September 20, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT; Larry Mooney, Jim Deagman, Bob Urrutia, Ann Hayslip,

Maxine Appleby (AdHoc)

MEMBERS ABSENT; Todd DeWispelaere

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman, L. Mooney.

John Santelli-8299 South Shore Rd., Sodus Point-submitted an area variance application to extend an existing west deck from 18’6”x10” to 18’6”x13’ on 2nd story deck producing a front setback of 13’ when 25’ is required. There are two open decks, east and west separated by a stairway. Mr. Santelli has requested an extra 7’ added to his existing deck to the west to install a screened in porch. This proposed addition would not impact the neighbors view. After review, M. Appleby made a motion, 2nd by A. Hayslip to approve this application. Motion carried all voting aye. Mr. Santelli will go before the ZBA at a later date for final determination.

Judy Watt-8319 South Shore Rd., Sodus Point-David Brandt-Contractor-came before the Board with an area variance to demolish an existing non-conforming 20’x26’ boathouse and rebuild on the exact footprint, but 3’ higher increasing the degree of non-conformity. Mr. Brandt stated Mrs. Watt informed him just this afternoon that she would like to build a deck on top of the new boathouse therefore eliminating the extra 3’ height. This application was before the Board because of the 3’ height. Since Mrs. Watt would like a deck on top of the boathouse, the Board felt this application did not need Planning or ZBA approval, a building permit could be issued. There was much discussion by A. Hayslip concerning rebuilding old, rundown boathouses. L. Mooney stated there was nothing in the Zoning laws prohibiting rebuilding on the exact footprint. After review, J. Deagman made a motion, 2nd by B. Urrutia to grant this application as to the general principal that the boathouse may be demolished and rebuilt on the exact footprint, however, this recommendation is conditional upon the applicant providing to the ZBA specific details and plans as to the structure and that those plans conform to the requirements of the building code, zoning code and docks & moorings law of Sodus Point. Motion carried all voting aye. Mrs. Watt will go before the ZBA at a later date for final determination.

Steve Principio-8522 Greig St., Sodus Point-came before the Board for the third time with a Special Permit to build a 100’ dock with 2 slips on the south end of dock for future development. Mr. Principio’s lawyer, David Hou, from Boylan, Brown, Code,Vigdor & Wilson, LLP came to the podium to state what Mr. Principio had experienced for months trying to get his proposed dock approved. L. Mooney asked if Mr. Hou had anything new to add to this proposal. Mr. Hou stated nothing new except Mr. Principio had brought his engineer and architect with all plans concerning the future development as requested by the Planning Board at the meeting in August. L. Mooney stated the Board would not view these plans at this time as he had drawn up a Facts & Findings list the Board would review for the next meeting on October 4, 2010 when a decision will be made. This application was tabled until the next meeting.

A letter has been submitted from the Sodus Point Residential Defense Association, Inc.

(SPRDA) to consider rezoning the area bounded on the west by Krenzer Marina, to the north by Greig St., and to the east by Irwin St. and the Sodus Bay Yacht Club. This area is currently zoned Waterfront Commercial, SPRDA has requested this area be rezoned residential. L. Mooney stated this request will be reviewed at the next meeting in October.

Work session- The minutes of the August 16, 2010 were read and approved. These minutes should have been typed at the beginning of this meeting as they were read and approved before any applications were heard.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.


Larry Mooney-Chairman Ann Hayslip


Jim Deagman Maxine Appleby (AdHoc)


Bob Urrutia

Sally Hendrikse

Planning Board Clerk