Application Process for International Students
Step 1 – Complete the International Student Application.
Step 2 – Submit the student’s English Language Proficiency Test results, such as the TOEFL, TOEFL Jr., SLEP, or the iTEP, along with an explanation of scores.
Step 3 – Provide a copy of the student’s academic records and translation to English along with an explanation of the grading system. Records must be submitted for each year in high school. For students applying to grade 9, records must be from the previous two academic years. The official school transcripts must be on school letterhead or must carry the official school stamp or seal.
Step 4 – Provide a copy of the student’s passport or birth certificate.
Step 5 – Please submit the student’s official immunization record. Please have your physician enter the exact dates of all immunizations and attach official seal. The record must then be translated into English. Students must be in compliance with immunization requirements for the state of New Jersey in order to attend class.
Step 6 – Upon receipt of the student application and supporting documentation, the student will be contacted to be interviewed via phone, in person, or through SKYPE.
Step 7 – An official letter from the Union Catholic Admissions Department will notify the student of the admissions decision.
All required documentation can be faxed to 908-889-9386 or emailed to Mrs. Betsy Thornton, Director of Admissions, at .
International Student Application
Applicant’s First Name (given name):
Applicant’s Middle Name:
Applicant’s Last Name (surname or family name):
Applicant’s English Name or Nickname (optional):
Gender (please circle): Male Female
Foreign Home Address (Street Address):
City / State (Province or District) / Country / Zip (Postal) Code:
/ / /
Current US Address (Street Address) [only if applicable: please fill in this section only if you are currently residing in the US] : ______
City / State / Zip (Postal) Code: / / ______
Date of Birth (Month, Day, and Year): / /
Home Telephone: ( _)
Student’s email address: ______
Country of Birth:
Country of Citizenship:
Current Grade: Grade for which student is applying:
Current School Name:
Dates of Attendance: Grade(s) Completed:
School Address:
City / State (Province or District) / Country / Zip (Postal) Code:
/ / /
Web address:
Previous School Name:
Dates of Attendance: Grade(s) Completed:
School Address:
City / State (Province or District) / Country / Zip (Postal) Code:
/ / /
Web address:
Tuition and fees must be paid on time directly to Union Catholic. Payments must be made from a domestic United States checking account or by money order. The first payment is due by Registration Day and the second and final payment is due by Monday, January 2, 2017.
Marital Status of student’s parents (please circle):
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Single Other:
Student currently resides with (please circle):
Both Parents Mother Father Guardian
If guardian, please state relationship to student:
Father’s Name:
Occupation and Title:
Cell Phone:
Mother’s Name:
Occupation and Title:
Cell Phone:
International students, not residing with a parent, are required to be under the care of a U.S. agency or guardian. This person is expected to take care of the student in any emergency, and to help with any academic or behavior issues that arise. Students, regardless of age, may not live on their own. The school may contact the person listed below as part of the admissions process. The following person/agency has permission as a United States guardian to approve a home stay for my child:
Name of Guardian or Agency:
Relationship to student:
Phone: ( ) Email:
Street Address:
City / State / Zip (Postal) Code: / /
Host families must be arranged by a local U.S. agency or a guardian in close proximity to the school. Union Catholic does not locate, coordinate, oversee, supervise, or place students in host families. It is the responsibility of the agency or U.S. guardian to visit the host family and give approval to Union Catholic for the student to reside with a host family. Union Catholic must then receive the name of the host parent(s), address, and contact information. The agency or U.S. guardian is responsible for providing support to the host family and the school. Please check one of the following:
______The agency listed above is arranging a home stay for my child in the area.
______The guardian listed above has permission as a United States guardian to
approve a home stay for my child.
______My child will be residing with the guardian listed above.
______One or both parents will be residing in the United States and the child will
be residing with the parent(s).
STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE: You may answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper if you so choose or if you need additional space.
Is this your first time studying in the United States (yes/no)? ______If no, what school(s) and year(s) did you attend previously?
What do you hope to get out of your experience studying in the United States?
What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
In which academic subjects are you least interested?
In what school, extracurricular, or community activities do you participate?
Introduce yourself to the Union Catholic community. You can write about your family,
your interests, your hopes and your dreams for the years ahead.
Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?
How did you learn about Union Catholic High School? Please check all that apply.
_____ Union Catholic website
_____ Current student(s) If so, who?
_____ Agency [Please indicate which one(s).]
_____ Other – Please explain.
Students are expected to follow the rules and regulations set forth by Union Catholic High School and remain in compliance with school policies including, but not limited to, attendance, academics, and discipline. Students are expected to be in class on orientation day in the beginning of the school year through the end of final exams in mid to late June.
We have read the information contained in this document. All of the data provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge. It is the responsibility of the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) to inform the school whenever any information on this form changes.
Signature of Parent(s)/Current Legal Guardian: ______
Signature of Student: Date: