S4 Revision Notes

LO1 (Describe Big Bang Theory and explain why it is a challenge to Christianity)

Big Bang Theory

Ø  In the beginning everything was concentrated into a very dense spot

Ø  This spot exploded about 15 billion years ago

Ø  Everything came from this spot, including time, matter and energy

Evidence to support Big Bang Theory

Ø  The galaxies are still moving apart

Ø  The proportion of atoms found in the universe is what would be expected from this sort of explosion

Ø  Scientists can still see the remains from the explosion’s flash

Big Bang Theory is a challenge Christianity because:

Ø  The creation of the universe is seen as a natural event- there is no need for a God to make it happen

Ø  Christians believe that God created them for a higher purpose so if creation isn’t due to God humans cannot be seen as having a special purpose

Ø  It contradicts the Bible - Genesis 1 explains that God created the world in 6 days and humans were the last things he made. He rested on the 7th day.

LO2 (explain Christian responses to Big Bang Theory)

Literalist Responses

Ø  Literalists believe that the Bible is literally true – it gives scientific and historical facts

Ø  They feel that the Bible is like this because they say we cannot pick and choose what parts of God’s word to follow.

Ø  Because the Bible does not mention the Big Bang they do not think the Big Bang happened at all

Ø  They have some good criticisms of Big Bang Theory

·  Scientists cannot explain what caused the Big Bang – how can something come

from nothing?

·  Big Bang Theory has not been proven

·  Explosions normally lead to chaos - not an ordered universe

Symbolic Believer’s response

Karen Armstrong explains that there are 2 contradictory creation stories in the Bible

This is why symbolic believers say the Bible is not literally true – it contains stories with meaning that tells us about God, our relationship with God and God’s purposes

They accept the scientific evidence in support of the Big Bang so they think the Big Bang probably did happen

The Big Bang is how God chose to start the universe

Science can tell us HOW the universe began but the Bible tells us WHY it began

LO3 (evaluate the viewpoints and express a personal opinion)

strengths / weaknesses
Big Bang Theory / Ø  Strong evidence supporting the theory / Ø  Leaves the problem of how something can come from nothing
Ø  Not proven
Ø  Explosions lead to chaos, not order
Literalist response / Ø  Good criticisms of Big Bang theory / Ø  No scientific evidence to support Biblical accounts of creation
Symbolic believer’s response / Ø  Accepts scientific evidence but still has role for God / Ø  Literalists say these Christians do not have a strong faith
Ø  If God did start the Big Bang it could explain how something came from nothing
Ø  Can’t prove Big Bang but can’t prove God started it either

v  In this part of the test you are asked to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of each viewpoint.

v  After doing that you should explain which Christian response is most challenged by Big Bang Theory and why.

v  Explain which response is least challenged and why.

v  Then explain how you think the universe started and why.

Example questions: During your revision try these questions, they are similar to what you will be asked in the test. Use the notes above to help you as well as your course handouts.


Q 1. Describe the Big Bang Theory and explain why scientists thing it happened

Q 2. Explain why Big Bang Theory is a challenge to Christians


Q 1. Describe Christians' responses to Big Bang Theory


Q 1. In your opinion, how far does Big Bang Theory challenge Christian ideas about creation?