To:Interested Public Officials and Transportation Providers
From:R.J. Goebel, Director of Planning,
Capital Region Planning Commission
Subject: December16, 20111:00p.m.-3:00p.m.
Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan Meeting@
Bluebonnet Regional Library
Date: 12/6/2011
The next Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan Meeting is scheduled for December16, 2011 at the Bluebonnet Regional Library 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. The library is located at 9200 Bluebonnet Blvd. in Baton Rouge, Louisiana(Tel:225.763.2240). An agenda and previous meeting minutes are attached for your review.
The meeting will continue discussions by Mr. J.D. Allen with Alliance Transportation Group on the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan requirements and administrative and operational benefits that can be achieved from the planning process. We will continue a review of the process and steps to reassess the current plan to better define the gap between the community transportation needs and resources. We will present a priority list offederal funded transportation programsto join our committee meetings to discuss potential coordination and resultant efficiencies/savings that could be achieved. We will also have a discussion on a proposed mobility management project in the capital region.
It is important that you join us on December 16,2011 and become part of the solution in making better transportation decisions. Should you have questions prior to this event, please contact me at 225.383.5203 or email me .
R.J. Goebel
Director of Planning
Capital Region Planning Commission
Meeting of the
Coordinated human services Transportation PlanCommittee
and the
Baton Rouge Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Tuesday, December16, 2011 Bluebonnet Regional Library
1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.9200 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA
1. Introduction Ms. Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & General Manager, CATS
2. Minutes of Last Meeting Ms. Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & General Manager, CATS
3. Reassessment of the Human Services Coordination Plan
Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group,Mr. R.J. Goebel, CRPC &
Committee Members
- Discussion of Goals and Objectives of the Community
- Revisit Community Self Assessment-Identification of Needs, Resources, and Gap Analysis
4. Discussion of Federal Funding Programs & Development of a Priority List
Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group & Committee Members
5. State Working GroupUpdate Mr. J.D.Allen, Alliance Transportation Group
6. Funding Programs Status Report Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & Gen. Mgr., CATS
7. Mobility Management Project Proposal Will Jones, Reliant Transportation Group
8. New Business/Next Meeting Date Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & Gen. Mgr., CATS
9. Adjournment Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & General Manager, CATS
Title VI Notice: The Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC) fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes, executive orders, and regulations in all programs and activities. CRPC operates without regard to race, color, national origin, income, gender, age, and disability. Any person who believes him/herself or any specific class of persons, to be subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI may by him/herself or by representative file a written complaint with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD). LADOTD’s Title VI Program Manager may be reached via phone at 225-379-1382. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination.
CRPC meetings are conducted in accessible locations and materials can be provided in accessible formats and in languages other than English. If you would like accessibility or language accommodation, please contact the Title VI Coordinator at CRPC at 225-383-5203 (voice), 225-383-3804 (fax). If you wish to attend a CRPC function and require special accommodations, please give CRPC one week’s notice in advance.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 ~ 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bluebonnet Regional Library ~ Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA
Attendants present:
Carol Cranshaw (CATS), RJ Goebel (CRPC), Rachel DiResto (CPEX), Chris Tullier (CRPC), Catherine Fletcher (EBR School Systems), Ashley Serrot (ARC of Louisiana), Keiran Vemuri (CATS), Mike Watts (DOTD), J.D. Allan (Alliance Transportation Group), Rose Hanks (Livingston COA), Marie Farr (Livingston COA), Marlene Domigue (Donaldsonville- ARC), Sonia Falcon (Donaldsonville- ARC), Derek White (Development and Disabilities Council),
Becky Bergeron (Pointe Coupe COA), Darlene Shexnayder (Ascension COA), and Debi Fleming (Tangipahoa COA).
- Ms. Cranshaw called the meeting to order and everyone was asked to identify themselves.
- Minutes were unanimously approved.
3. Human Services Coordination Presentation
Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group
- LADOTD Marksville Workshop Revisit
-Mr. Allen reviewed the criteria for human services coordination that is required in federal programs. Additional information can be found on the DOTD website. Participants need to be a part of local and regional meetings for their human services coordination programs to be eligible for funding.
4. Reassessment of the human Services Coordination Plan
Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group, Mr. R.J. Goebel, CRPC & Committee Members
- Discussion of Goals and Objectives of the Community
- Revisit Community Self Assessment- Identification of Needs, Resources, and Gap Analysis
-Mr. Goebel stressed it would be important to review what the area’s needs and resources are. Mr. Goebel noted that there is great networking among the CRPC parishes and would like to set up a subcommittee/resource committee to address operational and other resources. CRPC will also be able to help with Gap Analysis. Working groups should meet monthly.
-Mr. Allen added memorandums of understandings (MOUs) will also likely be required with the coordinating process.
-Mr. Goebel recommended everyone looking at the assessment on the DOTD website under public transit as a starting point for doing their own self-assessment.
5. Discussion of Federal Funding Programs & Development of a Priority List
- Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group & Committee Members
-Mr. Allen discussed a number of federally funded programs and stated that he would be meeting with the state working group in the near future and he would report back to the committee on how to proceed after he had talked with the state group.
6. Development of Items for State Working Group
Mr. J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group
-Mr. Allen will meet with the working group and bring back the federal funding entities that the committee should meet with on coordination and funding.
7. Funding Programs Status Report
Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & Gen. Mgr., CATS
Job Access/Reverse Commute and New Freedom Funds Available
(As of September 6, 2011)
Fiscal Year Apportioned / FTA Program / Description / Amount / Lapse DateFY 10 / Section 5316 / JA/RC / $377,646 / 9/30/12
FY 10 / Section 5317 / New Freedom / $171,477 / 9/30/12
The Federal Circular for the Job Access/Reverse Commute Program is FTA C 9050.1. The Job Access portion of JA/RC has to target welfare recipients/eligible low income, must be additional transportation services and/or extended service hours, and must be between residence and major employment. Eligible activities are transportation to/from jobs and related activities such as training, day care, drug testing, pre-employment physical. The Reverse Commute portion is for the general population (no target), must be additional transportation services and/or extended service hours, and is from any area to suburban employment.
The Federal Circular for the New Freedom Program is FTA C 9045.1. The goal is to provide additional tools to the disabled community in order to overcome existing barriers and expand mobility options. Eligible activities are capital and operating expenses that support new public transportation services beyond those required by the ADA Act of 1990.
NOTE: The new Federal Funding Year begins on 10/1/11. Projects for the JARC and New Freedom programs may begin on that date; however, Congress is usually slow regarding appropriations and actual funding may not be available until December 2011 or January 2012. FTA allows grantees to ask for pre-award authority in order for projects to start on October 1 even though the funds have not been allocated by Congress at that time. Application for funds for both programs may be submitted to CRPC even though the actual funding amounts are unknown. Funding amounts will be adjusted to actual when Congress appropriates the funding.
8. New Business/Next Meeting Date
Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & Gen. Mgr., CATS
- Next meeting will be Dec. 6, 2011.
9. Adjournment
Carol Cranshaw, Committee Chair & General Manager, CATS