Core Unit: Substance AbuseTopic:Alcohol, Tobacco, MarijuanaPacing (# of Lessons):
Grade level: 8# of Students:Time: 15-18 classes
Standards: (Healthy Lifestyle Framework)
Standards / DescriptionM-3.1, 6.3, 8.4
M-1.4, 3.5 / M.3.1. Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors
M.6.3. Predict how decisions regarding health behaviors have consequences for themselves and others
M.8.4. Encourage and support others in making positive health choices
M.1.4. Examine how families and peers can influence the health of adolescents
M.3.5. Examine and apply safety techniques to avoid and reduce injury and prevent disease
Common Core Standards:
Standards / DescriptionCCSS.RH.8.6-8, CCSS.RST.4.6-8
CCSS.WHST.1.6-8, CCSS.W.1.7-8
CCSS.SL.1.7-8 / Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade appropriate (7-8) topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Big Idea:
Use of drugs/alcohol can have negative consequences on one's overall health.Essential Questions:
What are the risks of using drugs?How can gateway drugs lead to substance use and abuse?
How does drug use affect overall wellness?
Concepts & Skills:
Concepts / Skills1. Risks of use.
2. Effects on wellness.
3. Refusal skills and accessing support. / 1. Identify short and long term effects and refusal skills of drug use.
2. Analyze effects on personal wellness and risk factors of drug use.
3. Demonstrate strategies to deal with influences, factors, and risks of drug use.
Assessment Evidence:
Activating Prior Knowledge / Assessing Knowledge GainedPre-Test / Post-Test
John Collins Vocabulary Cards
Substance Abuse Project
Learning Plan:
MWF rotation: March 14- May 13: T, TH rotation: April 9- May 12(Marking period ends April 4)
Class # / Learning Activities / Product / Essential Questions (DOK)1 / Pre-Test and Unit Vocabulary / Pre-test
2 / John Collin’s vocabulary cards / Type 2 cards
3-4 / Drug Classifications & long term/ short term effects of alcohol
Review vocabulary / Worksheets
note taking
5-6 / Drug Classifications & long term/ short term effects of marijuana
Review vocabulary / Worksheets
note taking
7 / Compare differences and similarities of alcohol and marijuana use / VENN Diagram
8-9 / The Truth About Alcohol Video
review vocabulary / Worksheet/video
10 / Tobacco facts and information / Packet
11 / Impact of drug use and effects to wellness and refusal skills
review vocabulary / Packets
note taking
12 / Vocabulary Test and Begin Substance Abuse Project (Harry Project– one half effects of alcohol use other half effects of marijuana use) / Note taking
13 / Substance Abuse project / Project
14 / Substance Abuse project / Project
15-17 / John Collin’s 10% Summary / Article
18 / Post-Test
/ Post Test
- Refer to N:/Health and PEEHMS health
To raise your awareness of the dangers and social implications related to alcohol use.
- Know the classification of alcohol and marijuana and their active ingredients
- effects of alcohol and marijuana
- Myths vs. facts
- Identify strategies to refuse drugs and alcohol
Performance Standard
1.Core Concepts – students will comprehend concepts related to health, promotion and disease prevention.
2.Self-management – students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.
3.Analyzing Influences – students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health.
4.Decision-Making Skills – students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision making skills to enhance health.
- Depressant
- Intoxication
- Cirrhosis
- Hangover
- Blackout
- Gateway drug
Vocabulary Words
Intoxication – when a persons mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol or other drugs.
Blackout – is a period of time that the drinker cannot recall.
Hangover – the after-effects of drinking too much alcohol.
Cirrhosis – a disease of the liver.
Depressant – A drug that slows your brain function and body reaction
Gateway drug- a substance that may lead to more dangerous and addictive drug use
THC – tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana that alters the mind & body
Substance Abuse 8TH grade
Common Questions
- What is the drug classification of alcohol?
- Depressant
- Stimulant
- Gateway classification
- rapido
- The LONG term effects of alcohol use: (circle all that apply)
- Yellow fingers
- Cirrhosis
- Slurred speech
- Heart disease
- Brain and nerve damage
- The SHORT term effects of alcohol use are: (circle all that apply)
- Impairs reaction time
- Slurred speech
- Alcoholism
- Impairs judgment
- Decrease coordination
- Coffee or a cold shower will help sober-up a person who is drunk from alcohol (circle).
a. True
- False
- A period of time that the drinker cannot recall is:
- Heart attack
- Mental disorder
- Black out
- Intoxication
- What is a gateway drug?
- An entry way into a building
- A substance that makes you skinny
- A substance that leads to more dangerous and addictive drugs
- There is no such thing as a gateway drug
- How is marijuana used? (circle all that apply)
- Smoked through a pipe
- Injected
- Smoked as a cigarette or blunt
- Consumed as food
- Snorted
- The SHORT TERM effects of marijuana use are: (circle all that apply)
- Panic
- Lower reaction time
- Anxiety
- Frequent urination
- Lung cancer
9. Students who use alcohol regularly are more likely than non-drinkers to get lower grades, drop out of school, and use other drugs. (circle)
a. True
b. False
- Which of the following is true? (circle all that apply)
- More teens are smoking cigarettes than marijuana
- Alcohol is the most used drug among teenagers
- Marijuana may become a gateway drug for some users
- Cocaine was the most popular drug choice in 2013
Substance Abuse 8TH grade
Common Assessment Answers
- A
- B, D, E
- A, B, D, E
- B
- C
- C
- A, C, D
- A, B, C
- A
- B, C