THE CAVELERO WAY Colt Pride Expectations

WE ARE: / Classroom / Hallways / Commons/
Lunchroom / After School Activities / Offices/Nurse/
Library / Bus
Committed /
  • Commit to Graduation & Beyond.
  • Make every effort to attend school every day.
  • Persevere Until Success Happens (PUSH).
  • Make your best effort to learn and use class time efficiently.
  • Show ownership of your learning and your educational goals.
  • Complete homework.
  • Contribute to the success of all.
  • Move toward class and arrive on time.
  • WALK on the right and be safe.
  • Stay academically focused.
  • Read/observe signs posted.
  • Sign in/out when leaving classroom.
  • Use a hall pass if you are leaving your wing.
  • Be courteous to others in the hallways.
  • Use lunch-time tutoring opportunities.
  • Check out healthy food options.
  • If possible, use restroom during lunch instead of class time.
  • Represent yourself & Cavelero in a positive manner.
  • Follow all directions.
  • Allot time for studies outside of school.
  • Always use chromebook for educational purposes only.
  • Respect school district property (including chromebooks).
/  Make good choices.
 Utilize resources offered appropriately. /
  • Be a safe rider.
  • Stay seated.

Outgoing /
  • Fear Less- do what is right even when it is uncomfortable and believe in yourself.
  • Be curious, listen with an open mind, participate in class discussions, share your ideas and questions.
  • Be open to possibilities, and help others.
  • Stand up for what is right.
  • Give someone a compliment.
  • Smile and greet others.
  • Be responsible for your own behavior.
  • Be a positive influence for peers.
  • Greet your teachers.
  • If you see bullying, help stop it.
  • Clean up after yourself.
  • Participate in Spirit Days.
  • Smile and introduce yourself to others.
  • Say “please” and “thank you.”
  • Invite others to sit with you.
  • Take pride in representing your school.
  • Start or join a club.
  • Attend a dance, sporting event, or school activity.
  • Take pride in creating a positive atmosphere.
/  Say “please” and “thank you.”
 Choose a book that challenges you.
 Ask for help appropriately.
 Use a hall pass to visit offices during class time. /
  • Make room for others.
  • Take responsibility for your own behavior.
  • Treat the bus respectfully.
  • Build positive relationships with driver/peers.

Loving /
  • Choose Love-unconditional love, based on choice, for all.
  • Encourage others.
  • Respect ideas of others.
  • Respect opportunities for others to learn.
  • Be willing to work with anyone; everyone matters.
  • Recognize good work done by others.
  • If stopped, move to the sides of hallway.
  • Enter on right side and walk on right side of hallways.
  • Keep hallways and doorways open for moving traffic at all times and move away from No Standing Zones.
  • Move to the side to stop & talk.
  • Listen to staff directions.
  • Keep a clean lunchroom.
  • Stay in your rightful place in line.
  • Stack chairs at the end of 3rd lunch.
  • Stay downstairs in the commons during lunch/keep wings clear.
  • Be respectful of differences.
  • Encourage others.
  • Show sportsmanship and teamwork at all times.
  • Respect others around you.
  • Support school clubs and teams.
  • Show appreciation for others.
  • Wait your turn.
  • Thank those that help you.
  • Show respect to yourself, others and all property at all times.
  • Practice courtesy when entering and exiting bus.
  • Report any concerns to the driver.

Talented /
  • We all have gifts and talents- use them to learn and help others.
  • Take pride in our school and the variety of talent.
  • Discover and develop your own talents.
  • Be encouraging.
  • Show appreciation of other people’s talents.
  • Take opportunities to share your talents during lunch.
  • Encourage others to share their talents.
  • Show talents on spirit days and through activities.
  • Show respect and appreciation for others.
  • Participate in school activities to show and improve your talents.
  • Celebrate talents of others by encouraging them.
  • Take pride in the accomplishments of all involved in our school.
/  Make suggestions for recognizing students and staff.
 Use library resources to enhance your academic talents. /
  • Compliment someone’s talent.
  • Use time to improve your own academic talents.

Scholarly /
  • Take pride in your work and seek excellence in your finished products.
  • Be responsible for your assignments/do your homework.
  • Bring materials and be prepared.
  • Seek to understand; assist others when you are finished.
  • Use technology responsibly.
  • Check email regularly.
  • Be ready when bell rings (seated, materials out, quiet)
  • Stop by locker if needed.
  • Be prepared for your next class.
  • Vending machines to be used during non-class times only.
  • Be prepared for your next class.
  • Use lunch- time tutoring opportunities.
/  Academics are first.
 Follow and meet all guidelines for your sport/ club/ activity.
 Explore new ideas-research and ask questions! /
  • Stay in class when possible.
  • Use ride time for academic work if needed.




Monday - Thursday

Warning Bell 7:15

PERIOD 17:20– 8:18 (58 minutes)

PERIOD 28:22 – 9:20(58 minutes)

PERIOD 39:24 – 10:22 (58 minutes)

1st Lunch 10:22–10:52PERIOD 4 10:26–10:56PERIOD 4 10:26–11:26

PERIOD 4 10:56–11:56 2nd Lunch 10:56 – 11:263rd Lunch 11:26– 11:56

PERIOD 4 11:30 – 11:56

PERIOD 512:00–12:58(58 minutes)

PERIOD 61:02–2:00(58 minutes)

Friday Bell Schedule

Warning Bell 7:15

PERIOD 17:20– 8:01 (41 minutes)

PERIOD 28:05 – 8:46(41 minutes)

PERIOD 38:50 – 9:31 (41 minutes)

PERIOD 59:35–10:16(41 minutes)

1st Lunch 10:16–10:46 PERIOD 4 10:20–10:50 PERIOD 4 10:20–11:20

PERIOD 4 10:50–11:50 2nd Lunch 10:50 – 11:203rd Lunch 11:20– 11:50

PERIOD 4 11:24 – 11:50

PERIOD 611:54–12:35(41 minutes)

Welcome to Cavelero Mid High School, the home of the Colts. The mission statement at our school is “Ensuring academic success through positive relationships in the classroom, school and community.” Our goal is to have our students leave prepared for any future they are willing to work for and for them to support each other along the way in order to better our community. This handbook will provide information to help all students be successful and can be found on our website under the Parents and Students tab by clicking on Student Handbook. Below are some resources you may find helpful.

Lake Stevens School District uses SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting system that allows students, staff and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration in four different ways:

1. Phone: (855) 200-50583. Email:

2. Text: (855) 200-50584. Web:

Easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue you’re concerned about. You can submit a tip anonymously online or by phone. More information, including the terms of use and privacy policy, is available at Thank you for helping to make our school community a safer place to be.

Table of Contents

ASB and Activities, Yearbooks & Athletics...... Page 4

Attendance...... Page 6

Counseling/Guidance, Schedule Changes, SAP Resources/Safety/Health...... Page 8

Emergency Drills, Medication...... Page 15

Appearance/Attire/Dress Code, Alcohol/ Other Drugs...... Page 16

Electronic Devices/Cell Phones...... Page 17

Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying...... Page19

Threats, Violent Behavior/Public Display of Affection/ Weapon...... Pages 21-22

Profanity, Obscene Gestures, Theft, Student Discipline Sanctions...... Pages 22-23

Suspension, Tobacco Policy & Academic Non-Performance, Bicycles ...... Page 24-25

Commons Area, Computer/Internet, Cumulative Violations, Hall Passes, Lockers ...... Page 25-26

Student Directories, Student Finances, Telephones, Visitor Policy...... Page 28

Student Code of Conduct...... Page 29

Student Activities & Events ...... Page 30

Whom to See

Athletics...... Mr. Granger

Announcements/Notices...... Mr. Snow

ASB Advisor...... Mr. Granger

Attendance/Pre-arranged Absences and College Bound ...... Mrs. VanWinkle

Student Behavior/Discipline...... Mr. Rosenbach (A-K) and Ms. Grinde (L-Z)

Schedules/Counseling (last name A-Go) ...... Ms. Mabren

Schedules/Counseling (last name Gr-O)...... Mrs. Reeves

Schedules/Counseling (last name P-Z)...... Mrs. Thomas

Fees, Fines, & Payments (ASB/Yearbook Purchase)……...... Mrs. Johnston

Records/Withdrawal from School...... Ms. Perfect-Reading

Library Procedures...... Mrs. Fraser

Lost & Found ...... Mrs. VanWinkle

Schedules (Activities/Facilities)………………………………..…………………..….………Mr. Granger


Cavelero Mid High has an ASB that is established to promote “good government, good sportsmanship, student activities, and the general welfare of the student[s] of Cavelero.” ASB cards may be purchased through the business office. After the opening of school, ASB cards may be purchased during lunch or before and after school. The student government has determined that all who participate in interscholastic sports, or in any organized student activity receiving ASB funds, are expected to hold an ASB card. Cavelero ASB officers welcome your ideas and input.

Attending assemblies is a privilege and following Colt Expectations (see inside front cover) is required in order to maintain that privilege. Students are expected to arrive at the assembly on time and show respect by paying attention to the speaker, remaining seated until the assembly is over, sitting where directed, and not distracting others. Students are expected NOT to socialize with their friends or use electronic devices (including cell phones) during the assembly.

  • Appropriate enthusiastic behavior is expected when students attending spirit assemblies. Students are to sit in assigned areas with assigned teacher for all assemblies.
  • Educational/guest speaker/presentation assemblies are much different than spirit assemblies. At this type of assembly students are expected to show respect to the speaker at all times and not to make any type of undue commotion.

To be eligible to participate in a school-sponsored field trip, students are required to turn in a Field Trip Permission Form (which may require parent and teacher signatures) by the required due date. In addition, teachers or programs may have additional protocols that need to be followed.

The ASB advisor must approve any publicity for elections, dances, or other school activities. The students who take the responsibility for putting up the signs must also take down the signs and tape. Posters should not be placed on painted surfaces as the tape removes the paint (use blue painters tape only). Organizations and clubs may put posters in approved areas only after receiving approval from the ASB advisor. All other posters or notices must be approved by the administration and stamped prior to being placed on the school bulletin boards and school walls.

School dances are a function of the ASB and are only for CMHS students (no guests). Students will not be allowed to leave early without parental permission. Once a person leaves a dance there will be no re-entry. Attending dances is a privilege and students must be in good standing in order to attend.

Yearbooks may be purchased before school and at lunch for the amount specified for that year. They will be sold in the business office.

The rules and regulations of WIAA, LSSD, WESCO League, and the North County League govern each athlete. Before a student may turn out for a sport he/she must complete the eligibility packet, purchase an ASB card, pay LSSD athletic participation fee, and sign the athletic eligibility participation form. Once a student spectator has entered an athletic contest, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter if he/she leaves the field/gym at any time during the course of the contest. Any student suspended from school is not eligible to participate in any school-sponsored activity. For more complete information about Cavelero Athletics or to download forms, please refer to our athletics webpage (

Athletes must attend at least three full periods during the day or secure administrative approval to be eligible to compete that day in an athletic event (which includes practice).

Interscholastic Sports, 8th grade

Fall: Boys Football, Girls Softball, Boys/Girls Cross Country

Winter I: Boys Basketball, Girls Volleyball

Winter II: Boys Wrestling, Girls Basketball

Spring: Boys/Girls Track

Interscholastic Sports, 9th grade

Fall: Football, Girls Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Swimming

Winter:Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Swimming

Spring:Baseball, Softball, Boys Soccer, Girls Tennis, Track and Field, Golf

Lake Stevens School District considers regular attendance to be a necessary part of student learning. It is the district's desire to instill a sense of responsibility in each student that will carry over into the world of work. Students, in concert with their parents/guardians, are responsible for establishing and maintaining prompt and regular attendance as prescribed in the compulsory Attendance Law of the State of Washington (RCW28A.225.020). In accordance with this, the following procedures are adopted to ensure regular attendance:

Either a written note, a phone call or excuse via Family Access from the parent/guardian is required within three (3) school days of the student’s absence, or the absence will be considered truant or personal business. After normal business hours a message may be left for our attendance office at (425)335-1629.

Definition of Terms
Absence Excused: Any absence excused by the parent/guardian in writing, by phone, or Family Access. The written note from the parent/guardian must include the date(s) of the absence and the parent/guardian signature. This must be done within three days of student returning to school. Up to five (5) excused absences can be retrieved through the attendance retrieval process.

Absence Unexcused: Any absence not verified by a note or a phone call. Unexcused absences cannot be retrieved through the attendance retrieval process. Absence Information: Ex: school related absences, field trips, athletic trips, suspensions. Tardy: Any student arriving to class without an excused legitimate note after the bell and prior to 10 minutes into the class is considered tardy. PE students must be in the locker room when the bell rings. More than ten minutes is considered an absence. Unexcused tardies cannot be retrieved through the attendance retrieval process. Three tardies are equal to one absence. Truancy: Any absence from school without parental knowledge and/or school approval that is left unexcused more than three days after student returns to school (3 periods or more).

Skipping: Any absence from class without parental/teacher knowledge and/or school approval. Skipping a class will result in a detention assignment.

Prior Permission: All pre-arranged absences of three or more days must include a Prior Permission Form which is available in the attendance office. The student is responsible for completing the form and returning it to the attendance office at least three days before the absence. Prior Permission absences will still count toward the student's 10 total absences per semester. If a Prior Permission Form is not filled out, signed by parent and teachers, and turned in prior to leaving for a prearranged absence that is three or more days, the first three days will be excused but any additional days after the first three will be unexcused - personal business.
Attendance Forgery: Automatically becomes unexcused absence – refer to misconduct and exceptional-misconduct section.

A. If a student has reason to leave school during the school day, he/she must have parental permission. Parent must show ID and sign student out in the main office. This permission can be obtained with a note from the parent brought to the attendance office prior to the time of dismissal. If a student does not have a note, he/she must come to the attendance office and call a parent for permission to leave the campus. Upon returning to school, student must bring a parent-signed note.
B. Students leaving school without first checking out with the attendance office may be considered truant. Leaving school for appointments or illness during the school day requires that students sign out at the attendance office before leaving or the absence will be declared unexcused.

• TARDY 1 - Warning and review of Tardy Policy.
• TARDY 2-6 - Consequences will be determined by the teacher (up to and including a 30 minute detention by the teacher).

• EXCESSIVE TARDIES (7 or more) will result in an Office Referral. Students with excessive tardiness shall be assigned administrative discipline. Each time a student accumulates three unexcused tardies, it will be equal to one unexcused absence.

DETENTION – One of our goals is to correct issues so they are not repeated. At Cavelero, we want the incidents that caused the detention to always be teachable moments that help our students make good choices and teach our students to follow our Colt Expectations. Detention, whether it be with a staff member or an administrator, will be served either before school, after school, or at lunch. The detention must be served within FIVE (5) days or as assigned by the teacher. If the detention time is not served, it will result in further disciplinary action and/or loss of student privileges.

Friday School may be assigned for excessive absences, tardies, and/or discipline. Friday School will take place immediately after school (12:40) and the length will be determined by administration. Friday School runs from 12:40 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (or as assigned and arranged with parent). Students will be expected to study, read, do homework, research and conduct school service. If students are disruptive or non-compliant, they will be asked to leave and progressive discipline will follow.

• Truancies may result in a detention or Friday School assignment.
• Failure to complete Friday School may result in a 1-3 day suspension from school.

Excessive Truancy (5 plus days) may result in a Snohomish County Juvenile Office Referral under Becca Truancy Law. • In addition to the above stated procedures, Cavelero Mid High also abides within the requirement of the Compulsory School Attendance Law (BECCA). Washington State Law requires the school to file a petition with the Snohomish County Juvenile Court no later than the 7th day of truancy/ unexcused absences in a school month or 10 days of truancy/unexcused absences in a school year. A day is defined as three (3) or more class periods. Reference: RCW 28A.225.035.