Spruce Pine UMC

11090 South Highway 226

Spruce Pine, NC 28777

Church: (828) 765-7446; Pastor: (828) 467-8743

Web: www.sprucepineumc.org

Email: (office);


Facebook: Spruce Pine United Methodist Church

September 8, 2013 / Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Jeremy I. Troxler, Pastor
Kathy Miller, Organist / Kathey Hollifield, Music Director

WELCOME TO WORSHIP! The word “worship” comes from the old English word for ‘worthy.” When we gather to worship God, we are declaring that God alone is “worthy” of our lives. As we gather for worship this morning, we recall last week’s Gospel reading where Jesus tells his followers to take “the lowest seat” instead of the seat of honor, and instructs us to intentionally eat with people who are poor or who are different from us. Take a moment to pray and to ask God how you might follow these commands in your own life.


Chiming of the Hour
Welcome and Announcements / Mike Murphy
Prelude / “Trumpet Voluntary” / Jordan Young
Entry of the Light of Christ
please use this time to focus your whole self – mind, body, and spirit –
on worshipping God, The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
^Song of Praise / “Cry of My Heart” / TFWS 2165
^Statement of Faith / The Apostle’s Creed (Traditional) / UMH 881
Let us pray together.
Living God, we give you thanks and praise, for you have made us and given us life,
and in Christ Jesus you have redeemed us and set us free.
Loving God, we give you thanks and praise, for you have found us and made us your own,
named us and called us your beloved children.
Faithful God, we give you our thanks and praise, for you have promised to be with us always,
and nothing can separate us from your love.
God, our God, we love you and adore you. Help us to worship and to live as your holy people. Amen.
^Sharing the Peace of Christ “The peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you.”
(Through the gift of Jesus Christ, we have been granted forgiveness and peace with God and with one another. As a sign and celebration of the peace we have been given, we invite you to turn to your neighbors, extend your hand, and greet/bless them with the words, “The Peace of Christ be with you.”)
^Hymn / “Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise” / UMH 103
Sharing of Praises / (After the leader repeats each praise,
The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”)
Praise Chorus / UMH 328
“Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place;
I can feel his mighty power and his grace.
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings, I see glory on each face;
surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.”
Prayers of the Congregation – Pastoral Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer
Offering Our Gifts to God
Offertory / “People Need the Lord” / Kathey Hollifield - Vocalist
^Doxology / “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” / UMH 95


Children’s Time & Children’s Change Offering / Mike Murphy
Prayer for Illumination / “Bidden, Unbidden” / Chancel Choir
^Gospel Lesson / Psalm 139: 1-18; 23-24 / OT Page 552
Proclamation of the Word / “Known by God” / Rev. Jeremy Troxler


Anthem / “Search Me O God” / Chancel Choir
^Invitation to Christian Discipleship
^Sending Hymn / “The Lone, Wild Bird” / TFWS 2052
^ Benediction
^Choral Response / “Loving Spirit” / Chancel Choir
^ Postlude

^ If able, please stand


¨  THERE WILL BE A BRIEF CHURCH CONFERENCE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 11:00 AM WORSHIP SERVICE TODAY The purpose of this meeting is to formally receive the report of the Parsonage Study Committee and to conclude it’s work. Anyone may attend the meeting, but only church members will be able to have a formal vote.

¨  WE INVITE EACH FAMILY TO BRING AT LEAST ONE CAN OF FOOD EACH WEEK for the Shepherd’s Staff food assistance ministry. There is a box in the Welcome Center…let’s fill it each week! Please check the “Best Used Before” date on the items you donate and make sure it is more than 30 days before expiration. Thank you!

¨  PLEASE FILL OUT THE PEW REGISTRATION PADS located next to the windows at the end of each pew. Pass them to the inside and the ushers will pick them up after they receive the offering.

¨  NAME TAGS Please let’s get into the habit of wearing them. If yours is missing or there is an error, please contact the church office.

¨  OUR SEPTEMBER CHILDREN’S OFFERINGS will go to the ‘Stop Hunger Now’ event. If you wish to contribute to this special mission, please do so during the children’s offering.

¨  MISSIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Today, September 8th at 5:00PM in the welcome center. To be discussed will be a possible fall short term mission, to New Jersey, Oklahoma, Kentucky or Alabama. Also ongoing missions opportunities locally.

¨  UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Nightingale Circle will meet on Monday, 7:00 PM at the church.

¨  FINANCE COMMITTEE meeting is Thursday, September 12th, at 5:00 PM.

¨  BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) begins this year’s international, interdenominational Bible Study of The Gospel of Matthew on Thursday, September 12th at 5:30 P.M. at Grassy Creek Baptist Church, Hwy 226 in Spruce Pine, NC. More information is available in the handout on the table in the welcome center and in the bulletin insert.

¨  STOP HUNGER NOW EVENT Stop Hunger Now!! There will be a meal packaging event on Saturday September 28, 2013 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM at Higgins UMC in Burnsville. Our starting goal is to raise funds for and pack 15,000 meals. That means raising $3,250 and having volunteers to show up to pack meals. We have organized this event by "tables" with ten volunteers per table and $500 for the 2,000 meals they can pack in three hours. Individual donors and volunteers are also welcome. This is a fun event for ages 3-103. There are jobs from working at a funnel to sealing boxes, and don't miss a chance to bang the gong. Just ask any of the SHN veterans, we look forward to this event every year. Meet some good people and fight food insecurity! For more information see Marvin Walker, Glen Devos or Jack Chandler.

¨  Blue Ridge Bridge Club / Mondays 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
¨  Girl Scouts / Mondays 6:00 – 8:00 pm / Thursdays 2:45 – 4:15 pm
¨  Weight Watchers / Tuesdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm
¨  Choir Practice / Wednesdays 7:00 pm

¨  SAVE THOSE WESTERN SIZZLIN RECEIPTS! Please save your receipts for the church – Spruce Pine location only – there is a box in the Welcome Center and remember to say “thank you” to the steakhouse for their generosity.

¨  WORSHIP LEADERSHIP SCHEDULES: (If you are unable to serve on the date scheduled, please exchange dates with someone and let the church office know.)

·  LECTOR: September 15th, Sharon Drum - September 22nd, Jane DeVos

·  GREETERS: 15th , Ima Conroy & Theresa Conley – September 22nd , Carolyn & Jack Burleson

·  CHILDREN’S TIME: September 15th, Kathey Hollifield – September 22nd, Valerie Stern

·  WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY: September – United Methodist Men

Our Community Covenant

When a person becomes a professing member of the body of Christ at Spruce Pine United Methodist Church,

he or she covenants to participate faithfully in the ministries of the congregation and in life in the world

by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness.


For all who do not know of the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord; all who know but have not acknowledged that love. Our community; educators; high school seniors; local; state; national; world leaders; those seeking employment; those struggling with long term illness Nancy Moody; Beth Wyatt; Daren Rodgers; Brian Center staff, residents, and families; Brookside residents and staff; our homebound members; caregivers of the seriously ill; Audrey Davenport; Bob Pariott; Rev. Lynda Briggs; Tim Hollifield; Lorraine Campbell; Faye Graham; InasMuch missioners; Bill Dailey; Bretta Walker; the family of Bill Ball; Fred Hizer; Gabe Russon; Bill Sears; Jack Riley; Marcheta Pendley; Pat Ross and the family of her nephew; Susan Hall; Charlene Greasamar; Larry Curtis; Pauline Jenkins; the family and staff of Dr. Jim Thompson; Paul Ramsey; Wayne Schafer; the family of Bill Henline; Rev. Pete Peterson; Jim Dunn; the family of William Wallace, Rev. Gil Wise and the new UM District Superintendents; Richard & Martha Long; Jack Chandler’s daughter Andrea (opportunity); Mike Murphy; Rebels Creek Baptist Church (following loss of pastor); Sheila Sockwell’s grandson Ian; Men and Women serving in the Military, Stop Hunger Now; the foster children and parents of Mitchell County; for a just end to violence in Egypt.

We want to join with you in prayer for your concerns and needs.

Simply contact Pastor Troxler or the church office and tell us about your prayer concern.

Please submit names to the church office by Thursday morning to be included on the weekly list.

Birthdays this Week: Angie White – September 8th, Ken Lentz – September 9th,

Kathy Miller – September 9th, Diane Walker – September 12th

PRESENCE: September 1st, 2013: 9:00 Service - 21 11:00 Service - 90

GIFTS: September 1st, 2013: General Fund – $4,346.00 Choir Camp Donations – 125.00

Parsonage Renovation – $220.00 Shepherd’s Staff – 25.00

Stop Hunger Now Children’s Offering – $74.92

19 food items donated to Shepherd’s Staff

SERVICE: Thanks to those who are serving in special ways throughout the past week and today …

Lector: Mike Murphy Children’s Time: Mike Murphy

Greeters: Deb & Greg Stanbery Offertory: Kathey Hollifield

Usher: Vernon Coulter


One family was helped through our community assistance fund this week: the church’s assistance kept this family from having their power turned off.

In the short book of the New Testament called “Philemon,” the Apostle Paul pens a letter in which he writes, “When I remember you in my prayers, I always thank my God because I hear of your love for all the saints and your faith toward the Lord Jesus. I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ.” How are you showing “love for all the saints and trust in Jesus”? Think for a moment about all of the good that we can do for Christ: perhaps begin by thinking of all the good that Christ has done for you through the lives of others. Imagine how much good you can do for Christ through your life this week.

** Next Week’s Scripture September 15, 2013**

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28, Psalm 14, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Luke 15:1-10