordable Housing Initiative:
o Harcourt Terrace 1 & 2
o Broc House
o Magee Barracks
o Gormanston – still under consideration
o HSE sites (various)
Following the presentation An Cathaoirleach opened the debate and the following issues were raised:
o Budget of €2m annually for AHP.
o Suggestion that integration issues within large scale developments not being addressed. It was noted that Part V was purposely introduced to promote integration but concurred that enough has not been very dome and success rate poor.
o Responsibility of AHP to work with LAs under Towards 2016.
o Suggestions of limited level of involvement of AHP with MLAs to date, which should be further developed.
o Suggestion that the councils’ record in providing affordable homes needs to improve. It was noted that there had been a limited number of units due to the amount of previous applications which didn’t fall within the remit of Part V.
o Suggestion that land exchange for Part V requirement is better than money but some developers are maximising on this by buying large tracks of land in other locations to meet their obligations rather than include Part V proposals in their developments.
o HSE might stand to gain approx. one third of value of their lands. There are no such sites or church lands under consideration within the county at present.
o Suggestion of lack of clear guidelines from central government for LAs at introduction of Affordable Housing initiatives as well as an existing need for clarity within DoEHLG in relation to population figures and spatial strategy.
o Need to review council’s Housing Strategy and the 17 % Affordable : 3 % Social currently applicable.
o Suggestion that cost of affordable housing is passed onto other home purchasers in developments at a minimum of €8,000, which were refuted by AHP, and that affordable homes within developments are smaller and of a lesser standard.
o Some affordability issues present in certain developments.
o Need to make land available to LA at max 3 times agricultural cost. It was suggested that LAs should look at zoning and other ways to capture affordability, including condition on zoning that land should be handed over to the LA.
o Rent supplement insufficient to meet monthly rental charges in private market (Max €650)
o Cost of council Tenant Purchase of LA stock is now considered excessive.
o Suggestion that Meath, as a percentage of population, is building fewer houses than heretofore.
o Extent of “under consideration” of Gormanston lands: currently zoned industrial, which is considered the most appropriate zoning and may be exchanged for discounted housing elsewhere. There are issues pertaining to the new port which must also be factored in.
o Need to deal with Part V at the initial Planning Stage which requires consistency of approach from planning personnel.
County Manager Tom Dowling thanked Mr. O’ Connor for his presentation and confirmed to the meeting that Meath County Council is working very closely and successfully with the AHP in relation to addressing affordability issues within the county.
2. To receive presentation on Social and Affordable Housing Programme
Director of Services Brendan McGrath delivered a presentation on the social and affordable housing programme and covered the following:
· Review of Action Plan for Social and Affordable Housing
· Social Housing – Housing Needs Assessment : 2220 on list
· Social Housing – Housing Construction Programme
· Social Housing – Future Provision
· Social Housing – Vacant Dwellings
· Housing Land Bank
· Housing Maintenance
· Affordable Housing : 780 on list
· Social & Affordable Housing – Part V
· Rental Accommodation Scheme :
· Homelessness
· Traveller Accommodation
· Estate Management
· DPGs and ERGs
· Voluntary Housing
· Challenges going forward
Following the presentation, and the passing of time, it was resolved on the proposition of Cllr Fegan, seconded by Cllr. Leonard to continue with the meeting and to afford members three minutes each within which to speak.
The following issues were highlighted:
Congratulations were extended to the executive on the excellent performance on a number of housing service areas including the Traveller Accommodation Plan, Affordable Housing application processing and the standard of most social homes
ERGs / DPGs: Noting the number of approvals and the financial value involved, as well as the number and financial value of unapproved grant applications, members highlighted that they did not wish for a situation to develop as had heretofore. It was also highlighted that they would not lend support to proposals which might suspend that scheme.
Issues presenting including financial and human needs to be discussed at SPC
Weakness that tenants cannot avail of grants scheme
Open Spaces: Too much and too costly to maintain
Social Housing:
o No development south of Navan town in last twenty five years or Slane for over 10 yrs
o Window and doors replacement programme required to compliment central heating programme
o Application forms should include a line on affordable housing options
o Tenant Purchase options should be tapered to reflect affordability rather than market value
o Money for self-help very appropriate
o Need to include objective in County Development Plan to allow for infrastructural capacity priority for LA social housing development
o Should consider solar energy for rural cottages
Part V :
o Issue with Scheme of Priority as it exists
o Need for developers to identify where S & A housing will be provided within the development at planning stage
o Suggestion that Part V was compromised following lobbying by Construction Industry
o How best to deal with Part V at the initial Planning Stage and the need for consistency / stability with planning personnel
o Difficulty with legal searches and failure to spot compliance with Part V
Estate Management / Anti Social: Most difficulties present from private estates, minimal difficulties in most LA estates
Remedial Scheme: Tribute to attempts to get schemes up and running
Private Sites: Great scheme and should be continued wherever possible
Housing Estate Awards: Should have the same significance and level of financial support as other awards
It was resolved on the proposition of Cllr J. Farrelly, seconded by Cllr. Jimmy Cudden to recommend a budge
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Meath County Council, County Hall, Railway Street, Navan, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9097000, Fax: 046 9097001, web: www.meath.ie, Email