Fanny Alger
Fanny Alger folder in the Scott H. Faulring Papers
Marriott Library, Accn 2316
Box 19, Folder 11
Deseret Evening News, 6 October 1874
--in obituary of Samuel Alger:
“…embraced the Gospel in Mayfield, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in November, 1830; in September , 1836, started for Missouri, stopping in Wayne County, Indiana, in consequence of bad roads; started again the following September, and reached Randolph County, Missouri, where he resided a little more than a year, until the Saints were driven from that State: in February, 1839, left with others who were driven from Missouri, and stopped at Quincy, Illinois, where he stayed eight months, then settled in the vicinity of Bear Creek, where he stayed during the time the Saints were being burnt out by the mob, removing to Nauvoo in the fall of 1845;…”
1880 census—Solomon and Fanny W Custer, withgrandchild Ethel Vickers.
Deseret Evening News, 21 Feb 1884, p. 4—Mosiah Hancock letter to editor, 18 Feb 1884—re: some things his father told him to tell at the right time—we have this.
Saints’ Herald—Vol. 116, no. 2 (February 1969)—p. 47—challenges Hancock’s accuracy on numerous points—we have this, but we may want to make sure I used the correct date (per above) on it. (The date was not legible on the photocopy.)
Tinney, The Royal Family of Joseph Smith, 1973, c. p. 55
[Also in the Deseret News]
Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, Vol XL, no. 49 (Monday December 9, 1878, p. 788—letter of JFS and OP—here re: Orson Pratt reporting, to a Missouri crowd on his knowledge that Joseph Smith instituted polygamy:
“…Joseph actually received revelation upon that principle as early as 1831. Said, ‘Lyman Johnson, who was very familiar with Joseph at this early date, Joseph living at his father’s house, and who was also very intimate with me, we having travelled on several missions together, told me himself that Joseph had made known to him as early as 1831, that plural marriage was a correct principle. Joseph declared to Lyman that God had revealed it to him, but that the time had not come to teach or practice it in the Church, but that the time would come.’ To this statement Elder Pratt bore his testimony.”
Richard L. Anderson wrote to
Evelyn Lucile Haley Barneck
1211 S.W. 139th St.
Seattle, WA98166
in 1987, because she was listed on the Samuel Alger family group sheet (apparently as submitter)
The letter was returned as undeliverable
John Hawley Autobiography, Jan 1885, RLDS Archives; excerpts typed March 1982 by Lyndon Cook
pp. 95-96—what Wm Marks told him about his three discussions with JS on the evils of plural marriage, etc.
p. 97—wives of BY, Law, et al. sealed to JS
p. 97:
“what I heard [from] John Olger one of the first (or among the first) members of the Church toald me his Sister was Seald to Joseph in Curtlin, this he Said to me in 1868
Jno Hawley”
p. 97:
“what Erastus Snow and toald me in the year 1870/?/
they Said him and his first wife was present at the time Elisa R Snow was
given to Joseph and Emma Josephs wife was presant, and they both testify
that Emma took E Snows hand and plased it in the hand of Joseph as giveng
hur consent
Jno Hawley”
This source was apparently also published as “The Life of John Pierce Hawley Written from Memory,” started “Dow City, Iowa Jan 1, 1885,” according to first page. Last entry 1889. Born 1829, died 1909
Published by grandson of Alma Hawley, Robert Hawley, 1881[???], Hamilton, MO
Richard L. Anderson notes:
Dublin, Indiana was an intermediate way station in the migration from Kirtland—attributes this insight to Keith Perkins. Levi Hancock had been entrusted to take her to MO, but she remained in Dublin.
[Anderson also speculates Fanny may have gone to MO and then returned to Indiana.]
Richard L. Anderson notes offer some “background on Fanny Alger”—actually on Custers, from History of Wayne Co, Ind.
Richard L. Anderson has this note—which may be on Fanny Alger
DN 23:583
-Sept- 1 Feb 14 last
24 Sept 1874
Richard L. Anderson memo 12/19/78
[notes on Eliza pushed down stairs tradition—worth copying, includes:]
“I think there is a Kirtland tradition through the dubious Wyl-Webb source of the ‘brooming’ of Eliza—and claim of miscarriage: but last is not hinted in any source, unless the Lucy Meserve Smith recollection from her H GAS is a miscarriage instead of a birth.”
“3 Some doubt thrown on Eliza identity because of 2 other traditions:
- Eliza Partridge claims (in family tradition) that she was pushed downstairs. One wonders whether tradition has confused one Eliza for another.
- Ann Eliza Webb tells that Fanny Alger was forced out of house in middle of night as Emma raged in Kirtland—and that Fanny went to stay with Ann Eliza’s mother.”
Based on another Richard L. Anderson note, 11 May 1978
BFJ p. 33 had said brother John who resided in S. Utah had been introduced in St. George temple as brother of JS 1st plural wife—confirmed by Jenson’s bio. encyclopedia, p. 798—Samuel N. Alger son of John Alger: “In 1862 he went with his parents to St. George.”
girl in Kirtland—Jan 21, 1838
Lyman Sherman died 1837
More Hawley—pp. 93-94—variant account of Wm Marks reporting JS vs. polygamy—three weeks before JS’s death
Photocopy of mss. [from Tom Kimball, per note?]:
The Church Record of the Lima Branch
who belong to the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Organized Oct 23 AD 1840
Their Church Business the J. C. S. [?]
[p. 6:]
Samuel Alger—Eld.
Clarissa Alger
John Alger
Alva Alger
Samuel Alger Jr.
Thomas Alger
[p. 7:]
Clarissa Alger
Fanny Custer [may be spelled Caster or Coster]
Several family group sheets
Richard L. Anderson Notes on Benjamin F. Johnson and T. B. H. Stenhouse:
Johnson quote: cite Parkin for full details—and quote Johnson on some of left out material—where fanny went and her family and her pers. react n”
TBH Stenhouse discusses the 1835 Statement on Marriage at some length—pp. 192-194
--says BY sermon c. five years ago re: Cowdery polygamy and hence statement to cover his tracks
--argues from BY statement that JS and OC had contemplated polygamy in the first year of the church
--argues “crime” is attached only to “fornication,” not to “polygamy”