The Internet Project
50 points possible
Students enrolled in Monday labs have a Monday September 26 at 11:59am due date.
Students enrolled in Wednesday labs have a Wednesday September 28 at 11:59am due date.
Students enrolled in the Friday labs have a Friday September 30 at 11:59am due date.
Before you start, PLEASE print out this entire activity description. Having a printed copy of the activity description in front of you results in the activity taking less time than completing the activity while constantly switching back and forth between the instructions and the application you are working with. You will get finished with this activity quite a bit faster if you have a printed activity description in front of you.
In the Internet project, you will a create web site for your fictitious (or even real) business. Some of the elements used in this project have already been created while other elements will be made shortly. In essence, you will soon bring together all of the pieces of the puzzle.
The web site will consist of 2 individual web pages (linked together via hypertext links). Those two pages include:
- The index page you created in the HTML pre‐lab activity (with some modifications).
- The main page for your business (still needs to be made).
As part of this activity, you can earn some optional extra credit. It is worth up to 8 extra credit points if you create additional web pages (beyond what is already required). If you upload your Internet project files to the KSU personal server and have a fully functional website that is readable on the Internet” by anyone (assuming they have your address) without receiving any assistance from your instructor, then you can earn an additional 8 extra credit points for a total of up to 16 possible extra credit points. Throughout this activity description, you will find several hints/items that you must follow if you want to be considered for the extra credit.
Preparing your project folder
1.Your first step in the project is to take your existing Internet Project folder and rename it so that the folder name now includes your first and last name. For example, my folder would be renamed as Brian Kovar Internet Project.
2.After doing that step, navigate into the project folder. Make sure that the folder contains all of the files used in the HTML pre‐lab activity (htm, image and background files) AND all of the files you created or used in the XML project.
- All files not used in the HTML pre‐lab activity or XML project need to be moved outside of your Internet project folder.
- Make sure that the Internet project folder does not have any subfolders inside it. If you have some of the necessary files inside a subfolder (like an XML folder), then move those files outside the subfolder and into the main Internet project folder.If you have the needed files in a subfolder, then some of your hypertext links won’t work.
- In the XML project, you created a raw instance document in exercise #1. Later on, in exercise #2, you made a copy of that file and added a “call” statement to one of the files so that the instance document would be formatted using the stylesheet. Find those two xml files. Make sure that they both open and work as required.
i)Rename the raw instance document file created in exercise #1 so that its new name is rawfile (or rawfile.xml)
ii)The instance document modified in exercise #2 of the XML project: the one formatted using the stylesheet, should be renamed so that its new name is XMLstyle (or XMLstyle.xml)
iii)After renaming rawfile, open the file in your web browser and you should see a raw XML instance document that you can expand and collapse.
iv)After renaming XMLstyle, open the file in your web browser and you should see your products displayed in a table (each attribute in its own cell)
- If something is not working properly, then make corrections/adjustments to your work as needed.
3.Review the packet of printouts that were returned to you after your HTML pre‐lab activity was graded. Correct anything that was noted. Proofread your work for errors that I might have missed when grading the pre‐lab activity and make corrections as necessary.
4.Throughout this entire project, IF YOU PLAN ON ATTEMPTING THE EXTRA CREDIT, never save a filename so that there is a space inside the file name. If there is a space inside a file name, then you are almost guaranteeing that you will have problems with your web site when the site is viewed using files on the KSU personal server. No spaces in file names!!!!!!!
Throughout this entire project, test your site in multiple browsers to make sure everything is functioning properly. If you discover an error, then make whatever corrections are necessary.
Modifications to the index page
When you modify the index page, you can ONLY use Notepad and the html commands. Do not modify the index page using Word or any other sort of HTML editor. Don’t even open the index page in Word or an editing program. No credit for this page will be given if I detect that an editor was used to modify this page.
Please make the following modifications to the index page:
1.As part of the pre‐lab activity, your page ended with a table containing a link to your other page and an image. Delete that particular table and all of its contents. After doing this step, you should see the class schedule table, followed by a horizontal line.
2.Following the horizontal rule, create a NEW paragraph of at least 4 sentences that contains other information that the viewer might find of interest regarding you, your interests, likes/dislikes, thoughts, opinions, preferences, whatever you want to discuss. Make sure that this paragraph is not centered. In fact, for this entire project, make sure that you never center paragraphs or lists. Each of those items should have an even left-margin. If you already have paragraphs that have been centered, then immediately go and make them left-aligned (and not centered.
3.Another horizontal line should follow the paragraph created in the prior step.
4.Your page already contains a bulleted list of your favorite web sites. Make each of those items in the bulleted list a hypertext link to the respective site.
5.Add any additional content that you wish to this page (text, lists, tables, pictures, etc.)
6.The last item on this page is a two row, 2 column table (total of 4 cells). The table needs to have a border. The table should be centered at the bottom of your web page.
- Cell #1 of row #1 should display the words Email Me. Those words need to be a mailto link that can be used to send email to you.
- Cell #2of row #1 should display the words Main Business Page.
- Cell #1 of row #2 should display an appropriately sized image of your choice.
- Cell #2 of row #2 should display another appropriately sized image of your choice.
- After you create the main business page, the words “Main Business Page” will become a hypertext link to that page.
Creating the Main Business Web Page
The main business web page should be created with Microsoft Word or some other HTML editor (that you already know how to use). This is the page that your potential customers will see when they want to learn more about your business and the products that you sell. As a result, professionalism is extremely important. This page is used to describe your business, the products you sell, and what your business is all about. You will need to:
- Introduce your business and what it is all about. (May also include a short history of the business.)
- Create descriptive paragraphs that describe the products and services that your business offers.
- Display images of the products and services that you provide.
- Discuss pricing of your goods and services
- Provide hypertext links to:
- Companies that buy, sell or use your product
- Companies that provide component parts that you use
- Companies that are part of your supply chain
The web page that you create for your business should contain the following elements,at minimum (and in no particular order, that is up to you. However, these elements MUST BE ON THE MAIN BUSINESS PAGE AND NOT moved elsewhere):
1)When you save this file, make sure that you:
a)do not save this file as a single file web page. You need to save the file as a WEB PAGE.
b) do not have a space inside the file name. If you have a space inside a file name, then you are almost guaranteeing that you will have problems with your web site when the site is viewed using files on the KSU personal server(assuming you are wanting the extra credit). No spaces in file names!!!!!!!
a)If you have already saved the file and there is a space within the name, open the file in Microsoft Word and then select SAVE AS and save the file without having a space inside the file name. In order to avoid later confusion, delete the file name that contains the space.
2)A title with the company name included it in (that customers will see if they bookmark your web page). This text is what appears in the title bar of the browser that someone is using to view your web page.
3)Larger text that someone might consider as the “introductory heading” for the page (centered)
4)Horizontal lines used to separate one section of the web page from another.
5)At least 5 images need to display on the web page. IMPORTANT: Make sure that you download the images to your storage media first and then add them to your web site. DO NOT DIRECTLY link to a image stored on someone else’s web site (it causes major problems)
6)The web page should have a non‐white background.
7)Hypertext links to at least 3 external sites (see above description of this web page for possible items to create hypertext for)
8)Horizontal rules are not required, but you might want to consider using them in order to create “sections”, if needed.
9)All text on the web page (regular text and hypertext) needs to be readable, given the background that you have selected. Depending on your background, you may need or want to change the font color used for your regular text and hypertext.
10)A minimum of two descriptive paragraphs (more may be needed).
11)You must include at least 2 tables on your web page that are used to present information/content.
12)You must use at least 3 lists on the main business web page. You must have one bulleted list and one numbered list.
13)You must have a clearly identified (and working) mailto link that customers can use to contact you. Later on, you will also create a second mailto link in a table where you display maps and other information.
14)You must have a clearly identified hypertext link that customers can click on to find out more information about the owner of the business (this will be a hypertext link to your index page).
15)Creating Maps to Display the Location of your business: Your next task will be to create a table that contains map images that a potential customer can use to see what part of town your business is located in, as well as a street specific map.
i)First, figure out a specific city and street address for your business. This has to be a real address that can be found on map, although it doesn’t have to be an address where an existing business is located. You can even use a random residential address.
ii)After determining the address, visit one of the Internet sites that provide maps and driving directions. You will need to download (or screen‐shot) two different types of maps:
(1)One map should be broader view image of the city that the business is located in, showing the general location of the business (see example).
(2)The second map should be a more specific view of streets and the area surrounding the business (see next example)
iii)If you screen-shot your maps, then YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CROP THE IMAGES, as seen with the images on this page. DO NOT let me see your screen or extra stuff on the sides.
iv)Create a horizontal line to separate the prior content from the table you are about to make.
v)Next, you will need to create a table. Each of the following needs to be in its own cell (you can determine the number of rows needed for the table: I suggest a 3 row table or 2 row table. How you arrange the cells is up to you. Just remember that your arrangement should make sense, look nice and also look professional)
(1)One cell should contain a sentence indicating the physical location of the store.
(2)Another cell should contain a mailto link and some other sort of appropriate sentence to indicate how you (the store, the company, etc.) can be contacted via email.
(3)Another cell should contain the map showing the broader view of the city and your store’s location.
(4)Another cell should contain the map showing the more specific view of where your store is at.
(5)Another cell should indicate what the viewer is seeing in the first map.
(6)Another cell should indicate what the viewer is seeing in the second map.
(7)Both maps should be the same approximate size.
vi)The table, regardless of its size, should be centered on the page.
16)Next, create another horizontal line, below the table.
17)Below this new line, create a new paragraph. This new paragraph should:
i)Mention that your company is using XML technologies
ii)Briefly provide information to the customer regarding what XML is and does
iii)Contain a hypertext link to the file called rawfile (or rawfile.xml). In the immediate area around this hypertext link, you should provide information to the viewer/customer indicating what they are seeing.
iv)Contain a hypertext link to the file called XMLstyle (or XMLstyle.xml). In the immediate area around this hypertext link, you should provide information to the viewer/customer indicating what they are seeing so that they know how the results of clicking on this link are different from clicking on the prior hypertext link.
Additional Hypertext Link to Make
Prior to creating the business web page, you created a placeholder on the index page for hypertext link to the business web page. Open the index file in Notepad. Find the words “Main Business Page”. UsingHTML commands that you type in Notepad,make these words into a hypertext link that goes to the business web page that you created.
Meeting the above minimum requirements will result in 45out of the 50points possible for this assignment. The remaining points will be assigned based on creativity and the presence of substantial, interesting, useful, and professionally entertaining (and professionally appropriate) content. DID YOU GO BEYOND THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS WHEN CREATING YOUR WEB PAGES? Did you add anything extra??
EXTRA CREDIT OPTION #1: This is worth up to 8 additional extra credit points.
In order to be considered for up to 8 additional extra credit points, you will need to create one or more additional web pages using HTML or an editor. If you make an additional web page, then make sure you have hypertext links going to that page, as well as back to your other pages. These links should appear in existing paragraphs or new paragraphs that you create on each of the existing pages. If you decide to create additional web pages, when naming the file(s), make sure the file name is short (8 characters or less), with NO SPACES in the file name. If you create additional web pages, include various combinations of some of the design elements required on the index page and main business page. IMPRESS ME WITH THE CONTENT AND DESIGN ofthe new page(s) that you create. What you do on the extra credit page(s) determines how many of those 8 points that you receive so there is no need to hold anything back. Of course, make sure that everything works on the extra credit page(s) that you decide to create.
Students can decide to complete extra credit option #1 for up to 8 additional extra credit points.
Students can decide to complete extra credit option #2 for up to 8 additional extra credit points.