DEFence force Reserve leave

Procedure | Responsibilities | Definitions | Related Legislation and Documents

1 Purpose

CQUniversity is committed to supporting Defence Force Reserve service. The procedures outlined below enable employees to apply for, and be granted, Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserve Leave in accordance with relevant legislation.

2 Scope

This procedure is applicable to fixed-term and continuing academic, professional, TAFE Educational and TAFE Professional staff. It does not apply to casual staff or unpaid adjunct or honorary appointees. Where a staff member is employed on a part-time basis, the staff member shall receive paid leave on a pro-rata basis.

3 EFFECTIVE dATE 1 July 2014

4 legislative authority

Fair Work Act

5 PARENT POLICY There is no parent policy.

6 procedure


6.1  In their first year of Defence Force Reserve Service eligible employees may apply for ADF Reserve Service Leave at full pay for 30 working days per calendar year to cover initial recruit and trade training. In any subsequent year, eligible employees may apply for Defence Force Reserve Service Leave at full pay for 20 working days per calendar year.

6.2  Defence Force Reserve leave is based on a calendar year and is in addition to any other accrued leave.

6.3  Defence Force Reserve leave on full pay is cumulative for two calendar years.

6.4  Recognising the diversity of Defence Force Reserve Service, Defence Force Reserve Service Leave may be used to cover a range of Defence Force Reserve Service activities including, but not restricted to:

·  recruitment and/or initial employment training courses;

·  training exercises;

·  a special school, class or course of instruction;

·  operational service;

·  continuous full time service with the Defence Force.

6.5  Additional paid leave may be granted where the University is eligible to receive payment under the Australian Defence Force Reserves Employer Support Payment Scheme (ESP) and where the employee is not replaced for the duration of their absence. Under the present Scheme, paid leave will be granted until the completion of the period of service under which the payment is made, or to a maximum of 78 weeks, whichever is sooner, provided that: the reservist has completed a qualifying period of 14 days of defence service per year, taken as a single period or as multiple periods of at least five consecutive days each; and the reservist undertakes defence service in periods of at least five consecutive days.

6.6  Any further requirement for absence from duty for voluntary Defence Force Reserve Service will normally be conducted as approved leave without pay.

6.7  Depending on the nature of Defence Force Reserve Service undertaken, eligible employees may also access leave under the Natural Disaster Leave Procedures or Paid Outside Work Procedures.

Continuity of Service

CQUniversity will consider all approved Defence Force Reserve leave (up to a maximum of 12 months) and leave without pay for Defence Force Reserve service as continuous service for the purpose of leave accrual, superannuation, and other approved remuneration package benefits. TAFE Educational and TAFE Professional staff who access leave without pay for Defence Force Reserve leave will have their service recognised in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Leave Without Pay Procedure.

Conditions of Approval for Leave Applications

Under normal circumstances, employees should submit a Leave Application Form to the relevant head of organisational area for approval to undertake Defence Force Reserve Service at least four weeks prior to the commencement of such leave. Shorter periods of notice may be accepted depending on the nature of Defence Force Reserve Service.

Documentation required:

·  Employees must notify their supervisor and People and Culture of their Defence Force Reserve status.

·  At the start of each working year, employees must inform their supervisor of any anticipated Defence Force Reserve service commitment for the next six to twelve months, even when specific dates are unknown. Once specific dates are available, employees should notify their supervisor at the earliest practicable opportunity.

·  Evidence of requirement for the employee’s attendance for Defence Force Reserve service shall be submitted with the Leave Application. At the conclusion of the event, the employee shall submit evidence of their attendance. This evidence may be in the form of a supplementary performance review, course report, or similar, to their supervisor.

·  If requested, employees are to assist People and Culture with all necessary Australian Defence Force ESP Scheme documentation.

Mutual Obligation

Knowledge Sharing

CQ University recognises that Defence Force Reserve Service provides valuable training and experience to its employees. Where possible, Defence Reservists employed by CQUniversity should seek to take opportunities within the University to demonstrate their skills, promote leadership, and share their knowledge and experience.

Workplace Impact

CQUniversity Defence Force Reserve employees should seek to work constructively with their immediate workplace supervisor to minimise the impact of absence within their normal workplace. This requires due notice for absence, being considerate of workplace requirements when requesting leave, and proactive sharing of information about Defence Reserve Service.

7 Responsibilities

7.1 Compliance, Monitoring and Review

The Director, People and Culture is responsible for ensuring that these procedures comply with relevant legislation and University requirements; are implemented and monitored, and are reviewed to evaluate continuing effectiveness.

7.2 Reporting

The People and Culture Directorate are responsible for reporting as required in relation to the ESP Scheme.

7.3 Records Management

All records relevant to this document are to be maintained on an employee’s personal file.


Continuous Service: a period of service at the University without a break (continuous employment).

Employee: a person employed by the University who has an ongoing or fixed term contract under the terms of the Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement 2012 (as amended or replaced from time to time) and for TAFE Educational and TAFE Professional Staff employed under the terms of the relevant Copied State Awards 2014.

Employer Support Payment Scheme (ESP Scheme): the ADF Reserves assistance payment to eligible employers to offset the costs of releasing employees for Defence service.

Calendar year: defined as the period from 1 January to the 31 December in one year.

Refer to the University glossary for the definition of terms used in this procedure.

9 Related Legislation AND Documents

Related Legislation and Supporting Documents

Application for Leave - accessed via the Employee Self Service On-line (ESSO)

Australian Defence Force Reserves Employer Support Payment Scheme - Employer's claim form

Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement

Copied TAFE Teachers Award State 2014

Copied Queensland Public Service Award State 2014 (Copied QPS Award State 2014)

Copied Employees Other Than Public Servants Award State 2014 (Copied OPS Award State 2014

Approval and Review / Details
Approval Authority / Vice-Chancellor and President (or delegate)
Administrator / Director, People and Culture
Next Review Date / 01/07/17
Approval and Amendment History / Details
Original Approval Authority and Date / Vice-Chancellor and President 24/11/05
Amendment Authority and Date / Vice-Chancellor and President 10/07/09; 01/07/14

Defence Force Reserve Leave Procedure Effective Date: 01/07/14

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