Overpayment Worksheet Instructions
The Overpayment Worksheet is needed to process an overpayment. This form provides the Payroll Office with the necessary information to recover the overpaid funds. Information needed to prepare this worksheet can be found in OPUS.
- Employee Information: Enter the name and EID of the employee.
- Payroll Coordinator Information: Enter the name and Payroll Unit Code (PUC) of the person in the department filling out the worksheet.
- Provide one (1) budget number for re-payments extending beyond one pay cycle. This single budget number will provide easier and more efficient tracking and processing of the installment repayment.
- Check the reason for the overpayment.
- List the total number of hours in the pay period in which the overpayment occurred. Our pay cycles run from the 1st through the 15th and then the 16th through the end of the month. Count the number of working days in the pay cycle and multiply by 8. There will be either 72, 80, 88 or 96 hours in a pay period (regardless of the employee's appointment % of FTE).
- List the pay period end date in which the hours were worked. This should be the pay period when the overpayment occurred. This can be found using the OPUS Funding History screen.
- List the budget number that has been charged. This can be found using the OPUS Funding History screen. List each budget line item separately.
- List theearning(s) type charged for the overpaid employee.List each line item separately.
- List the appointment number charged for the overpaid employee List each line item separately.
- List the distribution number that reflects the overpayment. List each line item separately. This can be found on the OPUS Funding History screen.
- List the pay rate for the overpaid appointment. Enter the actual rate paid, NOT the rate it should have been.
- List the actual hours paid. This can be found on the OPUS Funding History screen. List each line item separately.
- List the actual gross salary paid for each distribution line. This can be found on the OPUS Funding History screen. List each line item separately. This detail is necessary to ensure accurate credit back to the overpaid budget and earn type. Do not use OPUS Check History total gross amount.
- Enter the correct pay rate that should have been paid.
- Enter the correct hours that should have been paid.
- Enter the correct gross salary that should have been paid. A sample calculation is listed below.
For REG earn types:
Full Time Pay Rate divided by 2 = semi-monthly salary. Semi-monthly salary divided by 72, 80, 88 or 96 (the number of hours in the pay period) = the employee's hourly rate for that pay period. Multiply this rate by the correct number of hours that should have been paid. The result is the correct gross salary.
Do NOT use the hourly rate found in OPUS. The OPUS value has been truncated and will result in an incorrect amount.
- Difference-Hours: This number should automatically fill based on the number of hours paid and the number of hours that should have been paid. To verify the hours are correct, subtract the number of hours listed in the "Actually Paid Hours" Column (#9) from the number of hours listed in the "Should Have Been Paid Hours" Column (#12). The result represents the overpaid hours.
- Difference-Gross: The gross overpayment amount should automatically fill based on the gross amount paid and gross amount that should have been paid. To verify the amount is correct, subtract the gross amount listed in the "Actually Paid Gross" Column (#10) from the dollar amount listed in the "Should Have Been Paid Dollars" Column (#13). The resultrepresents the overpaidgross salary.
- Total Sum of Gross Overpayments. Transfer this figure to the Overpayment Repayment Option Form.
- Statement of Facts: Details and notes explaining why the overpayment occurredshould be entered here. This information will be provided to the employee on the Overpayment Notification form.