Assessment Council Requirements
  • Clearly Stated
  • Bridges the outcomes with the mission

Guiding Questions: (at least one goal and less than 8)
  • What are the most important knowledge and skills students gain by studying in your field?
  • What does your program contribute to that knowledge and skill base?
  • What do you want students to know or be able to do at the end of your program?
  • What do students think are the most valuable skills or abilities they have developed from taking this program?
  • What do students think is the most important knowledge they have gained from taking this program?
  • What do existing program descriptions state about the program?
  • What distinguishes this program from other programs in the department or program?
  • How do your program goals and objectives contribute to general education, program, and major goals?

Descriptor of Goal / Examples of Goals
Knowledge / • Acquire knowledge of human cultures and the physical world through study in the arts, humanities, languages, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences
• Understand social and cultural diversity in national and global contexts
• Demonstrate advanced learning and synthesis in both general and specialized studies
Intellectual Skills and Practice / • Think critically, creatively, and independently
• Gather, analyze, integrate, and apply varied forms of information; understand and used evidence
• Communicate Effectively
• Interact effectively and collaboratively with individuals and across social identities.
• Engage in and take responsibility for learning; strive for excellence
Personal and Social Values / • Examine one’s own values and their use as ethical criteria in thought and action
• Interrogate one’s own values in relation to those of others, across social and cultural differences
• Develop practical competencies for managing a personal, professional, and community life
• Apply learning to find solutions for social, civic, and scientific problems
Transformation / • Integrate and apply knowledge and creative thought from multiple disciplines in new contexts
• Embrace intellectual integrity, humility, and courage
• Foster habits of mind and body that enable a person to live deliberately and well
• Develop an enduring passion for learning
Example of goals approved by the Assessment Council
Provide students with a body of knowledge and a system of inquiry and scholarship that inform and enrich their professional preparation.
Job Skills
Prepare students with job skills necessary to establish accountability to employers.
Prepare students for a profession in which they are accountable to clients and the public for their ethics, service and professional competence.
Prepare graduates to effectively convey meteorological information to a diverse audience including the general public, professional meteorologists, and policy makers.
Critical Thinking
Prepare students to observe, analyze, and logically integrate atmospheric processes to solve and/or recommend solutions to problems.
Knowledgeable Professionals
Graduates of the MSND program will be knowledgeable nutrition professionals
Competent Researchers
Graduates of the MSND program will be able to conduct and/or utilize research to ensure evidence based practice.