Item No. / Description / Details
Terrain details / Name: FNQ NRM Ltd t/a Terrain NRM
ABN:53 106 385 899
Address for notices : 2 Stitt Street, Innisfail QLD 4860
Terrain Agent / Name: Deborah Bass
Position: Reef Team Project Leader
Phone: 0437731081 or 07 40957106
Proponent details / Name:
Address for notices:
Proponent Representative / Name:
Commencement Date / The date of this Grant Contract.
Expiry Date / The earlier to occur of:
  • the date on which the Proponent has completed everything required by the Grant Contract, under clause 4 of the terms and conditions; or
  • the date on which the Grant Contract is terminated under clauses 15 and 16 of the terms and conditions.

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Proponent: / Name
FarmName: / Insert Farm name.
Project Description: / To improve nitrogen use efficiency on Farm. [For projects with more than 1 Farm attach further Schedule 2]
Proponent’s Baseline Nitrogen Use Efficiency is [insert].
Average baseline nitrogen fertiliser application rate of [insert] kg /ha/year.
Proponent’s Proposed Nitrogen Use Efficiency target is [insert]
Proposed average annual nitrogen fertiliser application rate of [insert] kg /ha/year.
Project code: / Enter the project code.
Contract no. [office use only] / To be allocated by CDO.
Activities / Deliverable(s)/Output code(s) / Completion Date / Payments(GST incl.)
Payment schedule / Proponents will receive payments of Grant Funding in accordance with the following proportions in accordance with the milestones set out below (unless there is a breach, variation or termination of the Grant Contract):
(i)10% at the commencement of the Grant Contract [insert amount GST inclusive];
(ii)30% in FY 2015-2016 [insert amount GST inclusive];
(iii)30% in FY 2016-2017 [insert amount GST inclusive]; and
(iv)30% in FY 2017-2018 [insert amount GST inclusive].
Total Grant Contract Funding: [insert amount GST inclusive] / Maximum price to be paid
2014 / 2015 Milestones
Development of Agreement / Grant Contract signed and returned to Terrain NRM with:
  • completed practice survey form as provided by Terrain NRM; and
  • invoice for first payment.
/ On Signing of Grant Contract / 10% of Grant Funding $
2015 / 2016 Milestones / Submission of an accountant verified statement for2014/2015 confirming the nitrogen fertiliser (kg N), mill by-product (if relevant) and legume crop seed (if relevant) applied to the Project Area during the period between Commencement Date and 30 June 2015. / 31 October 2015 / Nil payment
Provision, and verification (by Terrain NRM), of the following documents and/or data:
  • Fertiliser purchase receipts for calendar year 2015,
  • Completed fertiliser activity form for calendar year 2015 noting:
-Fertiliser(s) used,
-total farm fertiliser application (tonnes/yr),
-% mineral nitrogen content of fertiliser(s) used; and
-average nitrogen fertiliser application rate (kg/ha/yr) (this should equate to that described in the Project Description),
  • Delivery and / or purchase receipts for calendar year 2015 regarding other sources of nitrogen (e.g. Mill By-Products and legume crop seeds),
  • Farm yield data.
/ 31 January 2016 / 30% of Grant Funding
Submission of:
  • A warranty declaring that all minimum standards of management practice are in place and will be in place for the duration of the Grant Contract,
  • A warranty declaring that the three Smartcane BMP modules have been completed,
  • A certificate or acknowledgment from Queensland Canegrowers Organisation Ltd ABN 94 089 992 969 that the Smartcane BMP modules have been completed,
  • Completed practice surveyas provided by Terrain NRM.
/ 1 year from commencement date / Nil payment
2016 / 2017 Milestones / Submission of an accountant verified statement for2015/2016 confirming that the documents provided are accurate and include all of the nitrogen fertiliser (kg N), mill by-product (if relevant) and legume crop seed (if relevant) applied to the Project Area.
This statement should verify that all inputs applied to the Project Area have been accurately declared. / 31 October 2016 / Nil payment
Provision and verification (by Terrain NRM) of the following documents and/or data:
  • Fertiliser purchase receipts for calendar year 2016,
  • Completed fertiliser activity form for calendar year 2016 noting:
-fertiliser (s) used;
-total farm fertiliser application (tonnes/year),
-% mineral nitrogen content of fertiliser(s) use; and
-the average nitrogen fertiliser application rate (kg/ha/yr),
  • Delivery and / or purchase receipts for calendar year 2016 regarding other sources of nitrogen (e.g. Mill By-Products and legume crop seeds),
  • Farm yield data.
/ 31 January 2017 / 30% of Grant Funding
Submission of completed practice surveyas provided by Terrain NRM. / (2 years from commencement date) / Nil payment
2017 / 2018 Milestones / Submission of an accountant verified statement for2016/2017confirming that the documents provided are accurate and include all of the nitrogen fertiliser (kg N), mill by-product (if relevant) and legume crop seed (if relevant) applied to the Project Area.
This statement should verify that all inputs applied to the Project Area have been accurately declared. / 31 October 2017 / Nil payment
Provision and verification (by Terrain NRM) of the following documents and/or data:
  • Fertiliser purchase receipts for calendar year 2017,
  • Completed fertiliser activity form for calendar year 2017 noting:
-the fertiliser(s) used,
-total farm application (tonnes/year),
-% mineral nitrogen content of fertiliser(s) used; and
-the average nitrogen fertiliser application rate (kg/ha/yr),
  • Delivery and / or purchase receipts for calendar year 2017 regarding other sources of nitrogen (e.g. Mill By-Products and legume crop seeds),
  • Farm yield data.
/ 31 January 2018 / 30% of Grant Funding
Submission of completed practice change surveyas provided by Terrain NRM. / 3 years from commencement date) / Nil payment
Submission of Nutrient Management Plan/sfor the Farm. The Nutrient Management Plan/smust address Terrain’s Water-quality Risk Assessment for Nutrient Management Planning in Sugarcane. / 30 June 2018 / Nil payment
2018 / 2019 Milestones / Submission of an accountant verified statement for2017/2018confirming that the documents provided are accurate and include all of the nitrogen fertiliser (kg N), mill by-product (if relevant) and legume crop seed (if relevant) applied to the Project Area.
This statement should verify that all inputs applied to the Project Area have been accurately declared. / 31 October2018 / Nil payment
Proponents must obtain, keep and provide necessary reports and/or Records to meet requirements of the Grant Contract Schedules.
The Proponents are obliged to keep such Records for aperiod of no less than 7 years after the end of the Grant Contract.
Total (GST excl.) / $
Total GST amount / $
Total (GST incl.) / $


(to be extracted from application and inserted at contract creation and should include:

Farm name
Farm Yield Potential (t/ha)
Cane area (ha)
Map of Farm location showing Project Area

Attach an additional table for eachFarm addressed in this Project

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