Notice of Review of Polling Districts,

Polling Places and Polling Stations

Sevenoaks District Council is conducting a review of polling districts and polling places as required by the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary elections) Regulations 2006 that came into force on 1st January 2007. Additionally, the Returning Officer for Sevenoaks District Council will make comments on proposed polling stations.

Electors within the Parliamentary Constituencies of Sevenoaks, Dartford or Tonbridge & Malling may make representations to Sevenoaks District Council. The District Council would also welcome any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability to make a representation or to comment on the District Council’s proposals, the Returning Officer’s representation or any other matter. Persons or bodies making representations should, if possible, give alternative places that may be used as polling places.

The postal address, e-mail address and website address at which relevant information and documents can be inspected and representations made are as follows:

Postal address: Ian Bigwood

Electoral Services Manager

Council Offices

Argyle Road


TN13 1HG

e-mail address

website address

The deadline for making representations is Friday, 12th October 2007. Officers of the District Council will then investigate the representations and report to Members of the District Council. The Council will publish its findings and invite comments from interested persons or bodies.

Robin Hales, Returning Officer, Sevenoaks District Council

28th August 2007