Mrs. Glenn’s
Student Expectations
1. Regular Attendance: You can't do well in school if you aren't here!
2. Bring Required Materials to Class: Always have a pencil, pen, paper, and folder.
3. Complete Assignments Correctly, Accurately, and On Time: Late assignments will not be accepted without prior arrangements. If you miss a day, you have one day to make up missed work. You are responsible for finding out what you miss when you are absent (i.e. check out at, type in the school zip code of 63011 and find your course.) Assignments received one week after the due date are worth zero points.
4. Use Computers Properly and Ethically: Follow all computer use rules. Violations will be dealt with appropriately, including assignment of detentions and internet privileges through the building and referrals to grade level administrators.
Ø Use of the computer is a privilege. Any violations will result in completing assignments manually.
Ø Do not change the background, icons, size or window/icons.
Ø Do not use any other programs other than those instructed to. This includes the internet, the hard drive (C:), K: drive, chat rooms (yes, Xanga counts as a chat room J), e-mail.
Ø Do not DOWNLOAD a program/game/music, etc.
Ø Do not save an image as wallpaper from anywhere and/or the internet.
Ø Do not draw in the grooves of the computer hardware or on the desk.
Ø Do not draw on the mouse.
Ø Do not outline the monitor with a pencil/pen or the on/off button.
Ø If the monitor does not come on, check the plug in the back (it is like a tv).
Ø If the keyboard or mouse is not working, check the cables and whether or not they are plugged in on the back of the tower.
Ø If you have a blue screen, hold in the power button until the computer turns off, count to 60 and restart your computer.
Ø There is no eating or drinking in the classroom.
Ø Do not share your password with anyone else. If you believe someone knows your password please see me immediately.
Ø Do not use flash drives, thumb drives, etc. without prior permission of the teacher.
5. Comply With Network User Policy: This is stated very clearly in the student handbook and on my syllabus posted on line at There will be no leniency afforded to anyone who violates any portion of the school network policy.
6. Have a Good Attitude: Everyone has bad days. Don't let a bad day make you a bad person to be around.
7. Respect Each Other: Respect the ideas of others. Don't belittle someone simply because you don't agree. Be polite.