ACCH Board Meeting

Date/Time: March 19, 20153:30 pm Location:CDPHP

Attendance:Bill Gettman, Kathy Leyden, Liz Hitt, Mary Campagna, Lillian Moy,Donna Maylath, Stephen Lape, Joe Sluszka, Pat Damberg,Michelle Sandoz-Dennis, Tess Cleary

Phone:Nancy Andriano

Absent:Faye Andrews,Kristen GirouxTom Coates,Christine Rodriguez,Peter Ragsdale,

Call to order/Approval of Minutes

Approval of Board Minutes from 2.19.15, clarification to be added regarding Lillian participating in a personal capacity only during discussion about the Town of Colonie proposal; motioned by Lillian, seconded by Donna, all approve. Membership Minutes from 1.26.15 motioned by Bill and second by Pat, all approve.

Old Business

Town of Colonie Proposal: Tom and HATAS both drafted letters to voice concern. The Town Board passed the 28 day ruling. Timothy Nichols of the Albany County Legislature met with Bill and Liz to discuss the impact and next steps as he will be taking the lead on the matter.

Letters of Support: Governance Committee tasked with creating a process for the request and provision of Letters of Support on behalf of the ACCH. In the interim, a form letter will be used. The two letters provided to AHC and Solider On will be shared with the Board.

New Business

Pilot of Coordinated Assessment: The Systems Committee and the two subcommittees that developed created both an assessment form and process. On 3/23 the assessment form will be used at DSS and HATAS and the pilot of the process will begin on 4/1. The pilot will include DSS, HATAS, Interfaith as the shelter, and potentially any CoC-funded PSH program. The pilot will begin with single individuals that have been deemed homeless by DSS. The pilot will last 90 days and be reevaluated before continuing to Phase 1 of implementation which will involve other shelters. Today the announcement was made to PSH providers explaining the process. The volunteer coordinator will require a lot of time and effort and funding for sustaining and the growing responsibility will be pursued. DSS is already finding the form helpful and effective. DSS is looking forward to full implementation as a positive impact is already evident. The Assessment form will be made available at the Membership meeting 3/23.Discussion on integrating the City Mission, a large shelter provider and the growing importance of their data to the CoC.

Committee Updates

Governance:Will be meeting prior to the May board meeting to establish the new policy around the request for letters of support.

Operations:Has been meeting monthly; Data Memos were completed and given to the agencies/projects. One agency has been chosen for the new monitoring process to commence, it will be a site visit/file review by a team of committee members. The committee’s goal is to begin monitoring on the local level. The APR review process will continue.

Systems Collaboration: See Pilot Coordinated Assessment above.

NOFA: Next meeting 4/13. Additional sources of funding will be pursued, specifically from Medicaid redesign will be presented at the May Membership meeting.

Collaborative Applicant Report

The Grant Inventory Worksheet came out early, it was completed and HUD HQ has approved. Housing Inventory and Point in Time Count (1.29.15) process began early, the membership received training, all forms received and reporting will begin momentarily. The next workshop Wednesday is 3/25 at 2pm with Jill Casey and Elizabeth McClam for HUD Buffalo. 4/15 is tentatively scheduled as CUCS to present a database for Coordinated Assessment.


The MESH project will be transferring to AHC this year and subdivided with Albany Damien Center the following year.

The Mayor’s Challenge (Veterans Count) took place the same week as the Point In Time Count. There were 19 literally homeless vets.

HMIS Medicaid Outreach Project – connecting CDPHP clients by a referral through HMIS, goal to establish PCP utilization, incentives included, and a nurse case manager is given permission to reach out to members at shelter.

Code Blue Numbers will be formerly presented to Membership in May. Initial reports from providers indicate that the Interfaith Safe Haven project provided 3,324 shelter beds between Nov 18th, 2014 and March 15th, 2015. Interfaith reported 274 unduplicated persons served. The Capital City Rescue Mission reported 1,812 shelter beds provided to 89 unduplicated consumers.

LASNNY- assessment of legal needs of veteran clients.

AHC – six permanent housing beds for veterans available in Schenectady.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Tess Cleary, CARES, Inc.

In coordination with Liz Hitt, ACCH Secretary