Church of the Resurrection Parish Pastoral Council Minutes

June 16, 2015

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes

May 2, 2016 / 7:00-9:00 pm / Emmaus Hall

Members Present: Tom Carroll, Joe/Diana Daggar, Steve Dengler, Bill Dreitlein, Eileen Johnson, Bridgett McCann, Moyniham, Fr. Ed Palumbos, Paul Procaccini, Karen Scott, Lucas Simpson

Alternates Present: Alan Carroll, David Case

Guests: Cathy Reitz

Members Absent: Sr. Barbara Baker, Fr. Michael Costik, Becky Roberts, Jeremy Wolford

Alternates Absent: Eve Manca

Recording Secretary: Anthony DiBernardo

Opening Prayer: Chuck Moyniham

Review of Minutes: June Minutes accepted

Pastor Remarks

·  Sr. Barbara is on retreat in New Jersey

·  Baptisms are up and we had a few weddings this summer

·  The fiscal year ended in the black, but collections did not reach our budget

·  Resurrection’s corporate meeting will be on September 18, 2016 after the 10:30 mass. The trustees to be appointed are Chip Scoppa and Chuck Moyniham

·  To date, we have collected $440K towards the capital campaign. The roof, driveway, masonary work, lights, tree removal, and rectory work are complete and paid for. We have spent $334K. Upcoming projects include the kitchen vents, landscaping, and an update to our sign by the road.

Faith Formation (Cathy Reitz)

·  The Youth Group parent meeting was held on September 11 with about 55 parents present.

·  Margaret Osler and Marie Gredja are leading the 6-12 and K-5 youth groups respectively.

·  The confirmation process this year is the same as last year.

·  We are in good shape with catechists this year, although we could use some additional help with 5th grade.

·  Cathy’s main focus this year will be to address adult education. She is currently planning the calendar.

·  We need technology updates for our youth group, in particular, and for the parish, in general. Examples include flat screen TVs for the classrooms and computer equipment to take advantage of online educational material.

Liaison Reports

Finance Committee:

·  Capital campaign projects are completing (see Pastor’s report above) without the need to take on additional dept.


·  The parish raffle raised ~$2200

·  The committee cooked at the parish picnic this summer

·  We had 69 golfers at this year’s golf outing, plus 19 additional attendees at the dinner. Resurrection managed to maintain the coveted Palumbos Cup. The event raised ~$3K.

·  Upcoming events include: pancake breakfast (Sept. 25), spaghetti dinner (Oct. 7), wine/craft beer tastings (Nov. 4), parish craft sale (Oct. 26)


·  No update


·  No update

Social Justice:

·  No Update

Welcoming Committee:

·  We are starting to see some new faces from families moving into the new development down Mason Rd.


·  Lucas Simpson and Bridgett McCann are joining us as this year’s youth group representatives.


·  Jeremy Wolford will be the new liaison from Assumption.

·  Assumption is holding its first meeting on September 13.

New Buisiness

·  The following liaison assignment will be effective this year:

o  Liturgy: Bill Dreitlein

o  Social Justice: Tom Carroll

o  Development: Paul Procaccini

o  Finance: Steve Dengler

o  Stewardship: Becky Roberts/Chuck Moyniham

o  Welcome: Eileen Johnson

o  Assumption: Joe and Diana Dagger/Jeremy Wolford

o  Youth: Lucas Simpson/Bridgett McCann

·  The PPC bulletin board needs updated pictures and needs to be hung in the Narthex. Alan Carroll and Diana Dagger will update the pictures and Steve Dengler will hang it when ready.

·  We will tackle updating our parish roster this year. Eileen Johnson will coordinate with Jan Harmon to get a current parish roster list. Our goal is to update our roster by identifying questionable families and confirming that they are still members or removing them from the roster.

·  Weekly collections and increasing our use of EFTs should be handled by the stewardship committee

·  Although we have some minor inconsistencies with masses between Resurrection and Assumption, these are minor and it is OK to continue these different practices.

·  We need to identify what our long term (5+ years) goals should be

·  Joe Dagger should give us a report of our newly founded communications ministry.

·  Some families have not received statements for their capital campaign pledges. Fr. Ed will follow up with Karen Webb.

·  Many churches have candles for parishioners to light which they use as a fund raiser. We should establish this at Resurrection. However, for fire code reasons, we may need to use electronic candles.

·  The tentative schedule for this year’s PPC meeting is as follows (on Monday’s, except where noted):

o  Oct. 3rd

o  Nov. 7th, joint with Assumption, to be held at Resurrection

o  Dec. 12th

o  Tuesday, Jan. 3rd

o  Feb. 6th

o  March 13th, joint with Assumption, to be held at Assumption

o  April 3rd

o  May 1st

o  June 5th

Tentative Agenda for next meeting

·  Discuss parish roster activities

·  Identify long term goals

·  Communications ministry report

Next Meeting: October 3 @ 7PM

Closing Prayer: Chuck Moyniham

63 Mason Road, Fairport, NY 14450 Phone: 585-223-5500; Fax 585-223-6958