LIHEAP Performance Measures Implementation Work Group (PMIWG)

15th Teleconference Minutes

April 28, 2011 @ 2:00pm EST

Telephone Number: 1-877-546-1573;Audio Passcode: 8245824

Webinar URL Address:

Webinar Conference Number:PW6205661;Webinar Passcode: 8245824

  1. Purpose2 minutes
  2. Discuss announcements
  3. Discuss NEADA and NEUAC presentations scheduled for June
  4. Updated from the subgroups
  5. Begin identifying Year 1 Recommendations for HHS
  6. Next steps
  7. Announcements10 minutes
  8. Roll Call: Susan, Mike, Marcia, Jane, Akm, Leslie, Matt, Chad, and Lauren were present.
  9. NEUAC attendance
  10. Unable: Ralph, Susan, Mike , Marcia
  11. Unsure: Jane,Cari
  12. Definite: Leslie, Melissa, Janet, Akm, Chad, Lauren, Matt, Charlotte
  13. June Presentations
  14. NEADA: Sunday, June 26 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm (1.5 hours)
  15. Progress update from Communications—Cari
  16. Overlay tools from Process—Chad
  17. Templates from Methodology—Jane
  18. NEUAC: Developing Partnerships to Measure Performance—Wednesday, June 29 from 10:30am – 11:45 am (1 hour 15 minutes)
  19. Panelist: Janet, Akm, and Richard (Methodology Subgroup)
  20. Moderator: Leslie
  21. New Member
  22. Richard Moffi, LIHEAP Director from Vermont, has expressed an interested in joining the work group. Current members agreed to bring him aboard and to include him in the Methodology subgroup.
  23. Subcommittee Progress Report25 minutes
  24. Communications—Ralph
  25. Letter to Yolanda was revised and sent to her on May 5, 2011. Yolanda will meet with Nick to discuss and develop a response.
  26. Basecamp external set up is completed and invitations have been sent. Out of the 52 invitees, only 17 people have registered.
  27. State Grantee Newsletter was sent on May 4, 2011.
  28. Basecamp webinar will be held on May 17and an email invite will be sent and posted to Basecamp.
  29. Methodology—Matt
  30. Tier 1 collection template external—needs to be sent to grantees for external testing.
  31. Tier 2 collection template internal testing—needs to be sent to the working group for internal testing.
  32. Web-based database
  33. A request for resources for the web-based reporting was included in the Yolanda letter.
  34. Matt will research different web-based reporting options and report back to the group.
  35. Process—Marcia reviewed the following three processing overlays. The suggested changes will be made and the overlays will be posted as PDF files.
  36. State Plan
  37. Client Application
  38. Vendor Agreement
  39. Year 1 Recommendations for HHS15 minutes
  40. To include recommended activities in FFY 2012 plans and budget, preliminary year 1 recommendations are needed. We will revisit these preliminary recommendations in the upcoming meetings.
  41. Resources and supports for Basecamp, webinars, and a web-based database were included in the letter to Yolanda.
  42. Establish new tasks and next meeting5 minutes
  43. Assignments
  44. Communications –Basecamp webinar on May 17, 2011.
  45. Methodology – send out tier 1 template and collect feedback from States; complete and send work group members tier 2 template.
  46. Process – complete the next three overlays.
  47. Next Meeting
  48. Mid to late May (week of the 15th or the 22nd) @ 2:00pm; a meeting request will be sent out. Please respond with availability.