Brisbane City Council –Conditions of Quotation

Conditions of Quotation

Brisbane City Council –Conditions of Quotation

1.Definitions – For the purposes of any Request for Quotations (“RFQ”):

1.1“Council” means Brisbane City Council and its successors and assigns.

1.2“Goods/Services/Works” means all such goods, services and/or works (whichever is applicable):

(a)To be provided to Council through the RFQ process; and

(b)As specified or referred to in the RFQ irrespective of whether such goods, services and/or works are described or specified to be goods, services, consultancy services, professional services or works of any kind.

1.3“You” means the individual or the company who submits the Quote.

2.Lodgement of Quotes – Where the RFQ specifies lodgement via Council’s Supplier Portal, Your Quote must be submitted to that electronic tender box before the nominated Submission Deadline. Where the RFQ specifies a physical or other tender box (whether a physical location or electronic postal address), Your Quote must be submitted at that tender box before the nominated Submission Deadline.

3.Changes to Your Quote – Your Quote is valid for the Validity Period specified in the RFQ. During the Validity Period:

3.1if You become aware of any error, discrepancy or omission in Your Quote, You cannot submit any correction or additional information without prior written consent of the Council Contact Officer; and

3.2Your Quote can only be changed in any other way if such alternation occurs as either a direct result of agreements reached during negotiations undertaken with Council during the Validity Period.

4.Prices - all prices quoted must be shown as exclusive of GST and the amount of GST must be separately shown.

5.Queries - all contact with Council in relation to this RFQ at any time prior to the end of the Validity Periodmust only be directed to the Council Contact Officer. If You or any person acting on Your behalf has communications with any other Council Officer in relation to this RFQ, you may be excluded from consideration.

6.Inform Yourself – in submitting a Quote, You are deemed to have done so on the basis that You have:

6.1At Your own cost and expense, made all reasonable inquires (including inspections if required) to fully inform Yourself of all the risks, contingences and other matters which may impact on Your Quote; and

6.2Not relied upon any representation made by the Council except where such representation is contained in or expressly made through this RFQ process; and

6.3Accepted the Conditions of Contract referred to in this RFQ. Council may not consider any Quote which seeks to change these Conditions of Contract. Please note that under the Conditions of Contract, no change may be made to those conditions without the prior written approval of the Council’s Chief Procurement Officer; and

6.4In providing your Quote, You have agreed to also provide Council with all information as requested by Council – either as part of the information to be provided with a Quote or by way of any information sought by Council as part of this Request for Quotation process.

7.Council’s Discretion – by issuing this RFQ, Council is under no obligation whatsoever to process to contract for all or part of the Goods/Services/Works in question. Further, the Council may in its absolute discretion:

7.1vary, amend or cancel this RFQ process at any time;

7.2apply any criteria it sees fit to the assessment of Quotes and not accept the lowest Quote or any Quote at all and refuse to consider a Quote which does not conform strictly with these Conditions of Quotation or Council RFQ in any respect;

7.3shortlist, interview, seek clarifications and/or modifications with all, some or none of the Tenderers in relation to either the nature of the Goods/Services/Works sought, the Quote and/or the Contract; or

7.4decide to contract for all or some of the Goods/Services/Works sought.

Strategic Procurement Office – version 3 - Sept 2013 (TRIM ref: CA13/675469)Page 1 of 2