Identity Information
First name
Middle name
Last name
Title (please tick) / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Prof
Learner Birth Date / Day / Month / Year
Gender (please tick) / Male / Female
Phone number
Cell Phone number
Fax Number
Email address
ID Number
Alternate ID (Complete one of the below)
Passport Number / Foreign ID Number / None / Refugee Number / Work Permit number / Birth Certificate number
Equity (Choose one of the below)
BA = Black African / BC = Coloured / BI = Indian / Asian / Oth = Other / U = Unknown / Wh = White
Nationality (Choose one of the below)
U = Unspecified / SA = South African
ZAI = Zaire / NAM = Namibia
BOT = Botswana / ZIM = Zimbabwe
ANG = Angola / MOZ = Mozambique
LES = Lesotho / SWA = Swaziland
MAL = Malawi / ZAM = Zambia
MAU = Mauritius / TAN = Tanzania
SEY = Seychelles / ROA = Rest of Africa
EUR = European countries / AIS = Asian Countries
NOR = North American Countries / SOU = Central and South American Countries
AUS = Australia Oceania Countries / OOC = Other and rest of Oceania
NOT = N/A: Institution
Home Language (Choose one of the below)
Eng = English / Afr = Afrikaans
Oth = Other / SASL = South African Sign Language
Sep = SePedi (Also known as Northern Sotho / Sesotho sa Lebowa) / Ses = SeSotho
Set = SeTswana / Swa = SiSwati
Tsh = TshiVenda / Xho = isiXhosa
Xit = xiTsonga / Zul = isiZulu
Nde = Ndebele
Citizen Resident Code
SA = South African / O = Other / D = Dual (SA plus other) / PR = Permanent Resident / U = Unknown
Province Code (Choose one of the below)
1 = Western Cape / 2 = Eastern Cape
3 = Northern Cape / 4 = Free State
5 = Kwazulu Natal / 6 = North West
7 = Gauteng / 8 = Mpumalanga
9 = Limpopo / N = SA National (i.e. in SA but province unspecified)
X = Outside SA
Socioeconomic Status (Choose one of the below)
01 = Employed / 02 = Unemployed, looking for work
03 = Not working – not looking for work / 04 = Home-maker (not working)
06 = Scholar / Student (not working) / 07 = Pensioner / retired (not working)
08 = Not working – disabled person / 09 = Not working – not wishing to work
10 = Not working – not elsewhere classified / 97 = N/A: Age <15
98 = N/A: Institution / U = Unspecified
Disability Code (Choose one of the below)
N = None / 01 = Sight (even with glasses)
02 = Hearing (even with hearing aid) / 03 = Communication (talking, listening)
04 = Physical (moving, standing, grasping) / 05 = Intellectual (difficulties in learning) ; retardation
06 = Emotional (behavioral or psychological) / 07 = Multiple
09 = Disabled but unspecified
Disability Rating (Choose one of the below)
01 = No difficulty / 02 = Some difficulty
03 = A lot of difficulty / 04 = Cannot do at all
06 = Cannot yet be determined / 60 = May be part of multiple difficulties (TBC)
70 = May have difficulty (TBC) / 80 = Former difficulty
Immigrant Status (Choose one of the below)
01 = Immigrant / 02 = Refugee / 03 = SA Citizen
Home Address 1
Home address postal code
Home Address 2
Home address postal code
Home Address 3
Home address postal code
Postal Address 1
Postal address postal code
Postal Address 2
Postal address postal code
Postal Address 3
Postal address postal code
Current Employer
What is the main reason you are seeking to obtain this qualification:
Qualifications (Please include your academic transcripts)
Qualification / Institution / Year completed / NQF
Professional status
Are you a member of another recognized controlling body:
If yes which one:
Work Experience (Please include a detailed CV)
What is the nature of your current professional working activity:
How many years of working tax experience do you have:
What is your primary tax specialty:
Are you currently registered with an accredited skills provider, if so which one?
Employment Record
Employer / Job Title / Years of service in this job
I, the undersigned (full names and surnames with ID Number) hereby declare, that personal information supplied to the SAIT for the purposes of student enrollment and student data base requirements is accurate, up to date, is not misleading and it is complete in all respects. I undertake to immediately advise the SAIT of any changes to my personal information should any of these details change. I furthermore give the SAIT permission to process my personal information as provided above, and acknowledge that I understand the purposes for which it is required and for which it will be used.
Signed at ______on this ______day of ______201______.
Print name and Signature (Parent/spouse/guardian’s signature)
ID Number of the undersignedPOPI Act Agree
POPI Act Date / Y / Y / Y / Y / M / M / D / D