2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template

The final plan should be no longer than four pages.

School Name: / Scenic Hills Elementary
Accountability status: / Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable.
Analysis of last year’s final results: / Areas of Greatest Progress: / Areas of Greatest Challenge:
3rd Grade Math : 1.3% gain from the 2014 target AMO goal of 41.4% to 42.7%
3rd – 5th Science: 15.6% gain from 25.8% in 2013 to 41.4% in 2014 / 3rd - 5th RLA - 2.4% loss from the 2014 target AMO goal of 31.2% to 28.8%
3rd - 5th Math -1.5% loss from the 2014 target AMO goal of 34% to 32.5%
Underlying Reasons for Progress: / Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Gains for 3rd grade in Math may be attributed to the following: 1). Third grade had common planning time and meet weekly during PLC’s to discuss lesson plans for the upcoming week as well as what content needs to be re-taught using their weekly common
Assessment and Discovery Formative Assessment in determining necessary interventions. 2). Third grade teachers reviewed student work weekly to determine which students are in need of individual instruction. 3). Teachers implemented Responsive Classroom and Morning Meeting Strategies to re-teach skills. 4). Teachers differentiated with small group instruction (including technology), practicing, developing, and demonstrating skills learned in classroom instructions. 5). 3 x 3 Test Prep Model was implemented daily.
6). Data was disaggregated weekly to monitor student performance. 7).Centralized instruction for bubble students. They were placed in COHORTS based on individual and group needs. 8). Teachers teaching 3rd grade participated in additional Professional Development. 9). Teachers implemented the UNRAAVEL strategies in Math and in Science. 10). Teachers implemented Bloom’s strategies with a high level of fidelity. 11). More emphasis placed on assuring that all students have ample materials and technology to allow them to improve achievement. 12). Tutoring was provided on twice a week (Extended Contract) 13). Staff refined lesson plans and activities to assure that all of our students have the opportunity to learn. / Although students met safe harbor goals for both reading and math in 2014, significant improvement is still needed to make the states’ AMO goals to avoid the bottom 5%. Scenic Hills revamped its instructional practices to include several new programs, strategies and intervention opportunities to assist students in meeting their full academic potential. Co-teaching model has been implemented in grade 2-5, including interventionists and resource teacher during reading and math rotations. In order to create a program that builds on both teacher and student strengths, both vertical and horizontal PLC teams have been created where teacher’s share goals, objectives and re-teaching strategies. The Leadership team at SHE works diligently to maximize instructional time and assist teachers in delivering content specific lessons. An uninterrupted Instructional block has been implemented school-wide. All students in grades 3-5 report to support class after a specified instructional block. The Professional Learning Coach and Principal use a weekly schedule to monitor instructional delivery at various times through-out the day. Grade 2-5 are departmentalized based on the individual teachers TVAAS scores and overall subject proficiency. These teachers make up our vertical teams. We have also created a skills based calendar known as 3 x 3 and using the morning message as a reinforcement tool.
Goals for 2014-15 school year: / * Please consult with your district regarding goals and AMO targets for Achievement and Gap Closure.
Plan for this school year: /
  1. Scenic Hills Elementary will increase student performance school-wide in Reading/Language Arts from 28.8% to 35.6% proficient and advance by 2015 in grades 3-5.
  2. Scenic Hills Elementary will increase student performance school-wide in Mathematics from 32.5% to 38% proficient and advance by 2015 in grades 3-5.
  3. Scenic Hills Elementary will increase student performance school-wide in Science from 41.4% to 50% proficient and advance by 2015 in grades 3-5.

  1. Strategy: :Use district mandated interventions and best practices in the classroom faithfully with fidelity
Implementation PlanScenic Hills Elementary will implement the district mandated interventions iReady and Istation with fidelity. This will be conducted with LEA’s establishing a team that will meet regularly to ensure the fidelity of the instruction and interventions, as well as make data-based decisions regarding appropriate student placement in interventions. The school teams will ensure that interventions are implemented with integrity. Interventions will be matched to specific area (s) of deficit for each student. Students will also create and utilize data folders to help track and monitor their progress. Teachers will implement best practices such interactive notebooks, the use of manipulatives, Curriculum Based Measures, technology such as classroom computers.
Desired outcomes:Increase proficiency in reading and math in grades 3-5 in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources: $200.00
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Utilizing school level and district mandated interventions will help provide differentiated instruction and accommodate all learning styles. It will also integrate technology into the instruction and provide teachers with precise feedback and data that can be utilized for corrective teaching.
  1. Strategy:Parental Involvement
Implementation Plan: Offering opportunities for parents to actively participate in their child’s learning process by providing Skate Night, Family Math/Science Night, Provide Parent Literature on reading and math strategies, send home monthly grade level newsletters, utilizing community partners to motivate parents and offer information about literacy, parenting skills, work, and education.
Desired outcomes: Increase proficiency in reading and math in grades 3-5 in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources:$1,000 Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:Parental involvement is consistently associated with higher levels of achievement, and the magnitude of the effect of parental effort is substantial. Parental involvement will help increase teacher morale and the ability of teachers to address the needs of individual students. Parental presence will also increase student motivation.
  1. Strategy:Increase Professional Development in reading, math and science.
Implementation Plan:To provide professional development from district level personnel, provide building level professional development, provide necessary instructional materials/resources, classroom technology, web-based resources, and analyze TCAP/SAT 10 data on assigned data days. We will also Implement vertical team meetings; utilize strategies obtained from district level and outside resources such as Larry Bell’s 12 powerful words and UNRAAVEL strategies.
Desired outcomes: Increase proficiency in reading, math and science in grades 3-5 in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources:$5,000.00 Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: This strategy will equip the teachers with the knowledge and skills to enhance their teaching strategies, while addressing areas of refinement. It will also motivate teachers to use different materials and technology to present new content strategies and skills to the students in an innovative way
Key benchmarks for progress on strategies: / Benchmark: / Timeline:
All teachers will disaggregate data for instructional planning, intervention and enrichment. / Every week in PLC meetings
Instructional best practices, quality work samples, pacing guides and curriculum maps will be reviewed weekly to ensure all students are achieving at high levels. / Weekly PLC agendas and minutes will be submitted and reviewed by administrative staff
After each formative assessment A, B and C, teachers will implement proper protocols for the use of data with re-teaching and small group sessions. / October 15-18 - 1st formative assessment
December 2-20 - 2nd formative assessment
February 24-March 21 -3rd formative assessment
Administration will distribute and monitor monthly common assessments. / Data will be reviewed weekly by administrative staff for proficiency
Administration will monitor district initiatives Istation Implementation-Utilizing four critical components,Istation provides teachers with Internet-based intervention a systematic and comprehensive program
that helps all students reach their
highest potential. iReady Implementation pinpoints students’ needs, provides data-driven insights and support of the new standards and predicts student performance on the state assessment. / Weekly Istationand iReady Math Reports will be reviewed by administrative staff
Networking with other schools in the district participating in networking meetings, summer institutes, forums, national conferences and visiting other schools. / Written feedback from other schools, ideas and strategies will be shared with faculty in an organized professional development session two weeks after attending
My Learning Plan - professional development management system is a web-based tool that helps school districts manages all aspects of in-district and out-of-district professional learning in one comprehensive online system. / transcripts will be monitored twice a school year, at the end of each quarter