This template is an example only of how a CPD record might be produced. CPD records should contain sufficient evidence to support any claims and be produced as evidence should the practitioner be audited.
Registration Number:
Registration Period:
Development Plan
Goals / OutcomesImprove knowledge and skills for complex home modifications / Competent to independently assess and document complex home modifications
Develop skills to locate and critically read relevant articles / Able to present articles reviews at regional journal club meetings
Improve skills for assessment of accommodation needs / Confident to complete assessment and recommend services and options when a move to supported accommodation is being considered for older clients
Category 1:Formal Learning Activities (Max 25 hours per registration year)
Date / Activity / Participants / Resources / Implications for Practice / CPD Hours2 Feb 20xx / Workshop in complex home modifications / Senior OT staff from Disability Modification Service / Will need to look over the revised standards for ramps and review some sample diagrams with supervisor / 6
April 20xx / Online learning module: Reading for evidence-based practice / Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare / Will print copies of appraisal tools to use for private reading. Focus reading on using critical appraisal tools to critique strengths and limitations of studies / 4
Category 2:Informal Learning Activities (Max 25 hours per registration year)
Date / Activity / Participants / Resources / Implications for Practice / CPD Hours19 Feb 2017 / Practiced measuring for ramps and preparing drawings / Outreach supervisor and other junior staff / Need further practice with complex case issues. Ask supervisor to check next 5 drawings after home visits / 1.5
12 May 20xx / Read article in preparation and attended regional Journal Club
Article: XXX / Regional Journal Club / Difficult to contribute to discussion of study design and method, will prepare for next session.
Noted my practices were similar to that in the article, but could be using more OT terminology / 3
Category 3:Engagement with the Profession (Max 10 hours per registration year)
Date / Activity / Participants / Resources / Implications for Practice / CPD Hours5 March 20xx / Aged care interest group considered new guidelines for activity programs / State Aged Care Interest Group / Need to check that I store materials in line with the new standards and ensure electrical testing has been done. / 3
7 April 20xx / Presented in-service training for allied health / Allied Health Education Group / Useful discussion about how health workers changing things can upset routines / 3
Total CPD for the year (12 month period)
CPD Category / CPD HoursCategory 1: Formal Learning Activities (Max 25 hours per registration year)
Category 2: Informal Learning Activities (Max 25 hours per registration year)
Category 3: Engagement with the Profession (Max 10 hours per registration year)
Total (minimum of 30 hours CPD per year)
Example - Continuing professional development recordPage 1 of 2