North Wildwood Recreation Department
900 Central Avenue, NorthWildwood, NJ 08260
522-2955 • 522-2959 • 522-0402 FAX
Recreation Department Summary for June2011
Building Usage:
The NW Recreation Center hosted a total of 528resident adults. That total included 434males and 94females. The Recreation / Weight Room hours were available Monday – Friday from 7:00am – 2:00pm.There were Saturday hours from 8:00am – 4:00pm.
The NW Recreation Center hosted a total of 98 1st – 6th graders during Open Recreation hours of 2:30pm – 5:00pm. That total included 58males and 40 females. On days when school is closed we have Open Recreation hours from 12:00pm – 4:00pm. Our open recreation program ended on Friday June 3rd.
The NW Recreation Center hosted a total of 07th – 12th graders during the night time hours of 6:30pm – 8:30pm. That total included 0males and 0females. This program runs from Monday – Friday, except for Thursday because that night is made available to adults only. Our night time hours ended on Wednesday May 11th.
The NW Recreation Center hosted a total of 0adults during the adult nighttime weight room hours of 6:30pm – 9:30pm and the open gym hours of 8:30pm – 10:00pm. That total included 0males and 0females. The weight room hours were made available Monday – Friday and the open gym hours were made available Monday – Thursday. Our night time hours ended on Wednesday May 11th.
Daily Usage Total
The combined total daily usage for the recreationcenter for the month of June was 626 people.
Meeting – Special Event Usage:
The NW Recreation Center hosted approximately 48meetings during the month of June, which included Scrabble Club, AA, C.M.C. Senior Services, Primary Elections, Zumba, Basketball Practices, Yoga, Safety Meetings, Optimist B-ball Tournament, Gymnastics, AAU Games, Recreation Commission Meetings, Crime Watch, Al-Anon and Special Events. We had a combined total attendance of about 4,249people.
Daily / Meeting – Special Event Usage Total
The combined total of children and adults who used the building on a daily basis and for a meeting during the month of June was 4,875people.
2200 Delaware Avenue 5th & The Bay
729-6734 522-6266