Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and children of parents with SEND have a right to nursery education and be included in their local communities. They need and want to play as much as and alongside their peers.
We will reach out to parents of children with SEND and parents with SEND, to build up relationships and listen to what they have to say.
We will work in partnership with parents, carers and children with SEND to provide good quality inclusive practices.
There may however be a need for some children with SEND to be supported on a one to one basis and this may only be possible with additional external funding. There may also be occasions when admission of a pupil would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children within the nursery.
Access to the Curriculum
Our nursery environment supports play experiences that are matched to children’s developmental levels and are also individually appropriate. Planning for the curriculum reflects children’s individual needs. The activities and resources offer a variety of active learning experiences that are geared to the needs of all children in our care.
Special play equipment is rarely needed, although some toys for disabled children are useful. We prefer to use everyday toys that have been adapted or toys with sensory stimulation which are naturally inclusive.
Some children will need extra support or help with communication in order to participate. It is not always necessary to be an expert. Practical information from parents or outside agencies should always be sought. Most nursery staff already have many of the skills needed to work with children with SEND, the essential attributes being sensitivity, adaptability and imagination. Training will be offered to staff to increase their confidence and enhance their own skills.
Access to the physical environment
We aim to provide wheelchair and pushchair access.
We aim to provide disabled toilet facilities
We aim to provide child medical and changing facilities
We aim to provide baby changing facilities
Current Position
Wheelchair and pushchair access is via a ramp to the main building and a ramp to the OliveRoom. There is pushchair access to the playground.
There is a disabled toilet in the main building and child toilets in the main classroom and OliveRoom.
There is a medical room with shower and sink.
There are baby-changing facilities in the Medical Room and OliveRoom.
There is an intercom to access the main entrance gate and a buzzer to the office.
Access to Information
Signs around the school should be clearly visible and pictures should be used where appropriate. We aim to update all noticeboards on a weekly basis.
The nursery school will attempt to take into account adults’ disabilities and parents’ preferred formats for information
Language bags are available for parents to use to support children’s learning and development.
AllInformationis available on our website and we will aim to up date it at least once a month.
All Newsletters to parents (issued at least once per term) are available in paper format, where requested, displayed on the noticeboard,posted on the website and once registered can be emailed to them personally.
Last reviewed November 2017