Revised December 2009
The Deacons are servant-leaders who are called by God to help organize the church to effectively meet the needs of people. They will serve as models of Christ-like service to the church family. Deacons are to serve, support and work with the Pastor and staff so that they can devote more time to prayer, Bible study and other pastoral responsibilities.
The basic Deacon responsibility is one of servant rather than a position of authority or esteem. Deacons should be positive Christ-like examples of ways to serve both the church family and the community for the glory of God.
Each Deacon will be responsible for the pastoral oversight and assimilation of the church families assigned to them. They will pray for one another, their families and serve as advisors for various situations that may arise in Community Groups or other ministry scenarios. In the event that this becomes too much for a Deacon, it is that Deacon’s responsibility toask to be termed “inactive”.
The Deacons are responsible for holding themselves and one another accountable to the purpose, responsibilities and qualifications of the Deacon Ministry, “as iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). If a Deacon is unable or unwilling to keep up with his responsibilities and is unwilling to ask to be termed “inactive”, then the Deacon body, at a meeting called for that purpose, will term that Deacon “inactive”.
Deacons will assist in the observance of the Lord's Supper and Baptism and may request assistance from other members as needed. They are also assigned weekend duties at times, that include visitation.
The Deacons will serve as peacemakers in the event that conflicts or unrepentant sin arises that needs to be taken to the church for intervention in line with following Matthew 18:15-17, Philippians 4:2-3 or 1 Corinthians 5. The Deacons will make recommendations to the church family considering the action that needs to be taken as allowed in 1 Corinthians 5:13. Deacons should be both sensitive to the needs of the church family and the individuals involved and assertive in protecting church unity and its witness to the community.
Deacons will be men who fulfill the biblical qualifications as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-12 and Acts 6:3. These qualifications must always be considered along with all of Scripture. 1 Timothy 3:8-12: "8 Deacons, likewise, are to men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. 11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well." (NIV)
Acts 6:3: "Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them…" (NIV)
Deacons should be men who are already living models of Christ-like servant-leadership. Men who are considered for the Deacon Ministry should be "tested" or "proven" members of this church for at least six months. There is no obligation to constitute as an active deacon a person who comes to the church from another church where he has served as a Deacon.
The phrase "...the husband of but one wife..." in verse 12 has been interpreted in various ways through history. Literally it means that a Deacon must be a “one-woman man”. Traditionally the church as taken the stand that this prohibits one who has been divorced from serving as a deacon. It has always been God's ideal will that a person never divorce. However, there are Scriptural examples where God permits divorce. In Matthew 19:9 Jesus gives the exception clause that allows divorce for habitual, unrepentant sexual immorality. In 1 Corinthians 7:15, Paul teaches that if a Christian is abandoned by a non-Christian then the Christian is not "bound" to maintain that relationship. It seems that the phrase "...the husband of but one wife...” when taken with the whole of Scripture, does not automatically disqualify an otherwise qualified candidate who has been divorced.
Prospective Deacons and their wives should be well known in the church, spiritually mature, and committed to faithful participation in church meetings and ministries, displaying servant-leadership in the church and willing to work together with others to fulfill the vision and mission of the church family.
- Nomination
In September (This needs to change to June )of each year, the active Deacons along with the Elders will determine the need for additional Deacons. The number of Deacons needed will be determined and a list of qualified men will be composed with the advice of the Elders. The congregation will also be invited to nominate men after gaining permission from the candidate to be nominated. All nominees must be supported by a consensus of active Deacons to be further considered. A person who has served as a Deacon in another church and has been a member of this church for at least six months may be considered as a candidate but is not automatically entitled to serve as a Deacon.
2. Screening
Nominees and their wives will be personally contactedby an Elder, the Deacon Chairman, or by a Deacon selected for that purpose to make them aware they are being actively considered. Nominees will be asked to search their hearts concerning their calling to serve in this capacity and to notify a specified person about their willingness to be further considered. If the nominee wishes to be considered further he will be provided written notification thatwill describe the purpose, qualifications, responsibilities, term of service and the selection process for the Deacon Ministry. Candidates and their wives will then be interviewed by a group consisting of the Elders, as well as the Deacon Chairman, and one other specified Deacon.
Subjects to be discussed in the interview should include the candidate’s testimony, qualifications (guide to be provided), sense of calling to serve, responsibilities, spiritual gifts and the overall purpose of the Deacon Ministry. Once the screening process is over, the screening group will report to the Deacons and will recommend to the Deacons the candidates they sense would best fill the number of positions needed. Once approved by the Deacons, these candidates will be presented by the Deacons to the church for a vote of affirmation.
Deacons will be ordained by the "laying on of hands" (Acts 6:6) at a worship service.
Deacons will commit to serve until they elect to be "inactive", or they are termed "inactive" by the Deacon body for cause.EachDeacon will be asked in September of each year to recommit for active service for the next year.Those whochoose not to recommit will be put on the "inactive list" for one full calendar year. At the end of the calendar year that inactive Deacon may, with the approval of the Deacons become active again or continue his inactive status. Depending on the circumstances, the Deacons may choose to put an inactive Deacon on the "Reserve Deacon List". The "Reserve Deacon List" is for Deacons of Living Hope Bryan who choose to become "inactive", with the approval of the Deacons, due to certain circumstances that may prevent them from performing all their functions for a definite period of time. When the number of active Deacons required becomes insufficient because of the death, moving away, removal, or incapacity to serve ,etc., the Deacons may recall a Deacon from the "Reserve Deacon List" to serve. If there are no Deacons on this list then the selection process may be initiated.
The size of the Deacon Body is determined the needs of the church body.
The Deacons will select the Deacon Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary from among themselves to help organize and assist them in carrying out their purpose and responsibilities. These officers will rotate as follows: Chairman to no position, Vice Chairman to Chairman; Secretary to Vice-Chairman. In the event that a Deacon officer chooses not to serve an office in a succeeding year, the Deacons will select from among them someone to take that Deacon’s position. A Deacon will normally serve in each office for one year.
(I think you are meeting once a month on the 3rd Sunday)
Active Deacons shall meet quarterly on the first Sunday of each quarter or at a time decided upon by the Deacons. Discussions about the Ministry of the church, as it relates to the Deacons, and prayer, rather than business matters of the church, will be the primary focus of these meetings.